NHS waiting list - this long?

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NHS waiting list - this long?

#1 Post by redfoxjo »

Hi all,

I've been braced for just over a year and a half, waiting for upper and lower surgery on NHS for long face, recessive chin, incompetent lip, overbite, openbite, etc.

I've been having the surgery carrot dangled in front of my face since last year. My orthodontist is either an idiot or a sadist but keeps telling me it'll be at a certain point then when we get there, the surgery will then be 6 months from that point.

So in March he said I'd be ready/get surgery in November. Now I'm not even going to joint clinic until October 30th to meet my surgeon for the first time in 2 years to discuss everything, etc and then IF they decide I'm ready, it's a 4 month waiting list with the hospital.

I've had a gutful. I feel like getting a pair of pliers and ripping the bastards out and giving up with this sesame.

But at the same time I am so grateful to be getting it done because i've always hated my face shape and profile and can't bite properly so it's great to be getting it for free.

The thing that upsets me the most is why my ortho keeps telling me positive news on one appointment then on the next, the head ortho will have a look at me and tell my ortho there's some flower up with the canines or alignment, etc. I just don't understand how he doesn't forsee these problems.

Sorry to sound so harsh but I'm so fed up. It's soul-destroying going through this. My confidence is ZERO.


Anyone else been through hell and back on NHS? xx

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#2 Post by bubsy08 »

Just starting my long journey. I got my first ever joint appointment tomorow to see what they will be doing. My ortho said I proably will have some teeth out then be braced for 18 months then have surgery.

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#3 Post by Mel123 »

I am having the same operation: upper and lower for long face, recessive chin, overbite, open bite, but have been a bit more fortunate with the NHS so far…….

Put on the waiting list last summer, wisdom teeth removed November last year and braced March of this year. I was expecting a date in august of next year for the operation and dreading my time in braces to last so long but at my recent appointment my ortho said my teeth would be ready this December for surgery! My doubts are with the waiting list also and whether the SURGEON would be ready in December.

I guess it all depends on what hospital you’re at, where that hospital is, who your ortho is and how your teeth are.

Just hold on in there, you have waited this long and you want to make sure your bite is going to be perfect after the long awaited op.

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Location: Scotland

#4 Post by Saffie »

Wow, that's pretty impressive Mel. How would you feel about having some orthodontic refugees come to stay with you for a year or two?

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