HkyGrl s2k's journal-Update 8/11 1st EMERGENCY appointment

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HkyGrl s2k
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Location: San Jose, Ca.

#16 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

angel84- Thank you! Yeah cant wait to check again in two weeks. Also my ortho said I wouldn't see too much movement my first appt but I would see alot by my second appt. I'm sure my face will look like this :shock: when I compare my teeth at my second appt. :lol:

XXNECRAXX- My ortho puts the ceramics on top as a standard procedure. It didn't cost 'extra' but I'm sure its definitely in the cost. I like the half ceramics ones cause they look alot smaller that the full metal ones. The full metal ones look HUGE to me on my bottom teeth. Not sure if it is because my bottom teeth are smaller or what. But I'd say that if my ortho had offered me the half caramics for $400 extra, I would have done it. I figured that that isnt too much compared to the whole cost, and I would like to be happy with wearing them for 2 years. But it is all personal choice. :D

pennysfbay- Thank you! Yeah Id be terrified to eat colored foods if I were you. I wouldnt be eating much :lol: And cute pug! I also have a pug, her name is Twitch.

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#17 Post by pennysfbay »

Yay for pugs! We live near each other (Santa Clara/San Jose) and we both have pugs and braces. :)

I had mini corn dogs tonight, and I *always* eat corn dogs with ketchup and mustard, but after reading your post about the mustard, I only had ketchup. *sigh* I do like having the ceramics, but I think I'm my own worst ememy because of my food stain paranoia. :p

What are the rubber bumpers on your metal brackets for?? Is it to keep your bottom teeth from hitting your top? I'm not sure I've seen brackets like yours before.

HkyGrl s2k
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#18 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

You know its too funny, I stained my 3 'ligs' eating mini corn dogs with mustard :lol:

The 3 rubber bumpers are to keep me from biting the bottom brackets. My overbite is so bad they thought they would have to put bite turbos on my teeth, but I got away with just the rubber thingies. Thank god cause from everything I've read on here, NO ONE enjoys their bite turbos.

You go to any of the local pug meetups? We go every once in a while.

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#19 Post by pennysfbay »

Hooray for mini corn dogs! And boo for mustard stains! :p

Yeah, I read a lot of the people's stories here saying they had to have molar build-ups and other appliances (turobs?) to keep their bottom brackets (particularly bottom ceramics, it seems) from cracking their top teeth. Thankfully I have avoided this stuff, well, at least for now. Maybe once my bite starts moving....who knows? I'm supposed to get rubber bands in about 6 months, but they didn't tell me about any other "treats" during treatment. We'll see....I just want to it to be right! This is my second time in braces and I really want to take care of my smile and make sure I don't have to go through this again.

I'm a member of the pug meetup group, but we don't go too often. Our pug (Pugsley) is a little fickle. She likes other dogs, but she enjoys people more. Hey, people can give her pets and food!! So when we go to the dog parks, she doesn't really want to socialize with the other dogs much. We seem to have more fun with her when we go on our own and not part of the meetup groups. She's curled up under the coffee table asleep right now. :)

HkyGrl s2k
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#20 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

Well, had my first 'adjustment' yesterday and I've had the braces on just over a month! :jump:

The doc said that everything looks great and things have already started to move a lot. All good signs. Since I still have the canine doing a lot of moving he left the same wires in for now. Next appointment, in two months, I will get new wires put in. And he said that the 3rd appointment, I will be getting brackets put on all the 2nd molars.

Eating has gotten a lot easier, but I sure am missing a lot of foods, especially sandwiches. Still have nights where I really wish the braces weren't on my teeth, or wish they were removable, so I pile wax on every bracket and head to bed. Feels so much better in the morning, and I do think tonight is one of those nights i will be doing that. The inside of my mouth is unhappy right now. :lol:

Well since its past my bed time, I'm gonna wrap this up quick for now. Will be back soon! But for now, *drum roll please* THE PICS!

_______________________________________June 13th___________________________________________________July 16th_____________________________________
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Thanks for looking everyone! :D

Miss Smiley
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#21 Post by Miss Smiley »

Great photos! I wish my ortho carried those ligs with bumpers, it would give me some piece of mind about having ceramic lowers and having my uppers collide with my lower brackets.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#22 Post by pennysfbay »

Wow, your progress is amazing! So much movement in those toofers! Congrats!! :jump:

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#23 Post by AngelRuse »

Dang! Now that's movement. I'm jealous. :wink: 8) Awesome!

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#24 Post by Miranbrady20 »

you can really see it on the bottom arch!!!! congrats!!!! :jump:

HkyGrl s2k
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#25 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

Thanks everyone! :D
Im gonna be taking some '6wks' pics soon, cause boy have my teeth moved!

HkyGrl s2k
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#26 Post by HkyGrl s2k »

Well had my first emergency appointment today.

Was eating some over cooked tater tots yesterday for lunch. Bit down on another one but this time i heard a 'crunch.' I HOPED it was just the tater tot, but out slid a bracket when i checked with my tongue. The stupid tot popped off my last bracket which was on a crown.

So I went in today and they put in some spacers because they said the bracket just isnt going to stick to the crown. Next monday they are going to put a molar band on that tooth. Good news out of all of this is while Im in next week they are just going to put my next wire in early. So I will be a month ahead of schedule. Woot.

Now for some more pics. :D

_______________________________________June 13th___________________________________________________August 11th_____________________________________

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#27 Post by Chrissy »

Oh man, that's some serious movement!!! :shock: :D Congratulations..... I have the exact same Damon's and I'm very happy with them. I'll be checking your post to see your progress....

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