For those self-pay ortho patients

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For those self-pay ortho patients

#1 Post by missingu »

I read on the Braces Stories column a comment that one should never pay up-front, in full, for braces. I guess for fear that the ortho could abscond or something, I don't know.

For those, either US or international, who are paying for braces out-of-pocket, is anyone paying up-front, in full (and getting the discount) or are most people paying a down payment with monthly installments?

It never dawned on me that paying in full would be a bad idea. What do other people do?

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#2 Post by lionfish »

I'm in Oz and paid the lot up front. I got a 5% discount.

The ortho was recommended by my regular dentist, who I've been seeing for about 20 years. I trust him (regular dentist) implicitly and I trust his recommendation.

I'm quite comfortable with having paid the lot (and it wasn't a small amount because I've got linguals on top). It also means that I'm psychologically committed to seeing the process through to conclusion. Or that's the way I rationalise it anyway.

As you are wont to say, it's all about choice.

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#3 Post by perfectangel818 »

my ortho never gave me an option. told me 220 per arch at banding, and 155/month.
I couldn't have paid upfront regardless, plus it's interest free financing.



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#4 Post by missingu »

lionfish wrote:
As you are wont to say, it's all about choice.

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Location: emerald city, oz

#5 Post by lionfish »

missingu wrote:
lionfish wrote:
As you are wont to say, it's all about choice.
Refer your post on the lingual thread (15 April, I forget the time, because it's 16 April where I am).

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#6 Post by Leslie022 »

Nope, I had the option but decided to make monthly payments instead.
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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#7 Post by Flora2006 »

I had the choice of paying full with a discount or pay montly. I chose montly payments because I'm a university student so I don't have THAT much money at once! But I usually pay more that I have to just because I want to get it over with...

I figure that if I would have paid in full and something would have happenned and the ortho would have bailed...I would sue lol ;)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#8 Post by Iceolated »

I had the option to pay up front with a 5% discount if paid by check or cash or a 2.5% dicsount if paid with a credit card. Since I didn't have the full amount ($5100) available in a lump sum I chose to place a down payment and pay the rest in monthly payments by credit card.

I find it better to make payments since my ortho charges no interest and while he is getting a monthly payment, my money is earning interest while it sits in the bank. I put my monthly charges on my American Express card which has no interest rate so it was win-win for me.



Metal uppers May 2, 2006
Metal lowers September 12, 2006
Finally Nekkid July 11, 2007

With braces - pain is gain...

Some things money can't buy.
Thank God great looking teeth aren't one of them.

“But to see her was to love her, Love but her, and love foreverâ€

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I paid all up front

#9 Post by noppi »

I liked my ortho and the staff. I wanted to get as much discount as I could. Later I thought about whether or not it was a bad idea to pay all up front...but then again my ortho said that he will take my braces off, polish my teeth, and then put them back on just for my wedding so I figured good deal. 8% discount! :D
11/11/05~8 Spacers
11/21/05~Spacers off, 8 metal bands
04/13/06~4 extract
04/18/06~1st adjust after extract

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#10 Post by kirst1583 »

I paid mine in installments.

An initial amount ($1200 or something similar) on the day of banding and then $550 every 3 months.

If I had the money I would've paid it all up front though.


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#11 Post by drazda »

I pay $500 down payment, and $125 a month for 3,500 total. I wasn't given the option for a lump sum payment, I wouldn't want to do it like that anyway.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#12 Post by celiviel »

I wasn't given the option to pay in full, though I did get a discount because my insurance doesn't cover it.

I made a $292 down payment and $190/mo for 20 months.

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#13 Post by OneTime »

There was an option to pay full up front or to do monthly installments. I decided to do monthly base on the money I don't have. The price was right for 24 months.
My other option was to pay in full with a 10 percent discount. I didn't go that route, just in case I wanted to change orthos.

In process...
4 spacer and upper braced 1/10
Spacer removed and fully braced 1/24
Final 05/15/08

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#14 Post by Michal »

I paid $650 up front and $120 every visit. A little costly up front when the visits were really close together. Not so bad now that I go every 4 weeks.

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#15 Post by braces4me »

I paid $1000 down payment and $164 a month for 30 months. Had I paid upfront I would have gotten a 5% discount, but seeing as my braces are costing over $7K I didn't have this much to pay upfront. My orthodontist is highly recommended here so had I had the funds I would have paid it all upfront.

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