Pain Pain Pain!

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Pain Pain Pain!

#1 Post by Tara971 »

So remember how I said that my orthodontist was going to speed up my treatment so I would have them off by August when I leave for college? Great idea right?

I'm in pain!!!!!!! I've been pretty good about the pain with my braces.. mild elastic pain with my last configuration (which was very simple and easy to get used to) and tolerant with powerchains every once in awhile.. Well now I have double powerchains (he overlapped them..each side on top and bottom) and my old elastic, plus a new one that HURTS! I couldn't get any sleep last night because of it. Today I didn't wear my elastics at all (did wear them last night, and will tonight) because I thought maybe it would be easier if I got used to my powerchains first... I don't know. I've taken tylenol and been putting an ice pack on my cheeks like I did when I first got braces.. but goodness, i don't know if I can deal with this stuff for 8 months!! I think he's just trying to get my spaces to close though.. then hopefully the powerchains will cease to exist and I will just have the elastics. :o\ Sorry for the whining, I just knew you all would understand!

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#2 Post by Tara971 »

Well, my original debanding date was supposed to be in October, so we decided that it would just be a hassle to contact another ortho, and start the payment process all over again for 2 months, so the conclusion was to speed up treatment, which is what I want, no question. Yes, I will have to "grin and bear it" :o) Or at least try...

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#3 Post by Flora2006 »

I really hope the pain goes away soon!! Pain is never fun and I find that pain in the mouth is one of the worse one can have.
Last edited by Flora2006 on Wed Feb 08, 2006 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#4 Post by Silverware »

Tara, I recommend that you take Advil for the pain as opposed to Tylenol. Advil (Ibuprofen) is an anti-inflammatory which is recommended for dental pains. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is a muscle relexant and is not really suited for this type of pain.

Aside from pills, have you looked into a local anesthetic cream? It can be rubbed onto the gum line when you go to bed so that you can sleep easier. It will basically make wherever you rub it completely numb for an hour or so (depending on how much you use).

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Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:00 pm

#5 Post by Tara971 »

Thanks everyone :o) I just needed to vent. Flora, I would be about 20 hours away, and I do want them off before I start it's a little bit of both. That's great that you were able to work that out with your orthodontist! Silverware.. I hadn't really thought of that, I'll start taking advil.. thank you!

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