ssfw wrote:You look beautiful and your wedding gown is beautiful too. I'm so glad that your orthodontist was willing to remove your braces for your wedding and honeymoon. Is he going to charge you for this? Just curious, did he remove your lower braces too? I bet your teeth felt weird without the braces.
Wishing you and your husband much happiness in the years ahead!
hi ssfw,
My ortho (who is a she

) is actually the one who told me she would do this for me when I get married. I'm pretty sure a reason was because I mentioned my wedding at my consultation LAST YEAR and how I wasn't sure I wanted to get braces until AFTER the wedding. Well, I *THINK* she's accommodating to do this for any bride-to-be, but I can't know for sure. I know she has done it for others (and very recently, as well as prior to my consultation), but has she charged them? I don't know. My gut feeling says no. She's very honest and down-to-earth and genuinely cares about her clients, etc., etc., so I'm thinking she's not in it PURELY for profit, ya know?
Anyway, it was definitely weird at first getting them off and having teeth, but I can tell you it wasn't a "I miss my brackets" feeling at all. I was ECSTATIC! LOL There were times at the beginning when I would still do something with my tongue/lips and expect the brackets and they weren't there, but after this long (been over 2 weeks now; almost 3), I forget what they FELT like. I'm dreading getting them back on and needing to get acclimated again. LOL
And, just the tops were taken off and she was actually going to leave the brackets on the last two molars that had brackets (my very last one does not have them), but thought if I smiled wide enough, the brackets would be seen, so she's left just the ones on my next-to-last molars. So, I do still have the brackets with the 'hooks' and buccal tube. LOL! And, you definitely don't even SEE the bottoms when I smile and maybe only a little when I talk, so it's no biggie. I SOOO wish my tops were "DONE" and this was all I had to deal with