Any other runners with metal braces?

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Any other runners with metal braces?

#1 Post by KateinCO »

Hi everyone!

This forum has been so helpful to me in my moments of doubt! All your great attitudes have kept me motivated as I embark on 18-24 months in Damon braces to correct some crowding and a crossbite, plus the associated malocclusion. I have to say it has been a tough first couple days in metal brackets on the bottom and top. I feel like I have a refrigerator or some other major appliance stuck in my mouth, and I also find it a little hard to talk. Eating is also a challenge as I find the bulk of my meal stuck in strange places, but I am starting to learn how to keep the food in the right spot while chewing. Cosmetically, the metal is more prominent than I thought it would be, which is tough since I am single and 36 years old. I feel like I will be alone for a lot of future weekend nights! :cry:

My big question for folks is about running. I am a marathoner .... as you can imagine, I am pretty worried about how I might fare running long distances with all that metal rubbing the inside of my mouth. I went for a six miler today (first run since I got braces on Thursday, 12/6), and other than feeling like my top lip was sticking to my braces, I did not have too much discomfort. Is anyone else out there a distance runner, and do you have any advice for me?

Kate in Colorado

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#2 Post by ilovemacs »

Hi, I do cross country at my high school. It is very important you keep hydrated (drink LOTS of water), and then your lips won't stick to your braces. Good luck! :D

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#3 Post by LateStarter »

Hi Kate!

I'm probably going to be getting metal brackets upper and lower as well, and while I know I'll probably be a bit self-conscious for a while, I don't think I'd be any less so if I had clear brackets. For various reasons, I think the metal ones are right for me.

I can't offer any advice about running, but I did want to wish you all the best for your treatment :)


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#4 Post by KateinCO »

Hey everyone --

Thanks for the great support! Karen and ilovemacs, you are absolutely right about hydration, I am finding. Last night, I had some red wine with friends. I woke up in the middle of the night with pretty bad dry mouth which was very uncomfortable - all the wires and metal felt far more prickly! Looks like I will have to limit how much I drink (maybe one glass if at all) since alcohol dehydrates so much! Ilovemacs, it is great to know there are other runners out there with braces.

Karen, thanks so much for the welcome. I have seen your posts all over this forum, and I have been inspired by your story as well. Thank you so much for your support to all of us not to mention all the outstanding advice!!! Best to you with your orthodontics!

Latestarter, thanks! Yep, I hear the metal brackets tend to have quicker results than ceramic with less breakage (cheaper too!) ... I am hoping that if I follow all the instructions of my orthodontist, I will be able to get these things removed at the early end of my treatment if not sooner! Good luck - I know you must be excited to get started with your braces!

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#5 Post by MikeCordell »

I'm active duty military so I definitely have to run from time to time. I've found that hydration and wax are the most important things to address for longer runs. Even the most hydrated runner will experience dry mouth at some point so if you have a spot that is chronically sensitive put some wax on it prior to running. I have the same problems when mountain biking.

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#6 Post by MikeCordell »

double post....

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#7 Post by ilovemacs »

I agree with Mike as well! :D

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Great Advice

#8 Post by KateinCO »

Thanks to Ken, Mike and Ilovemacs ... that is all good information. You would think most of this would be intuitive, but it just is not! So much easier to learn from people who have already been down this road than to figure it out through trial and error. I run marathons, so I am obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed! (Mom always asks why I don't just drive the 26.2 miles since I own a functioning car.) The day I got my braces, I had the same feeling I get right before a race when I wonder why I am putting myself through the pain. Just like the marathon, you have to visualize the end to make it to the start. Or something like that! :lol:

I am really thankful to know that we are all in this together! I am really enjoying seeing your progress on your webpages! I will try to post some pics at some point ... Right now, I just want to be able to eat properly - food is very important to me!!

Take care!!

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Great Advice

#9 Post by KateinCO »

Thanks to Ken, Mike and Ilovemacs ... that is all good information. You would think most of this would be intuitive, but it just is not! So much easier to learn from people who have already been down this road than to figure it out through trial and error. I run marathons, so I am obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed! (Mom always asks why I don't just drive the 26.2 miles since I own a functioning car.) The day I got my braces, I had the same feeling I get right before a race when I wonder why I am putting myself through the pain. Just like the marathon, you have to visualize the end to make it to the start. Or something like that! :lol:

I am really thankful to know that we are all in this together! I am really enjoying seeing your progress on your webpages! I will try to post some pics at some point ... Right now, I just want to be able to eat properly - food is very important to me!!

Take care!!

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#10 Post by Chloe1 »

Hey Kate! I too do marathons. Got braces October 11th and I've done 2 half marathons since - one on Thanksgiving Day and one last Saturday. I have noticed no ill effects at all. I don't think I even thought about them during the events. I live in the warm and humid South so a water bottle is simply an extension of my arm. If you aren't used to carrying a bottle that might be the biggest adjustment you will have. It is true that when you mouth dries out your braces will stick.

So which marathons have you done? I'm slow but my BQ time goes to 4 hours on my next birthday so I may run Boston yet :lol:

And don't worry about being single and having braces. My dear boyfriend still loves me and I dare say is extremely proud of me that I've taken this leap. I really think he thinks he has a "trophy wife" now with his marathoning pretty much in shape girlfriend. And now my smile will be as terrific as my legs!!! When they see braces most people think you are doing something to improve your health, looks or both.

Good luck - see you around on the Runners World forums? :D

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#11 Post by Chloe1 »

Food, oh yeah, forgot about that little issue. I lost a few pounds the first two weeks and had some trouble working out but hang in there. I gained it back and am back into running and working out full swing.

I did loaded baked potatoes and really really cooked pasta. I too have self ligating brackets and just got my first new stronger wire on top. I'm a little tender this week but nothing like when I first got them on. I can eat almost anything I want to now.

Don't worry you will get used to them and be flashing your braces at the finish line soon!!! :lol:

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#12 Post by KateinCO »

Hi Chloe -

I am so excited to meet another marathoner in braces!! I ran a couple six milers this weekend and did not feel bad, much to my joy. Unfortunately, I just had some minor surgery on my leg today which required stitches, so I am not supposed to do ANY exercise for a few weeks - which will make me crazy. At least I won't be eating too much, so that will keep some of the weight off I hope. Plus with the weather becoming somewhat inclement, it will save me some dreaded treadmill time. :roll:

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in October (that was my third) ... I am slower than you are by far, running at about a 10 minute pace. I run with a water bottle (pretty much required in the arid climate of Colorado), so that should not be a problem ... dental wax is fast becoming my new best friend!!

I don't spend a lot of time on the RW forums, but I do get the mag and spend a lot of time plotting my next race. For next year, I am kind of tempted by the Napa Valley Marathon in CA or the YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE YOU SHOULD GO TO THE COTTAGE DOROTHY! OH SUGAR BARBARA STANWYCK Woman's marathon in San Francisco ... there is something very motivating about getting a little blue Tiffany's box from a hunky fireman in a tuxedo when you cross the finish line. (Seriously, that is pretty much genius.) This all seems more appealing now knowing that someone else has done it with metal brackets!

Your boyfriend sounds like a superstar, certainly smart enough to know a good thing when he has found it. I am really impressed by your marathoning - and good luck qualifying for Boston! That would be so amazingly cool! I'll watch for a girl in braces smiling at the finish line!!

Cheers and good luck,

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#13 Post by Chloe1 »

Wow Marine Corps!!! That is very cool 8) I've done Birmingham, Disney, and the new ING Georgia. My marathon performances have been totally less than stellar which is why I'm spending this winter season and maybe even next getting my half marathon and 5K times down in order to train for a BQ marathon. Sooooo, by the time I try to qualify for Boston I'm hoping not to have braces anymore or be soon out of them!!!! I had a great 5K two weeks ago which, if you put it into a pace calculator says I should be able to run a 4 hour marathon but I won't try until I have a 1:50 or close half marathon. Hoping to do that this winter. I think our seasons are opposite! We do the treadmill thing here in the summer not in the winter :lol:

The most interesting thing was after that 5K a photographer took a picture of me and one of my running friends. My smile has changed!!!! In just TWO short months!!! :D It's incredible to see the changes! Gee, I guess I thought I was spending all this money and aggravation and I didn't think anything would happen!!! :wink:

The Tiffany thing sounds very nice. I've read about that! Go for it!

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#14 Post by juliejewels »

Hi Kate, Congrats on your braces. I get mine on 12/21...whoo-hoo. I am a runner and cyclist. Hopefully I can learn some tips from the replies to your post. I never thought the running could create rubbing. Maybe I will be cycling more.

My boyfriend had braces from age 37-40. He ran 4 marathons during that time and several half marathons. He never mentioned any pain, but due to the braces and the earing changes, he dropped 20lbs and got to his lightest running weight ever!

I did not know my BF back then, but he is super supportively of me getting my braces now and is already offering lots of tips. Good luck with your braces and running.


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#15 Post by juliejewels »

Hi Kate, Congrats on your braces. I get mine on 12/21...whoo-hoo. I am a runner and cyclist. Hopefully I can learn some tips from the replies to your post. I never thought the running could create rubbing. Maybe I will be cycling more.

My boyfriend had braces from age 37-40. He ran 4 marathons during that time and several half marathons. He never mentioned any pain, but due to the braces and the earing changes, he dropped 20lbs and got to his lightest running weight ever!

I did not know my BF back then, but he is super supportively of me getting my braces now and is already offering lots of tips. Good luck with your braces and running.


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