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After a while they will seem like your best friend... At least that is what
everyone says. or we try to tell each other.. Really just think if you didn't
get them , you would not be happy ........ Here's to hoping time pass quickly for you...... An Welcome to a wonderful board of freinds who
are always there for you........
Hello everyone, I am 22 and tomorrow I will go to my first visit with the orthodontist. I have to admit that I am a little nervous since my general dentist told me that I would probably need to have 4 extractions in order to make room before getting my braces I hope I really don't..that's going to hurt!
Rosie71 wrote:Apparently since 'Ugly Betty' thousands more adults have opted for fitted braces!
Really? That's funny! I also heard that, because of the economy, more adults were rushing to get orthodontic treatment in case they lost their jobs and insurance coverage...(they must have great insurance because I don't know many adults who have orthodontic coverage...).
Rosie71 wrote:Thanks guys ( Ana, Bekah and Kinda nervous!)
That's fantastic Ana re you had your braces on a day before me: how's it going?
It's ok now. Thanks for asking.
Chewing was extremely hard the first 4 days, so I basically just had soup for every meal lol. I also had to use some wax on an annoying bracket on my left side for the first 2 days. But now everything's fine and I'm used to my braces.
I do feel that my mouth / lips are a lot dryer, though, but I guess that's something I can live with
yeah no ortho coverage for me... I didn't do it for ugly betty either. I just wanted to feel better about myself (i'm a little vain haha)
Well 9 days to go until first adjustment, whoo hoo!
Getting used to the brace, though am experiencing a dry mouth more, like you Ana
Just wanted to point out: i didn't mean that i got braces coz of the programme 'Ugly Betty', i was making a statement regarding it. Sometimes i don't explain myself properly