So I had upper and lower jaw surgery done on Wednesday. It apparently went really well, but I'll be completely honest in saying that the following days were absolutely hell. I had an extreme amount of difficulty breathing, swallowing, etc. It was probably the most horrific experience of my entire life, but I've made it through this far. It feels so surreal being on the other side of this, knowing that the worse is over. I'm have an overwhelming amount of love and support from my friends and family, and I seriously don't think I would have survived without them. I'm finally starting to get a handle on using the syringe, and I'm not enjoying all the meds I have to take, but I know the importance of taking them. I'm already sick of Ensure and Boost, so have been drinking lots of Yop (that yogurt type drink) and fruit juices. My swelling is already starting to go down, and everyone says I look good. I'm also starting to feel the pressure of my jaws being held together by elastics, and it's a really weird, but good, feeling. The only thing I'm really struggling with (besides getting the kids' ibuprofen down without gagging, believe it or not) is that I am finding it impossible to sleep. The recliner seemed like such a good idea when we first thought of it, but it's uncomfortable. I guess it's just something to get used to. They told me that I'm young and healthy, so I'll bounce back quickly, and I can already feel myself bouncing back. For the most part, I feel absolutely awesome. I don't think I'm going to be out of school for a month like they told me...heck, if I continue to make leaps and bounds like I have been, I could go back next week!! I can't wait to feel back to normal, and with a new smile to boot. It was my 18th birthday yesterday (that's the legal age in Alberta), and I can't wait to actually go out and celebrate. Does anyone have any suggestions for eating/sleeping?