Anyway my ortho says I'm a 'prime candidate' for Jaw surgery. To have the upper jaw moved upwards to correct pertruding jaw and gummy smile, and to push the lower jaw forwards to correct a 'small chin' profile.
BUT I've just forked out £3000 for braces, treatment has practically finished and now I get told this!!!!!! I can't afford any more, not if I want to get a mortgage and get married by the time I'm thirty and I can't spend all our house savings on it.
Only problem is I really, really want the surgery, I believe quality for life will be better for me (confidence wise). I have no confidence due to the way I look, I know you'll all say I should just get on with it. But I can't help how I feel about myself.
I will never have the perfect smile i thought i was going to achieve with braces coz the jaw pattern isn't right.
Do anyone know what the circumstances have to be to quality for surgery on the NHS????