Today I had a chance to talk to my ortho (over the phone only) and to "shower" him with all my questions from the past couple of days (yeah, some of the questions that you, guys, raised here, I asked my ortho about).
First I tried to explain what that dentist pretty much told me about the tongue and potential negative effect on my health if I go with the extraction. My ortho knew right away what I was talking about and assured me that it's a marginal concern and he could argue that in my case, even taking out the crowding on the bottom would help "free" more room for the tongue as some of you pointed too
Then aesthetically - he couldn't say that "definitely" the implants would give me a better look because I may end up having my upper teeth sticking out so they provide more room for the implants and hence, the "horse smile"
However, it's likely that it would look better if I broaden the upper arch. He didn't think that a palatal expander would be efficient at my age because the bone development has been completed. So he offered that we try making some room for the implants on the top only by using the archwire. He said that we can start by applying braces on the upper first and see how I respond. I'm a little uncomfortable with this experiments but I also understand that it may be worth trying. He also may need to make new models and we'll look at it from many angles. He did confirm that if we are able to make room for the implants, it won't be before I complete with the ortho treatment when they will put the implants. Meanwhile I'll be with something like flippers attached to the braces.
On Thursday, March 19 I have an appointment with my ortho to go over this new idea and what the plan would be. I'm really happy that I may be able to resolve this without extractions on the bottom (or probably just one tooth will be taken out), without palatal expander and without arch surgery! I hope so much it would work without all those scary procedures. On the other hand, I told my ortho that I don't want to eliminate options just because I'm scared and I don't know much about them. For now I'm not seeking another ortho specialist for opinion because I think my ortho is looking into this seriously and also I trust that he has sufficient knowledge to resolve this case in the best way possible. At the moment I feel any hesitation, I may see somebody else for opinion.
I'll keep you posted