SapphireJen's Story: See extraction gaps disappear (Pics)!

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SapphireJen's Story: See extraction gaps disappear (Pics)!

#1 Post by SapphireJen »

Hi All :-1

I'm a bit late starting this, as I first got braces in March 2006!

But thought it would be good to start as I had my extractions last week and kind of feel like I am starting the journey all over again. My ortho has predicted another 12 months for me. If that is all, then I will be very happy!! :D

The story so far....

So, a bit of background. I had a crossbite and crowding to start with. Whilst the ortho suggested that extractions were the way to go, I was adament that I wanted to keep all my teeth so we took the 'let's decide mid treatment' approach

Here is a pic (March 2006) -


My teeth have straightened really well over the last year. But in doing so, my teeth became even more protrusive (read: bucked) than they were before. Even my ortho agreed that my smile was a bit too full!

He suggested that I would get a superior result if I extracted, so after much agonising (and after a second opinion that confirmed this), I decided to have it done. I was heartbroken over losing four healthy teeth...but I felt more certain that I was making the right decision the second time around.

Here are my teeth before extractions. It is hard to see from a 2d image, but they are very flared.


The side shot illustrates this better.



My ortho advised four bicuspid extractions. I had them out on the 2nd March.

First a stop at the ortho to remove my archwire and the brackets on the bicuspids. Gosh, my teeth felt slimy!

I had a morning appointment. The dentist didn't use normal anaesthetic injections, instead I had a anaesthetic drip. It took a lot longer to numb the area (20 min or so), but there wasn't the sharp pain that you would normally get with a syringe (Good thing!).

Once numb, he extracted the four teeth in about FIVE minutes! No pain, but I could feel the force and the tooth being torn from the gum (YUK!!)

Afterwards, he agreed that I would be a lot happier with the result of the biscuspid extractions, so that was a bit more reassurance for me.

Becuase I was still bleeding a bit, I waited about half an hour before I went back to the ortho to insert my archwired. He also added gentle powerchains starting from the hook near the canine (you can see them in the above pic). Does anyone else have hooks with elastics attached?

So back home for some rest and recuperation. It wasn't very nice the first day as I was still bleeding a bit and felt sick from the anaesthetic, but after that things improved quickly.

It has now been just over a week, and I am feeling fine! Have socialised a few times in between now and then, and am trying not to feel too self concious.

I have started eating properly again and yes it is annoying with food getting in the gaps, but nothing that I won't get used it. Honestly, it's amazing how quickly the body adapts!

Here are the pics post extraction (Mar 07):




I just did some measurements and hope to update these as I see improvements:

Top Left Gap - 7 mm
Top Right Gap - 8 mm
Bottom Left Gap - 8 mm
Bottom Right Gap - 8.5 mm

I feel like I have huge teeth so am thinking these could be bigger gaps than average?

I look forward to sharing my journey and progress with you all. :D Jen XXOO
Last edited by SapphireJen on Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by joney »

Hi Jen

I must say that your teeth straightened out really well so you know already orthodontics works well so you can be confident in your ortho to get good results for you. It is a really difficult decision to get extractions (I had 2 this time and 1 when I was a teenager). I know what you mean about gaps appearing big, I felt that about mine too but they seem to have shrunk a lot already with just the wire. I think it is also a matter of of getting used to what at first seems very strange. I'm sure your gaps will shrink in no time.

Good luck for the rest of your journey.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#3 Post by SapphireJen »

My 2nd adjustment after extractions and 13th in total (lucky for some!!)

Relatively uneventful adjustment - changed lig colour to smoke (I love my mums curries way too much) and shortened the power chains on each side.

In the past few weeks, I have noticed my gaps getting smaller courtesy of my tongue.

Measurements this month are -

Top Left Gap - 6 mm
Top Right Gap - 7 mm
Bottom Left Gap - 6 mm!!!!!!!!
Bottom Right Gap - 7 mm

Progress Pics:



Gotta love progress! Next appt is only five weeks away. Until next time.....Jen XXOO

Clairey Fairey
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#4 Post by Clairey Fairey »

wow, your teeth are looking great and are gonna look really good when its all finished. They've straightend really well.

It sucks to loose healthy teeth but if its what it takes to get your perfect smile its gotta be worth it in the end!!

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Update 3 (since extractions)

#5 Post by SapphireJen »

Another adjustment today. Last month, I had grey powerchains, but the doc seemed to think that clear elastics have better elastic properties, so I have had to switch back again. They will be bright yellow by the end of this month - I'm sure.

Here is progress and measurements from this month. Its seems that teeth do indeed move about 1mm a month!

Right side

Left side


Measurements this month

Top Left: 5mm
Top Right: 6mm
Bottom Left: 5mm
Bottom Right: 6mm

Until next time - sending out positive vibes to you all. Jen XXOO

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#6 Post by insanemommy03 »

Looks Awesome!!

I just got the same 4 removed!! The holes do seem big! I can't wait for the spaces to close up!! I feel like people can see the big holes in my mouth!!!

Good Luck!

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#7 Post by platinum »


It is very interesting to follow your gaps getting smaller!!!!

How do you measure the gaps?

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#8 Post by kirjax »

thanks 4 sharing your story.

I hope that I don't have to get any extractions down the line. I have crowding but I am hoping the IPR works enough to get the teeth in a straighter position.

He told me he doesn't do extractions unless it comes down to being absolutely necessary which in my case he said he's confident there won't be a need. I hope he's right bc I too would hate to lose 4 or even 2 healthy teeth!


Sentenced: 20-24 months
Braced May 11, 2007
Debraced Feb. 23, 2009
21 months in braces, 17 months in elastic, NO regrets!! Now in Hawley retainers!!

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#9 Post by gerbilburp »

do they move your front teeth back at all after extractions or they stay there and everything comes forward

thats what im worried about when i have my bicuspids taken out is if there going to move all my teeth back and ill have like a huge space between my front teeth and my lip

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#10 Post by Laurie »

Your teeth are so white!

I agree that it's wonderful that your ortho took the wait-and-see approach. Sometimes I think some fo them get a liitle extraction happy.

I think that overall your teeth are coming along nicely though. They look fantastic already so I'm sure by the end of it all they will look out of this world!


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More Progress

#11 Post by SapphireJen »

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your messages and constant encouragement and support.

I had an adjustment today. Good news is that I have double elastics, so I am definitely feeling them more than last adjustment.

I also asked my ortho if there any chance I'd have my braces off before the end of the year, he said if I was really lucky yes, but most likely early next year.

He mentioned that he would def. expect the gaps to close by year end, so that at least is good news!
Right side


Left Side




Reduced Flaring - YAAAAAAY!!!!

Image measurements for this month.
Platinum - I get my husband to measure the gaps with a ruler! I know it is not the most accurate measure, but it proves that I making progress which is what I am after.

Top Left: 4mm
Top Right: 5mm
Bottom Left: 4.5mm
Bottom Right: 4.5mm

As always, sending out positive vibes to you all. Jen XXOO

Miss Smiley
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#12 Post by Miss Smiley »

Jen, your teeth look so good from the front. I feel you on the buckiness and the extraction gaps. I'm in the same boat as you so know that I'm cheering you on!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#13 Post by SapphireJen »

Ok, this is going to be a really quick update as I should be doing homework....had my next adjustment today. Nothing out of the ordinary. Ortho says I have made positive progress so I have to be happy with that :D

Measurements this month

Top Left: 3mm
Top Right: 4.5mm
Bottom Left: 3mm
Bottom Right: 3.5 mm

Compared with the beginning just four and half months ago (Early March) -
Top Left Gap - 7 mm
Top Right Gap - 8 mm
Bottom Left Gap - 8 mm
Bottom Right Gap - 8.5 mm
Just waiting for top right to play a bit of catchup!!







Thanks for all your positive comments!


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#14 Post by JoviFan »

Hey Jen - thanx for the updates!!! Makes me feel better about my upcoming extractions!!!!! I'm sooo nervous that those gaps will take foreva to close!!!!! but my ortho said 'we'll get them closed'! ! !
btw -- we also took the 'wait and see' method....had my uppers braced 7 months ago now --- and they look great! but in fixing them, it made my overbite ~7mm...... and my molars don't align properly...only way to fix would be jaw sx or extractions --- going the extraction route!!! My oral sx consult is Monday!!! not long now, hopefully the extractions in the next 2 weeks!!! had to do a consult cuz I want to be sedated for the extractions, yea, call me a weenie! LOL ---- I will say it's been great only having the wire over my front 6 teeth!!! my other uppers are 'wireless' and it's sooooo easy to floss!!!!! I better enjoy it while I can - b4 the extractions and b4 the lowers are braced!!!!!
I'm also hoping, I'm not 'starting over' with this journey waiting so long to get the extractions.....although I guess, it'll be done, when it' they're corrected :) :)
Uppers Braced 1/29/07; 2 Upper bicuspid extractions 9/14/07; Lowers braced 9/25/07

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#15 Post by 8shanell8 »

Hi Jen, I just read about your brace story! Glad to see that your gaps are closing so well! I'm now actually in the same senario as you were while you were debating on whether to take out 4 teeth.

My ortho said he could straighten my teeth if i go down the non-extraction route but my profile won't be very flat. So he left me to make the decision myself.

If i go for the non-extraction method and decide to take out the teeth later on he'll have to charge extra for the extra length of time taken (about 6mths too), but he din't mention how much more to pay.

Did yours charge you additional fees when you decided to take teeth out?

Did you take all 4 teeth out at one go? How long did you allow it to recover before putting your braces back on?

Sorry for bombarding you with questions! :oops:

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