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Tips for Successful Holiday Eating with Braces or Clear Aligners

Holiday Food Turkey Pecan Pie

Eating can be quiet a challenge when you have braces on your teeth — especially when you are faced with tempting holiday food for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or other November/December/January holidays! Brackets often poke into your gums and cheeks, and you just can’t seem to chew properly. It’s not just a problem for kids, either!

When you have braces, you may find that your teeth don’t touch the way they did before, which changes the way you chew.  As your treatment continues and your teeth shift, you may continually need to adapt to biting and chewing in a slightly different way. Patience is the key! Here are a few tips to make it easier for you and your kids to cope this holiday season:

Celebrating the holidays with orthodontic braces may be challenging, but you can get through it successfully with a little forethought, adapted recipes, and the right dental products.

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