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Taking the plunge next week. I'm 28 and now is the time to fix my teeth. I have major crowding and never did anything about it when I was younger. I'm currently in Asia working (well until next July) so I can "hideout" while wearing braces and the cost is considerable less than in the States or Europe
However I have only 7 months if you will to get my teeth into some sort of shape. The dentist has recommended this and then Veneers.
I've got to tell you---I'm not a big fan of veneers. They aren't permanent and they don't fix the real underling orthodontic problems. They wear out over time and need to be redone so could potentially cost more money out of pocket then just sticking with braces and seeing the orthodontic work through to the end.
Personally, I would not rush this. I would look into transferring your case once you leave Asia.
As for "hiding out", there is no need. I have braces and work professionally with no problem whatsoever.
I'm in Asia temporarily as well, and decided to get braces here because of the lower cost...and yes, the ability to 'hide out', LOL.
First of all, are you sure you will only be in Asia until July? Because work contracts get extended all the time. You may be around longer than you think. But if you aren't, why not continue treatment back in your home country? That's what I would do if I could not finish my treatment in Singapore.
Yeah..I was thinking that the other day, I guess I'm just really nervous about it all but if there working well I might just continue the process back home. The dentist has said that by 7-8 months I should see a massive improvement so that has really encouraged me.
Any recommendations with regards to food. I'm in Beijing btw so maybe chopsticks will work wonders
You will definitely see a TON of improvement in 7-8 months. But that may not be enough time for your teeth to "set" if you take the braces off that early.
As for food...I eat pretty much everything I ate before braces, except for almonds. I'm sure you'll have no problems sampling any of the Asian delicacies available in Beijing!