jorx's story::new appointment: nance still in :(

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jorx's story::new appointment: nance still in :(

#1 Post by jorx »

Hi everybody,

After a long time, I am seriously considering to start the braces journey. I have a deep bite, an unilateral posterior crossbite and severe lower crowding. I have TMJ pain too, so by the moment I wear a splint. I have been wearing it by night for two years, but now my ortho has told me to wear it as much as I can (in practice it is not more that 10-12 hours a day) for a while, before starting treatment...

I would have to wear full braces for 24 months, aprox. plus a trans palatal arch or a nance button and a lingual arch. Later on I will wear elastics too.

I must admit I am very scared about that, and not sure looking forward for it, but my dentist told me to do it in order to avoid a worsening of my TMJ pain in the future...

How is wearing a TPA like? And a nance button? Will they affect my speech? I am so nervous...

By the way, this is how my mouth looks like now...Would you get braces with that mouth, or not? Some people has told me that my teeth already look ok, and that I am exaggerating...

Front view: notice the deep bite and cross-bite:
Here you can see the lower crowding in all its glory...
Last edited by jorx on Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

It looks that the front teeth are shifted like not in the normal position, I don't even know what those things are sorry! lol Im new to this as well.

I also have TMJ problems as well, going on 3 years now.
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to jorx...

#3 Post by tlcinwdm »

Those next 2 years are going to pass wether you are happy and pleased with your smile or not. So why not pass the time making your self happy?
You have every reason to be nervous...those obsticals with the greatest challanges reep the greatest rewards. Have you ever noticed that life's greatest accomplishments are the most painful...literally? Exercise, work, education, marriage...straight teeth!!
I say DO IT. This is a gauranteed many things in life come with that???? :-)o
"you're never to old to be what you thought you might of been"

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#4 Post by jorx »

Thank you guys...

An additional point: as you can see, my upper teeth are not aligned with my lips. Have you ever heard about that? Is it possible to move all the teeth in order to center them?

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already braced!

#5 Post by jorx »

It has been a while since I started writing here, and now I amb already braced!!! At 27, and I am a new braceface! :wink:

I have full clear braces since last week, but I've been wearing the TPA and the lingual arch for 3 weeks already. I am experiencing problems with my TPA, it makes my tongue hurt and food gets caught on it all the time... I would like to take it out inmediatly!! For the rest, everything is OK, after the first two days I started eating 'normally' (except for the TPA) and most people has not even noticed my braces (or have not commented at all!).

I expressed my disperation about the TPA to my ortho and she offered me the possibility of changing it for a nance button, given that she says that I will have to wear it for a while. Do you think it is worth the change? I'm not sure if it will be more comfortable than the TPA...

When I notice some progress I will post pics...

Miss Smiley
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#6 Post by Miss Smiley »

Welcome, hope that your TPA is going easy on you.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
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#7 Post by dojo »

Welcome to the braced group .. so nice to hear you didn't let fear keep you away from maybe the best thing you did for yourself in a long time. The good thing as I see it is that you have beautiful teeth (those big and nice incisors will look awesome once aligned). You have no idea how well your mouth will look and of course .. you'll also feel better with a healthy bite.

Best of luck with your journey and we're waiting for pics with the braces on :)
Orthodontics patient from 2007 to 2010.
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#8 Post by jorx »

thank you everybody! you are so nice... I hope it will get better, maybe I am complaining too much: nobody had promised me it would be pain-free!

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#9 Post by jorx »

Oh, I forgot explaining the def. plan:

-Approx. 24 months of treatment.
-Full braces (ceramic) + TPA + Lingual arch
-Inter-arch Elastics (later)

She put me the bands, the lingual arch and the TPA for first, and two weeks later the braces came on. She said that it was to avoid too much discomfort.

Initially I was supposed to get only upper braces for several months in order to open my bite, but the ortho decided, the B-day, to put me the lowers too bc. they are more crowded, and I may need extractions (hopefully not!) there and the treatment could become she prefered to start right away with them.

Now my lowers hit my upper front teeth, wich is somewhat annoying, but my main concern now it this horrible TPA... :(
Last edited by jorx on Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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1st adjustment: Nance button!

#10 Post by jorx »

I have just come back from my first adjustment!

She has changed my arch by a slightly thicker one, and the TPA by a Nance button, not only for the discomfort but especially bc she has said that the nance will provide more support in moving a 1st molar that is 'blocked' inside the line of teeth...

By the moment the nance seems more comfortable than the TPA, but I am experiencing some speech problems that had dissapeared with the TPA. I hope in 2 days I will adapt to it and talk normally! Eating is definetly easier with the nance! :D

She has said that my lowers do not move as fast as they should bc my deep bite pervents them to move freely. However, I have noticed some movement already!

I hope in few day I will have some pics and post them!

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#11 Post by jorx »


Everything was going ok, the nance is definetly more comfortable than the TPA, at least for me! My tongue is not sore anymore, and food does not get trapped on it... I continue to hear a slight lisp, but everybody tells me that they do not notice it!

But my upper teeth started hitting my lower front brackets, which was a little bit annoying. Finally, on friday, one bracket popped off! I called my ortho, and went to her office. She has put me some red bonding material on my back molars to prevent teeth hit lower brackets and to fasten the opening of my deep deep bite.

This seems ok, but now the feeling is strange, my teeth do not touch, and chewing is almost impossible! How am I supposed to eat? Any advice?

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new appointment: elastics in!

#12 Post by jorx »

Hi everybody,

Things seem to go faster than expected, and yesterday I had an appointment in which my ortho put me some elastics. I'm happy bc that means progress, but my teeth are aching now! I had already adjusted to the nance button and even to eating with the molar buildups (the most difficult part so far) and now a different thing came in!

The elastics feel really strange in my mouth, I can't open it wide and when I yawn they would pop off...After a while my teeth started aching, both bc of the elastics and -I guess- the new wire she put on me.

By the moment I have two elastics, one on each side, from the upper canines to the lower premolars. She is planning to put me more of them later on, I'm not sure I could open the mouth with more elastics in it! I am a little bit worried bc she has mentioned about an elastic to correct my midline that would cross, from left to right in front of my seems strange, I had never heard about it. Does anybody have one? And...who cares about the midline besides orthos?!?

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#13 Post by jorx »

Thank you!

Definetly the elastics are making things move! I am already used to them, and now I wear them all the time (at the begining I would take them out often bc of the pain). When I change them my mouth feels 'tight' but it is OK. My bite is opening quite fast, and probably my cross-bite will start moving soon, to. I guess my ortho wants to put more elastics in my mouth for the cross bite issue, I hope it won't be a weird configuration!

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new appointment

#14 Post by jorx »

I had a new appointment on friday: everything seems to be fine. I got my wires changed (now I have really thick wires) and a powerchain on my lowers. It feels tight, but nothing I can't deal with.

My ortho seems to be happy with my progress -I've done a good job in wearing the elastics-. She mentioned the possibility of getting my nance and lingual bar out on the next appointment, or within two appointments. That'd be great! She was planning to add more elastics to work on my crossbite, but by the moment she has decided to stay with the two elastics I've been wearing.

Although I am in pain, and back to the soft food diet, I am happy bc things seem to work!

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#15 Post by KateinCO »

Hello Jorx -

Glad to hear you are making such great progress!! I hope you will post some update pictures when you have a chance. I am in the same boat as you - my teeth looked straight to everyone, but I had a lot of lower arch crowding, a crossbite and a malocclusion. I have had my braces on for two months and just got elastics in this week. They are really strange ... I was reading your comments about getting them and it all sounded very familiar. I am glad it gets easier. :)

Hope you continue to see good progress ... and that the journey is comfortable!!



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