Essix more out than in?

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Bass babe
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Essix more out than in?

#1 Post by Bass babe »

I seem to be whipping out my Essix retainer rather often for eating and drinking. I didn't realise how much of a grazer I was till now and you know how much tea we Brits drink. I hope it's not affecting how my teeth are settling into their new positions as it's supposed to be in 24/7 for three weeks, but I'm looking forward to when I only have to wear it at night.

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#2 Post by honzipe »

This is completely off-subject, but do you brits really drink that much tea? I always thought it was just some random stereotype they threw in movies. Anyway my ortho told me to just keep them in whenever not eating or drinking, so unless your grazing something like 8 hours a day i'm sure your fine.

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#3 Post by jennielee81 »

I drink with mine ortho didn't make it clear that I wasn't supposed to.

I drink a lot of iced tea (sugar free) and I never take it out for that. When I'm finished with a glass, I rinse my retainers off and put them back in.

I only have a lower essex (bio-form) though...don't know if that makes it any different.
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#4 Post by JoeMama »

I have to take mine out a lot too. I'm preggers and have to eat something every couple of hours. It doesn't seem to matter unless I leave it out all day, which I had to do recently because I had a sinus infection and the damn thing drove me nuts. Like jennielee - I also usually leave it in when I'm drinking something, unless it's something with a lot of sugar. Just do your best with it. I don't think it's a big deal to take it out now and then, and 3 weeks will go by in no time! :D
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Bass babe
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Tea-drinking Brits

#5 Post by Bass babe »


Yes, I'm afraid we do drink rather a lot of tea, although many of us are branching out into coffee and herbal infusions. I don't think it's because we're a particularly thirsty bunch, It could be because it perks us up and just seems to help us get through things - if you get our soap Eastenders, the kettle goes on every time someone needs to solve a problem or have a heart-to-heart with a friend.

Re Essix: This time next week, it'll be night time only, yippee

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#6 Post by Natalie »

re the tea...yes we do drink that much! i love my cups of tea and it's true...something not so good happens and we say...'put the kettle on' or similar.

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#7 Post by honzipe »

something not so good happens and we say...'put the kettle on' or similar.
haha; i suppose cliches have to start somewhere.

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