Could Invisalign with IPR or elastics reduce protrusion?

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Could Invisalign with IPR or elastics reduce protrusion?

#1 Post by Jjosephine94 »

I just got braces off to close open bite with palate expander and elastics. However I am not happy with how protruded and slanted my teeth look. Could Invisalign with IPR or elastics help reduce protrusion?

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Re: Could Invisalign with IPR or elastics reduce protrusion?

#3 Post by jem »

I think your teeth look lovely. I don't see any obvious protrusion. Can you close your lips fully?

If you are unhappy with your treatment outcome, I suggest you discuss with your orthodontist.

What sort of retainers do you have? Perhaps some IPR in combination with slightly activated hawleys might push your teeth a little further inwards?

Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months
. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)

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Re: Could Invisalign with IPR or elastics reduce protrusion?

#4 Post by djspeece »

I would agree with Jem. especially with his recommendation for discussing the issue with your ortho. It looks as though your front teeth are angled outwards a bit, which may be necessary in your case to ensure a functional bite. But in any event, your teeth look very good to me, and I wish you the best of luck to achieve complete happiness with the ultimate result.

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