Any other runners with metal braces?

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#16 Post by juliejewels »

Hi Kate, Congrats on your braces. I get mine on 12/21...whoo-hoo. I am a runner and cyclist. Hopefully I can learn some tips from the replies to your post. I never thought the running could create rubbing. Maybe I will be cycling more.

My boyfriend had braces from age 37-40. He ran 4 marathons during that time and several half marathons. He never mentioned any pain, but due to the braces and the earing changes, he dropped 20lbs and got to his lightest running weight ever!

I did not know my BF back then, but he is super supportively of me getting my braces now and is already offering lots of tips. Good luck with your braces and running.


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#17 Post by PARR »

I don't marathon, but I do jog a few miles regularly. Water and wax, and I chew sugarless gum. (probably not good for a marathon)

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Cool Running

#18 Post by KateinCO »

Hi Juliejewels and Parr!

Thanks for the info and the support. As I have told other folks, I guess I was pretty fearful of having to change my life a lot because of braces, but that appears not to be the case. With running, as other folks have said, we just have to be a little more careful about staying hydrated. The first time I ran after getting braces, I did not feel any rubbing or chafing thanks to the dental wax, but my lips started sticking to my brackets a bit. Again, water (and lip balm!) is key as always during distance events.

I am really excited to get back into full blown training after the holidays (I have some sutures on my leg right now from some minor surgery). The one big plus, as Julie pointed out, is that I am eating less than I normally do primarily because I do not eat between meals anymore. This means I won't put on weight through the holidays since I am not just grabbing fudge and cookies all the time. It would be great to lose some weight prior to starting speedwork in January. My plan is to run a half-marathon in Fort Collins in May as well as couple others this summer here in CO. Then, it will be off to San Fran for an October marathon.

Don't let the braces stop your running! I have heard from loads of people now who have marathoned through it. I guess it just adds one more factor to consider during your run.

Best wishes with your b-day, Juliejewels!! I am glad you have such a great guy helping you through it!!


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#19 Post by trident58 »

I just got braces 5 days ago, and it does take a bit of getting used to while you are training. I'm an avid triathlete (3 full ironmans and about 50 mid-distance) and the irritation from braces can really throw you off your stride. The biggest problem I have is that hard efforts make me grit my teeth- bad idea with braces. I've had to get into the habit of running with my mouth slightly open- you do get dehydrated a lot faster, so drink a lot more. Also putting vaseline on your lips keeps them from getting all cracked and bleeding. I also do a lot of trail running, and the jarring sometimes makes my teeth bump together. Solution for this was to get one of those football mouthguards (the kind you first boil in water so they mold against your teeth). I only wear it on fast downhill sections, so it doesn't impede breathing too much.
Good Luck!

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#20 Post by KateinCO »

Hey Trident!

It sounds like you are already a pro after just 5 days! That is awesome! I - like you - tend to have my mouth open a little bit when I am running. This was obviously not a problem before because I would just take a sip from my water bottle. Now, though, I find that I do need to hydrate a little more frequently ... and vaseline on the lips is a great tip. I use lip balm, but that tends to fade more quickly than vaseline.

Have not needed the mouthguard yet ... I hike but do not do a lot of trail running because my uncoordinated nature keeps me tripping over rocks even at a walk! :lol:

Good luck with your training!!

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Runner with braces

#21 Post by karylarizona »

I am a runner and cyclist, 54, and my biggest experience with the braces is they get COLD.....REAL cold. Guess I don't breathe through my nose enough, but this is my experience. It hasn't stopped me yet. Mouthguards didn't fit my bite, so that didn't work to keep them warmer. On the bike I put a bandana over my mouth which helps, but don't seem to do do this when running.

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