Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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#16 Post by loopyloo »

Megan, I think you should find out what the treatment will entail - i.e. removals, duration etc. I really think it will be majorly, majorly uncomfortable to have lingual brackets on teeth that are set so far into your mouth like that.

Jay Tea
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#17 Post by Jay Tea »

if it is not more expensive to go the damon invisagline combination and it wont take longer in time then go with that, otherwise if it is a lot more expensive and treatment time may take longer i think just stick it out for the 9 months with the damons.

Samuel Harris
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#18 Post by Samuel Harris »

Hi all, im new to this message board.. iv been thinking about getting Lingual Braces I have been doing a lot of research, and this message board is probably the best for getting information on those braces. I've just came back from my dentist today, I was going there expecting her to recommend a removable brace, but she didnt even mention it, she only told me about the normal traintracks on the outside of the teeth, and of course Lingual Braces.

My teeth arnt too bad, my friends say theres nothing wrong with them, they say I have a great smile and white teeth. But me being me, I know the faults. one of the 'fangs' is slightly out of place on the left, and the tooth next to the two front teeth sticks out a bit also. It looks as if both of them need to be pulled in, and the three teeth inbetween need to be pushed out (only slightly) and obviously, straightened. All in all, it makes my smile look awkward, and id LOVE to have a perfect smile..

Im a very self concious person as it is, so it was either a removable brace or Lingual. When I mentioned a removable brace, she told me that it probably wasnt best for this situation, and that it might not work and even if it did, it would take longer than Lingual braces. For the whole day iv been researching, trying to make my mind up, in the long-run I know it'll be worth it, but I dont know how far i'd go.. researching has probably made me even more confused and paranoid about getting anything done at all..

Anyway, long story short, I REALLY need you to tell me your experiances with Lingual Braces, if its worth it and the pros and cons. Main things im worrying about is if my teeth get worse (GAPS) if i'll have a big continuous problem with speech (LISPS) and the pain that ill be going through, and last but not least, if its worth it. Again, my teeth arnt that bad, I really dont want to ruin them or make them worse. I dont want to do anything ill regret :(

Sorry this message is long, you can tell im very worried about this haha, I just hope some of you can help me :(

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#19 Post by lionfish »

You may get gaps during treatment, depends on what is planned for your case.

You may have a lisp initially, but with practice, this will be kept to manageable proportions.

The first couple of weeks were the worst as I was getting used to them. After that, it was pretty much plain sailing.

Was it worth it? Definitely.

Samuel Harris
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#20 Post by Samuel Harris »

Thank you very much for your reply I wasnt sure anyone would :)

When you said 'you may get gaps during treatment, depends on what is planned for your case' does this mean that the dentist will do this purposly, maybe to make space for other teeth to move? because I really wouldnt like to have gaps.. its already enough with the lisp lol, do you think if I confronted my dentist about this, that they would tell me the 'plan' for my treatment, and if they could avoid causing any gaps to appear? and are the gaps BIG or minor?

Im getting it done to my 6 top teeth, what did you have done? It all just sounds so much to take in from day one, with the pain, the lisp, the wax, the eating situation, sore tongue, the thought of having chunks of metal in my mouth for 18 months, It'll be so uncomfortable and annoying.. do you ever get used to it? argh im so confused with what to do..

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#21 Post by lionfish »

Now why wouldn't anyone reply? We're a really nice bunch here! :lol: Well, most of us are. Only kidding.

Your ortho may create gaps for whatever purpose. Gaps tend to come and go. Mine weren't particularly big and even though I could see the wire behind my teeth at one stage, I doubt that anyone else could have done so. While I know where you're coming from on this one, I wouldn't sweat it.

Absolutely you should ask your ortho about your treatment plan, prefereably not in a confrontational way. And I would really trust that person to know what's best for your case and in the event that it does involve creating gaps at some stage, if they are going to be that large, ask whether there is some way of camouflaging them (others have had fake teeth, but that's been more where teeth have been pulled near the front and gaps had to be closed progressively).

Ask also about extractions, whether any additional appliances would be involved e.g. elastics. These can be a little more noticeable than the odd gap here and there.

I had a cross bite, underbite, posterior open bite and crowding. My ortho had his work cut out for him sorting this mess out, but he got me a great outcome (just wish my flipping teeth didn't stain so badly, but that's more to do with age and my red wine rich diet).

I had linguals on top only, went with ceramics on the lowers. All teeth bar one were braced.

Yeah, you do get used to it all. It really isn't as bad as you anticipate.

Samuel Harris
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#22 Post by Samuel Harris »

Hahaha! Thats good to hear :)

I sort of did ask about what was going to happen when I get Lingual braces, she said the plan is to move back those two teeth that are sticking out, and she said, that by doing that, my teeth will automatically make room for them to fit in-line with the others. However, this was what my dentist said. The woman who is actually fitting the brace, im meeting with on monday to take the molds, maybe I should ask her then what my 'treatment plan' would be? and hearing that it can create gaps between my teeth has kindof scared me? I honestly didnt think there was all this to it, I thought they just fitted the brace and tightened it, and then the teeth just moved into place haha, shows what I know about braces eh.

So, how do they tighten them? Im so glad im only having braces on the inside of my mouth on 6 teeth, if it was on all my top teeth, there would seriously be no room for my tongue lol but from a speaking point of view, im really worrying about how i'll sound. and I can imagine it'll still be really uncomfortable, its daunting thinking when I get them fitted that they are going to be there for another year and a half..

and oh right what are extractions, the elastic things? I will ask if they are going to be involved.

and woww I bet you look completely different then! So have you had your braces taken off? It must have been a great feeling. I cant wait till that day, and I havnt even got them on yet haha. Its just worrying because theres loads of partys coming up, halloween, my mates moving into his flat, christmas, new year, I dont want to miss out..

Also, I was making breakfast this morning, and I was thinking, If I had those braces, I couldnt eat cereal and toast could I? I'd have to have porridge or something.. for the first few weeks I can imagine my eating habbits completely changing :(

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#23 Post by lionfish »

and woww I bet you look completely different then!
My braces came off in November last year. Some of my friends say I look a little different, others didn't even notice anything going on at the time. I don't see a lot of change myself, other than my face may be a bit fuller and my smile broader.

Echoing what Meryaten says, life goes on. You can - and should - do everything you always ever did before braces. There is no need to eliminate anything from your diet, although it is wise to go carefully with some foods e.g. nuts, that could damage the hardware.

I think the anticipation is far worse than the actual process itself. A sort of fear of the unknown thing. Quite understandable.

Samuel Harris
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#24 Post by Samuel Harris »

Well, whats more important is about how you feel about yourself, because it gives you inner confidence. Even if people dont notice the difference, at least when you smile, your smiling because your happy, and not hiding it away. Im really happy for you, and I hope that someday, somehow, ill have that smile iv always wanted :(

Today however, I had an appointment with the orthodontist (last time it was my dentist I spoke to) and my orthodontist said that in 'my case' she wouldnt be able to do it.. because apparently, my situation is the same as 'buck teeth' accept my front teeth are curved slightly inwards, so its sort of flat at the front of my mouth instead of rounded. She said id need to remove two of my teeth, then get braces on upper and lower.. traintracks though, on the outisde. This honestly made me really unhappy because I was looking forward to getting Linguals, I finally persuaded myself to get them, and I was really exited to get that 'perfect smile' towards the end of my treatment, without the traintrack look, it would have been AMAZING. but now, I dont know what I'll do.

I dont care if I have a slight overbite, its only my front 6 teeth that need sorting out, if I took two teeth out, at the end of my treatment I would look totally different - as in, my whole jawline. I like my smile, a lot of people do have overbites, its not even noticable, its just those few awkward teeth, that I thought they could easily fix.

One - I didnt want to be messing about taking teeth out.
Two - I didnt want traintracks (on the outside)
Three - I especially dont need them on all my top and bottom teeth!
and more importantly I havnt got the money to even go ahead with that!

My friend had a great smile, but she was self concious about a few things and wanted to get it sorted out, she trusted her orthodontist and done everything she was told to get the perfect smile. He took a few teeth out, and gave her a full set of braces (top and bottom) few years later and shes still got them, because he messed up.

So to be honest, I dont know if my orthodontist is making it into a bigger situation than it is.. to make more money or something I dont know. But I certainly dont need to take any teeth out, and im only interested in Lingual Braces, I just WISH they'd listen.

I NEED to do something. I hate the way I look, and my biggest concern is my teeth. Im going elsewhere for a consultation and im HOPING they tell me different. If not, then it looks like im stuck like this for life :(

Or maybe ill get veneers... :|

Again, thank you very much for your replys. I hope to hear back from you, or anybody else soon! Please :(

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#25 Post by lionfish »

Just to add to what Meryaten says,

Bear in mind that linguals will cost somewhat more than regular braces. In reality, I started to forget about my bottom braces after a while and I even started "dressing" them up with coloured ligs. Even then, some people still didn't notice!!

Samuel Harris
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#26 Post by Samuel Harris »

Hey I posted a reply on this thread :) I hope posting the address works?


- if that didnt work, its the other ''topic'' you posted on :)
something like ''please help, information, experiance and advice''
I also added pictures of my teeth to give you an idea of what they look like.

Thanks :)

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