My Stupidity Interferes with Treatment

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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My Stupidity Interferes with Treatment

#1 Post by NSolano »

I've had invisalign since December 05. Everything was going. I had my last filing scheduled for June 5 and then my teeth were finally gonna be straighten out. My treatment is very long however, I have 45 on top and 50 on the bottom. The doctor says it's because they have to move a lot of my molars around before they can move the front teeth.
I was on retainare 12 but my stupidity has set this treatment back.
I went to WMZQ fest concert this saturday, you all know everyone drinks and parties all day. Well this fight broke out with a lot of my friends in it, and I just jumped in. I was not even in the fight, so I blame myself for this.
I got hit in the mouth, don't ask me how, I don't even remember getting hit.
Well the damage is pretty bad. My top jaw bone, right above tooth number 7 and tooth number 8 is cracked. It doesn' t hurt too much but there is a lil bit of swelling and those two teeth seem to have moved.
The oral surgeon told me that it takes anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks for this to heal, and not to bite down on anything not even touch my teeth because I am at risk of losing them. so now I can't wear my invisalign at all.
I called the ortho and he told me that my teeth would probably shift back to waht they were in brace one or two so I would have to basically start over. I threw away all those retainers however, so he may have to order new ones.

Question I have for some of you. Whats the longest you been off invisalign, did you have to start over??
did you dentist just take new molds since the shifting is different??

I hope I am lucky and I don't have to go that far back.

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#2 Post by diehard »

sorry to hear about your bad luck you seem to have same sort of treatment as me number of trays and moving molars around ect. Im about to change to number 10 I have thought about what would happen in a fight I thought mabe it would act like a gum shield, so I think ill have to avoid any fights from now on. :)

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#3 Post by NSolano »

well the ortho told me that since my teeth are constantly moving like this that they are more prone to being shifted or being knocked out in a fight.
so be careful.
my crack in my bone just happens because the blow was fairly hard, but I hope it heals well and I can get back into this treatment without losing so much time.

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#4 Post by Invisalignee »

Oops, lol...a fight huh!

Well, I also have a stupid story, but it did not jack up my treatment.

But it does involve parties. So anyway, I have gone to 4 parties this summer, which were overnight, and um...pretty sexual, :shock: :? , so um, I decided to take out my aligners because I didn't want them to meet any meaty areas and stuff, :lol: , I ended up leaving the aligners at home for almost 12 hours, each time.

LMFAO, usually during sex I remove them but I mean, 1 or 2 hours off is nothing, but these 12 hour stuffs...well, my teeth did shift back, but very very little, and when I put the aligners back on they just felt a little tight, but in about half an hour they were back on a roll. :D

I hope my stupidity of having Invisalignless sex will not catch up with me in the continuation of my treatment!

Sorry to hear about your jaw though. I have also heard that it takes time for those bones to heal, because I am planning on implants after my treatments and that implantologist I consulted told me that I'd have to wait 2 or 3 months for the bone to heal after the implant before a crown can be applied.
* Expand the gums > DONE! :)

* Invisalign treatment > DONE! :)

* Braces correction > UNDERGOING :|

* 3 Implants > NEXT YEAR! :(

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#5 Post by diehard »

thats some funny sesame r u just worried about them getting stained :lol:

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#6 Post by Invisalignee »

:biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf: :lol: :lol: :-V

I feel wierd doing it with them on, I'm too scared "he" can feel them!! Wouldn't wanna rub him the wrong way or I'll get shot! :lol: :lol: :lol:
* Expand the gums > DONE! :)

* Invisalign treatment > DONE! :)

* Braces correction > UNDERGOING :|

* 3 Implants > NEXT YEAR! :(

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#7 Post by diehard »

im sure if he is drunk he won`t notice a thing except being a lucky guy mabe invisalign has done trials so see if guys can tell :lol:

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#8 Post by nvrsaynvr »

Im on trays 13 and I had to leave them off for 6 weeks.
I went right back to 13 onto 14 and didnt have a problem.

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#9 Post by meggles »

Hahahahaha! Invisalignee's post made me actually laugh out loud.

I'm due to go for my first Invisalign consult tomorrow, and I hadn't even considered the sexual aspect yet, although I know my fiance won't care.

Aren't there youngens on the boards though? :yikes:

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#10 Post by NSolano »

that's some funny sesame bro. I've actually kept them on during sex, i am guy btw, so I dont' have to blow anyone. I did however go down on a girl and they did not feel a difference.
I am in the process of getting restarted with invisalign, my top jaw bone healed nicely. I had to get one root canal on my front tooth. I am now just waiting for a new order of aligners since the ortho told me teeth shifted back differently. thanks for the replies.

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