When did you start to notice a difference?

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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When did you start to notice a difference?

#1 Post by Neil »

I'm 7 sets into a 35 set treatment (10 day rotation).

That means I'm a fifth of the way through a year-long process, and I can't see any difference. I've compared set 1 and set 8 and although there's clearly a very small difference in them, but it's barely visible.

I know I'm being impatient, and I know everyone's case will be different, but I'm intrigued to know when everyone else noticed their teeth start to move?

Having said all this, I can feel subtle changes in my mouth with my tongue. They're just not big enough changes that I can see them....


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#2 Post by pompompadom »

Hi Neil

I have U29 and L21. I'm on tray 3.

I spoke to my Ortho today and because I have overcrowding the arch needs to be expanded and he said I wouldn't notice any difference until tay 8. Boooo

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#3 Post by Wobblydeb »

I started to notices changes at about tray 4 - but that was only one particular tooth that stuck out a long way and was obviously quite easy to bring in.

The rest have been a lot slower!
Initial set: 31 upper / 17 lower
1st refinement: 14 upper / 10 lower
2nd refinement: 10 upper / 5 lower

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#4 Post by anastasia »

My arch needed to be expanded before my two crooked teeth could be pushed into place and rotated.

It took maybe 15 (out of 25) trays before the crooked teeth really started to move. But only now, on tray 20, are they starting to look noticeably straighter - even for other people who don't spend their time scrutinizing my teeth and comparing trays.

But I already knew from the clincheck that all the magic would happen on the last 6-7 trays, so I've been waiting patiently. It's good to finally see major changes!

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#5 Post by smilesunset »

Hi Neil, I'm in almost exactly the same position as you -- tray 9 of 33 on a 10-day cycle and the only difference is that my upper and lower teeth don't fit together at the back! I am assuming the back teeth are moving first to make room for the crooked front teeth to rotate. But, yes, it's frustrating!

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#6 Post by myhollywoodsmile »

Hi there, I'm on set 10 and can already see results on my teeth ( I have pics on my blog) but can't really see changes in the aligners until number 11. The individual teeth don't look different on the aligners but it is apparent that my arches are much wider.

Still I have another 24 to go, so there is still a long way left for them to move.

lemon tree
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#7 Post by lemon tree »

i have 20U/21L and started to notice improvements at about tray 7 (they were actually spreading out before then). I'm at tray 13 now and it's looked better and better since then but I do remember being really discouraged before things got better though. have you got a copy of your clincheck? I find it really helps manage my expectations - I've probably watched it dozens of times now!

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#8 Post by kezzakattami »

Im currently on tray 7 of 14/17. At my last Ortho visit, I picked up trays 7-9, he commented that this will be where I start to see some 'real' changes - so basically half way through my treatment.

Really think it depends on your treatment plan, because often its the back teeth which are moving at first, you just dont realise it. I asked my ortho why I only get pain in my front teeth when I switch trays, he said its because your front teeth only have the one root, therefore all of the pressure/movement affects the one root, hence you feel more discomfort. The back teeth have two roots to take the 'pressure'..more evenly spread Im guessing...??

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#9 Post by andrea26 »

i am on tray 6 of 21/21 and dont see any difference yet except that my teeth dont fit together at the back. My ortho gave me another 5 sets ahead but when i compare them even on set 11 of 21/21 there is virtually no difference at all. so its a bit frustrating but like many of you said the big change will probably come then, halfway through my treatment. Cant wait!!!

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#10 Post by flesym12 »

I didn't notice anything until 10/20. I was so happy when I started seeing big differences :D

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When did you start to notice a difference?

#11 Post by shagsoprano »

I'll have 11 U and 21 L. I'm currently on 10U and 10L and the results are startling. Started Dec. 18th, 2008, really started noticing changes around February. Compliance and Patience are everything. Hang in there, and Good Luck. BTW, I now no longer consider myself the bearer of occluded teeth and I feel so empowered! I'm so psyched I'm only half way thru, the final results will be as awesome as the ClinCheck predicted. Yay Invisalign!

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#12 Post by Rosieeeeeeeeeeeeeee »

I started to see a difference in the trays at about tray 12-14...and now at tray 18 (22L/34U) I can see a huge difference in the aligners AND my teeth...

Very exciting!!!

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#13 Post by Neil »

Oooh, I forgot all about this thread.

Haven't been here in a while.

Thanks people. There is definitely progress. It's small, but it's getting there.

14/35 now, so approaching the mid way point...


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