If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.
Hello all! I posted my introduction in the Bracket club forum but thought I might as well start my story here. I hope that you won't mind.
Here is my timeline so far:
May 27, 2008- Initial evaluation- Told I'd be a great candidate for braces and that he thought I'd be in them 2 yrs at the most. Great news!!
June 4, 2008- Records visit-Molds where done, pics, and x-rays. This time he told me I might have to have 2 extractions from the top. But he would have to go over everything before we make a definite decision. I really like this ortho! We discussed possible banding date and are shooting for the 18th of June as the latest! Wooohooo!!!
June 11, 2008- Consultation- Moderate upper and lower crowding, 4 extractions, POSSIBLE j head gear, and 26 months in braces. After that a clear retainer like ivisiline on top teeth and a hawley for the bottom.
June 23, 2008- Spacers-- Got 7 (instead of 8 b/c I am missing a tooth on the bottom) "little green dudes".
June 30, 2008 @ 7:00 am CST- BRACES DAY!!!!
So I am on my way to my dream of having straight teeth! YAY!!!!!
So here are my "official" pics that my ortho's office took. The dark front tooth has trauma to it from my childhood.
Last edited by angel84 on Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Hi Skye!! Yay, I am glad you started your story here and posted a before pic. And June 18? That's GREAT! You'll have to keep us posted on that because if that's your day then I think it's a sign... brace day buddies!
23 year old brace face and proud of it!
My story is well under way! Follow along in my thread.
Nikki- I know I was thinking about that today actually! That would be so cool. I told them I'd like them ASAP since my hubby will home for R&R in August sometime. I've been looking through the pics here and I am so encouraged by all of the movement just in 6 weeks! I have my hopes up that my teeth could be at least a lil better by the time he gets home. I went and looked at your blog. I can't wait to watch all of your progress! Isn't this exciting!!!???
HkyGrl s2k- Hi there! Congrats on your upcomming b-day! You'll have to be sure to update us on how it went. I know I am definetely intested in hearing how it goes for you. I can't wait to hear the news and get my b-day on the 11th. Looks like it is going to be a big day for both of us. Please be sure to keep in touch!
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December!
Glad to see you've started your story and are posting pics. They are great motivators! Hopefully you'll be braced by the 18th...let us know how your appt. on the 11th goes.
Keep smilin'!
Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.
Mucho, mucho exciting!! With all of the success stories I've seen here I'm SURE your teeth will have improved by August - lucky hubby! Your consult is coming up, hope your brace day is too!
23 year old brace face and proud of it!
My story is well under way! Follow along in my thread.
Hey guys... is it just me or does it seem like F_O_R_E_V_E_R between the first steps to getting braces and actually getting them on?! Is it Wednesday yet??? I am getting sooo excited. So far I've only managed to have 2 dreams about braces. The first was that I was getting them on and the girl who was putting them on cut the back of my hair REALLY short and I freaked out. The next one (same night lol) was that I had florescent pink ligs. I can't remember how I felt about them though. I sure will be glad when I get my actual b-day. COME ON WEDNESDAY!!!
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December!
Nikki, I totally agree!!! I would flip if they said that they could get me in on Friday. Wow would that be awesome or what!? Hopefully I won't be told that I need any more teeth out. I just got my R wisdom tooth taken out Thursday and it sucked! (and still does)
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December!
Friday would be awesome - and I would be so jealous! You get yours on and I have to suffer through the long weekend waiting But my fingers are crossed that your brace day is sooner than later! Boo for having wisdom teeth out
23 year old brace face and proud of it!
My story is well under way! Follow along in my thread.
Yeah I think in the reality of it, with them being so busy and all it isn't likely that I will get in until the following week. Which is fine with me. I have to be able to get them before the 19th though b/c that is when my friend is going out of town and after that I won't have anyone to keep my kiddos for me. Plus the sooner they get to moving the better!
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December!
Well, I had my consultation today... to say that it didn't go well would be touching the tip of the iceburg. I am sooo upset right now. Everything I didn't want to hear I heard. I was told I'll have to have 4 teeth removed, possibly 5 if the front traumatized tooth didn't move. I was told I would probably have to wear head gear for part of my treatment (um, I think NOT), I have to have spacers which makes it even longer until I can get my braces on. I told them last week that I needed to get them on by the 19th b/c that is when the girl that watched my kids is leaving and after that her husband will be home for R&R. So instead, I get appointments the 23rd to get spacers and 30th to get braces!!!!!! So at this point I don't even want to get them anymore. Nor do I think that I will be able to since I have no one to keep my 3 kids. I almost burst into tears at the office but managed to hold it in until I got to my van. So much for my dream of straight teeth.
UPDATE TO THIS POST: Everything worked out!!! YAY!!! So braces here I come!!! [/b]
Last edited by angel84 on Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you, Denise. Your reply meant a lot to me. It's nice to know that I have someone behind me. I was just so hopeing to have an awesome consultation and it seems like all I heard was the opposit from what I really wanted to hear. I don't understand why they have to remove my teeth. I mean, they are there for a reason, right? Plus I am going through a rough time right now with this wisdom tooth I had out last wed. I have a partial dry socket and it is still hurting me today- almost a week after it was removed! As for the kids, she is the only person I know over here anymore. Our family is in GA. All of the daycares are for everyday kids and I am really picky about who keeps my kids b/c of how sick some people are now-a-days. I don't know what to do. I've been crying off and on since I've gotten home. I'm sure I sound like a huge baby but I feel like my dream is slipping away.
Oh yeah, in case anyone is wondering, I had a goal of July 1st to get them on b/c my hubby will home for R&R in August and I wanted my teeth to be at least be a little straighter and not sore.
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December!
Don't give up hope! Everything has a solution! I know you were very excited and you were hoping for all good news which you didn't get and that stinks!!! But that doesn't mean you can't get them.
I heard that most adults have extractions, it's more common than not in adults. I got confirmation today that I need four out. It's going to stink, no one is denying that, but it's just one step closer to having that perfect smile.
I can understand your disapointment with wanting to have better teeth for your husband but, honestly, he will probably be so excited to see you, he probably won't notice you have teeth at all- lol! Even if you get them on with the new date, you will be that much further along than you would have been if you decided not to do anything at all.
As for the babysitter, this can be rough. I don't have any kids myself but have lots of friends who do and see what they go through every weekend trying to find someone. Are your kids in daycare or school? Can their teachers recommend anyone? Maybe another child's parents may be willing to watch them or has someone they could recommend. Do you belong to a church (they tend to have nursery's where you might be able to find someone) or any other sort of group who may have someone? I am sure people would be willing to help out, especially if it's only an hour and you tell them why... they will see how important this is to you.
Please don't give up! Everyone on this site relies on each other and I'd hate to see someone "drop out" over some very unhappy (but definitely work-aroundable) news.