Hawley and essix retainers Pro's/Con's

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#31 Post by TeenQueen »

So far I have not had any relapses with the Essix retainer, but I would have been satisfied if my Ortho recommended the Hawley for the top, I just went with what he told me would work best. In fact I am a teeth grinder and the Essix actually helps with grinding, ( I did ask about whether or not I would grind holes in the retainer and he did say there could be a slight chance of that, I guess I will worry about that when the time comes). I guess it comes down to what the Ortho thinks will be the most effective, in terms of looks, I personally think both look great, I like how the Hawley looks with the thin wire and I like how the Essix looks, I have had both, ( I had a hawley when I had braces the first time, this is my second round).

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