Lingual changed my smile for the worse

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Lingual changed my smile for the worse

#1 Post by Gilda »

I don't know what to do. I am 40 years old I wanted invisiligh to bring down my two front teeth, that was the only thing that bother me, I shouldn't have done anything as people always said that I had a beautiful smile. I got interested in fix my teeth because I heard about invilinigh ,regular braces were not an option for me.
One of the consultations the ortho said I would have a better result with lingual braces instead of invisiligh, unfortunately I fell for that. He gave an estimate treatment time of 8 months. It has been 9 months and my smile looks awful my teeth in the front don't touch. I kept gradually looking worse sense puting braces on, once I asked in this forum and people assured me that it looks worse before it can look better. I finally presured the ortho to tell me what was going on he finally admited that the lingual wasn't working and in fact made the teeth worse, he said the manufacter (damon) assured him that it would work. He than suggested removing teh lingual and puting braces on the outside and the very next day I had damon braces on. After puting them on he said I would stay with them for 6 motnhs. I was furious. I looked in the mirror and hated the look.
I am so mad at my self for messing up with what once was a beautiful smile.
Went back there and told the ortho that it didn't make any sense to have paid for lingual and now have to wear regular braces to fix what the lingual did.
He offer to put invisiligh. I asked if invililigh woud work as now it was no longer to fix my two front teeth but so many teeth that the lingual shifted to the wrong directions. He said it would fix but would take a long time.
What should I do?
I hate this braces.
I want invisiligh but this ortho is not experienced with it.
This ortho doesn't do ceramic braces which could also be an option.
Should I ask for my money back and go to another ortho for the ceramic braces?
Should I ask my money back and go to another ortho for the inviligh as this ortho doesn't have much experience with it. In this case would cost me a lot as this ortho wouldn't be charging for the inviligh.
Plese help me out here I have a meeting with the ortho this week to make a decision.

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Really sorry to hear about this, Gilda.

In the first instance, I'd be talking to your ortho about how unhappy you are and why. If you have lost confidence in him, further treatment with invisalign doesn't sound like a good idea; it would be better to move on and seek treatment elsewhere. You can certainly inquire as to whether he will refund you at least part of your fee. He can only say no. I'm not sure which country you're in, but if there's an organisation that can advise you what your rights are, maybe it's worth approaching them too as a back up.

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#3 Post by langers »

This sucks...Good luck!!

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#4 Post by Gilda »

I had a meeting with the ortho yesterday; he was very understanding of my ordeal and resolved the issue to my satisfaction.

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#5 Post by BlahBlah »

How can linguals make ur teeth look worse :?: :shock:
I dont get it.. i dont think its the linguals but its the actual ortho...

Why cant u just stay in linguals and fix the problem... u know.. he can re bond them etc.. so this time it works....

Anyhow.. so wats the outcome with ur ortho?? Hope ur happy now and everything works out for the best....

Peace out Gilda

Posts: 36
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#6 Post by Gilda »

Two months has passed I waited to receive my refund before posting here. What happened back then was that the ortho offered full refund and to do the treatment for free. He told me that the lingual made my teeth move to the wrong positions and he said - The manufacture assured that it would work!!
That made me wonder if he was trying something new on me. He told me that he just came from a training for lingual braces when I went there. He told me that he will no longer do lingual braces.
Anyway when I posted here months ago asking why my smile looked worse it was not a matter of looking worse before it look better. Things were actually going wrong.
I already see a tremendous improvement from what the lingual caused. Another two to four months and this regular braces should be off.

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#7 Post by pucca26 »

I think the problem is the doctor and no the lingual braces. They were fantastic for me.
Upper Lingual Braces - On, April 7th, 2006 - Off, August 23rd, 2007
Lower Inspire Ice Braces - On, June 9th, 2006 - Off, January 3rd, 2008

Jay Tea
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#8 Post by Jay Tea »

get your money back

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#9 Post by Gilda »

He refunded the whole amount. This is a case where we both lost. He lost money as he not only refunded the whole amount but he spent money with two sets of braces put on my teeth, besides all the money spent with adjustments (his work and his assistants). At least I have my money refunded as the traditional braces have never been an option for me I went there for Invilighe and he convinced me to do the lingual. And now I have to use traditional to fix the what the lingual did.
Still I can't believe he refunded the money, he really wanted to make it right with me.

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#10 Post by browneyedgrl »

He totally did right by you.
Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


Miss Smiley
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#11 Post by Miss Smiley »

Gilda, you should be ecstatic that you received a full refund. Sorry to hear that the linguals didn't work for you. It really would have been nice to know that he was not very experienced with linguals from the get go. Let by gones be by gones, he is working on correcting that mistake. I hope this round goes quickly for you!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#12 Post by Gilda »

The braces were removed, the money refunded and I tomorrow I am going for a fourth opinion about my teeth. My smile looks odd after the removal of the braces, my four front teeth are higher than the side teeth the whole upper right are sticking out. I thought invigilign or veneers were going to fix but the orthos I have been seeing said only regular braces can bring my four front teeth down. They also don't understand why my original ortho put me in lingual they said invigilile would have done a good job in less time.
Please anyone considering lingual make sure the ortho is certified to do this type of work, make sure he is experienced.

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#13 Post by rolo »


Sorry you have had such a hard time. That's such rotten luck. I hope you find an orthodontist who can give you a smile you are happy with.

Incognito / IBraces insist orthos go on one of their courses prior to using their products. The setting up of braces cases is done by Incognito/IBraces, and sent on molds of teeth, they claim this reduces likelyhood of error by the orthodontist. If anyone has any info on other brands maybe they could post.

With regard qualifications of orthodontists, I'm not sure what the system is in States, in the UK anyone who is a dentist can call themselves an orthodontist (this would be a problem whatever type of braces they use). However a "SPECAILIST" orthodontist has to have additional training.

The British association of orthodontists, and british association of lingual orthodontists are both have lists of practioners. Incongito / IBraces list accredited practioners on their websites.

Also whilst the vast majority of patients are happy with treatment with conventional braces, there is the odd patient that unfortunately has had a negative experience. So maybe this negative outcome could have occured with conventional braces too.

Gilda, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I hope this reply helps anyone looking for a lingual orthodontist.

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