attachements and dating

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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attachements and dating

#1 Post by KSM »

I'm going to get attachments on my front two teeth on Saturday. I know they are going to be noticeable, but will it look better than when you have no attachments and just the bubble?

Also, I will be going on a first date soon. Should I tell him right away that I'm doing invisalign and what the attachments are, wait for him to awkwardly tilt his head to the side and give me "that" look, or just go with the flow and see what happens?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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#2 Post by Weeeyin »

I'd wait and see how you feel about this person your going on a date with before disussing anything, if you tell him you've got braces he'll be more inclined to look for them otherwise he'll prob not notice at all. My boyfriend never even noticed i'd the trays in, even after kissing him - it was then he said...."thought you were getting braces today", i was like, they're in! He never noticed, maybe he's less of a teeth person than me - I know how obsessive I've become at looking at other peoples teeth. Unless your date has super perfect teeth they;re nore likely to be jealous of you, i'd not worry abou it at all. Just keep your mini travel kit handy to freshen up if you feel you need it. I'm not on tray 18 and i'd say for the first few months i found the dry mouth odd and felt concious of bad breath, now i'd say i'm back to normal and my boys has never sent me to brush my teeth - i know he's be honest if i needed it. Good luck x

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#3 Post by Wireless »

My wife doesn't notice my aligners and really isn't concerned. If a spouse doesn't notice them, I seriously doubt a date will! I generally don't tell anyone about my braces unless there is a reason to - this usually involves food. I suggest not making comment unless something brings attention to your aligners. So far, nobody has noticed my aligners or attachments, and if anything, my teeth look better with them in.

I have told some of my friends I have them because I need extra time during bicycling breaks to rinse them after snacks and coffee. Nobody I have told seems overly concerned and friends are supportive.

While your date may or may not have braces, he could have a number of other dental problems ranging from implants or dental bridges to other devices. When cycling recently, a friend noticed the shape of my round retainer case in my back jersey pouch and wanted to know what kind of chewing tobacco I had. I explained I had plastic braces and found out he had a night splint. Most people have had a dental problem of one type or another. Why single out braces as a bigger problem than the others?

You're getting your teeth straightened to have a better appearance and social life. Don't put this on hold because someone may notice your braces!!

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#4 Post by DrJasonKTam »

I wore Invisalign on a first date a few years ago and had some concerns. We went to an amusement park and I spent a little bit longer in the bathroom after lunch brushing up. She asked me if everything was ok and I showed her my aligner case, explaining what it was. I think she found it a bit odd, but thought it was cool that aligners could straighten teeth.

The person on that date is now my wife :).[/url]
Dr. Jason Tam
Toronto Invisalign, Scarborough braces, and Markham Orthodontist
Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider
Thrice Published in the Invisalign Case Gallery

Learn all about Toronto Invisalign at

Before and After Invisalign Video 1
Before and After Invisalign Video 2

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#5 Post by KSM »

Thank you so much for your replies. I'm definitely feeling better, I just wish my attachments weren't going to be on my front two teeth!

lemon tree
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#6 Post by lemon tree »

Dr. Tam - that's such a cute first date story, especially given your profession :)

KSM - hope your first date went well. after I got my trays I asked my fiance what he would have thought if I had gone to the bathroom multiples dates on our first date and he thought it might seem a bit weird unless he knew about the invisalign. everyone's different though and it all depend on what you're comfortable with. having said that, I'm on tray 13 and barely anyone's noticed my trays and 11 attachments.

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#7 Post by andrea26 »

i definately wouldnt mention anything on the first date. You barely know the person and you might never meet again so there is no point. I would probably mention it on the second date or so . Even till this day many of my friends havent noticed that i ve got " something " on my teeth and those who know often think that i have them out when they are actually in! I love invisalign!

lemon tree
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#8 Post by lemon tree »

^ hehe. I feel the same way. my friends are always offering me food and I always have to remind them about the trays. out of sight, out of mind I guess.

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#9 Post by KSM »

The date was a success! I don't think he noticed at all. Well, he didn't say anything at least. I doubt I would say anything if I noticed something on someone's teeth. I did drink with them in, but I had water with each beverage. I know that's wrong, but I didn't want to take them out for a long time.

I'm at a point now that I don't even care if people notice because it's going to be so worth it in the end!


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#10 Post by Weeeyin »

aww, thats good, glad the date went well. I've actually grown to love my trays more over the last week or so when somone said i have lovely sparkly white teeth....they never knew the shiny-ness was the trays lol

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