Invisalign Concerns

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Invisalign Concerns

#1 Post by mlm7432 »

So, today I am going to go get my first set of trays and am all of a sudden feeling nervous about it. Up until now I was super excited, but I'm starting to worry that I'm not going to be comfortable with them in.

One of my biggest concerns is that the "buttons" are going to make me feel self conscious. Can anyone who has the "buttons" or "attachments" help me ease my mind about that?

And the second concern I have is that I'm worried my speech is going to be horrible. How long and how badly do the trays cause you to have a lisp?

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#2 Post by KUMonkeyMomma »

I think alot depends on where your attachments are - but most of the time no one can tell you have them because they match your tooth color so unless you're looking just right or unless someone is staring right into your mouth while wide open they're not going to be glaringly obvious.

Both of mine are on front teeth - one on top and one on bottom and no one's noticed them. The people that know I have them (family/close friends) tell me they can't tell they are there, etc.

My speech was off for I'd say the first week - but it did get better each day as my mouth/tongue figured new way to move or pronounce the same sounds, etc. I still have a bit of trouble with certain letters (S and the th sound) but I think I notice it more than anyone else does to be honest. In most cases any lisp or speech issues go away within the first couple weeks at most.

Good luck!!!
Started treatment 9/2/09
Treatment finished 4/27/11

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Re: Invisalign Concerns

#3 Post by SteveL »

mlm7432 wrote:So, today I am going to go get my first set of trays and am all of a sudden feeling nervous about it. Up until now I was super excited, but I'm starting to worry that I'm not going to be comfortable with them in.

One of my biggest concerns is that the "buttons" are going to make me feel self conscious. Can anyone who has the "buttons" or "attachments" help me ease my mind about that?

And the second concern I have is that I'm worried my speech is going to be horrible. How long and how badly do the trays cause you to have a lisp?

Very common concerns. Your speech will be 'off' for a little while, but you quickly adjust. I'm now 5 months in, and my speech with them on is almost the same as having them out. I've adjusted and don't even think twice about it anymore.

Buttons is much the same. I don't worry about it, even when friends talk with me up close. So what if they notice? Just remember your teeth are straightening themselves out, and that's the most important thing to remember :)

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#4 Post by Bellalalala »

Really, don't worry about it. I have 6 attachments on my upper teeth, and even many dentists don't notice that I'm wearing invisalign until I point it out.

It may feel a bit funny at first, but it's nothing compared to the first week of metal brackets (I have those on the bottom).
Take it easy, and practice taking them out a few times and you'll be fine.

If you have a hard time getting them out, ie: you don't have any nails, then you can try using a crochet hook. That's what my dentist recommended for me when I broke my hand a few weeks ago, and it works really well.

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#5 Post by melandy »

hiya I am on tray 4 at the mo and dont have a problem with them at all - I have 7 attachments on the top and 6 on the bottom and I would be lying if I said I can get them in and out easily - but I am getting better at it - I have had no problems with cuts or ulsers at all and I am now preferring to wear them than without although I do get very thirsty and my lips very dry. I just keep telling myself that give it a year and I will have beautiful teeth ! this is my 40th present from my hubby as he has known for years that I wanted them done but could never afforded it before. I came ' Invisilign 'OUT' the other day on facebook and friends all said they had noticed something but didnt like to say and now they ask questions and I find it easier that way than having a conversation with someone and them looking at my mouth all the time although they are not really noticible you do notice that there is a difference you just cant pin point what lol good luck I am sure you will be fine :o)

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#6 Post by Bellalalala »

Maybe it's different when you have both bottom and top invisalign retainers, because absolutely nobody notices my top-only invisalign retainer.

Also, my teeth don't show much when I talk, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I'm in dental school and still, no one notices.

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#7 Post by gfalke1 »

I'm afraid the buttons have nearly been a dealbreaker for me along with several other issues regarding Invisalign treatment. I had full metal braces for four long years as a teen. I am finding Invisalign treatment much more difficult to tolerate.

I've had the buttons for 14 weeks now. They are driving me crazy. I have six below and two above. They feel huge. I am conscious of them every minute. The ones below are extremely visible and make me look freaky. When the aligners are out, it feels like the worst hard food stuck to your teeth that you can't get off. They scratch the inside of my mouth. Argh.

My dentist said that Invisalign treatment CAN be attempted without the buttons, but it may not be as effective and may take longer. She is willing to take them off if and when I reach the end of my rope. She's begged me to try and tough it out. My goal is to make it 3/4 through treatment at least, which is early May. I'm just doubtful right now I can do it. I am miserable.

What angers me the most is that this was never discussed with me ahead of time. When I express my frustration (and I am hardly a drama queen about this), my dentist acts like I am a nutcase. I hope your dentist is more honest about the pros and cons. Good luck and I hope I'm just an extreme case.

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#8 Post by Second Time Around »

If your attachments are on your front teeth they will be visible (unless as one other poster noted, your teeth do not show much when you smile).

I unfortunately have all the front teeth covered in attachments and I show a lot of teeth when my smile (I have fairly large front teeth). That basically means that Invisalign is not invisible in my case and everyone knows that I am wearing braces.

That being said, it is preferable to metal in my opinion, and if you truly want improvement of your current smile, a period with visible attachments won't be so bad.

I wasn't told of the buttons in advance so I was not able to make an informed choice. It sounds like your dentist has told you about them so that is a good sign he/she is giving you realistic expectations of treatment.

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#9 Post by goodteethby2013 »

MLM - I just started my treatment two weeks ago and had a lot of concern about the buttons too. I had specifically asked my ortho to inform me of the quantity and locations of the buttons when they were doing the coordination with Invisalign, but unfortunately they did not so the buttons were a surprise. I only have three - but one of the attachments on my upper canine is sooooo huge that it looks like I have a crazy distorted fang. I am self concious about it. I had hoped that by having invisalign on my upper arch I would feel ok about braces, but this is going to take a while to get used to. Regardless, I am still excited about fixing my bite. Good luck.

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#10 Post by Zoso »

I'm like halfway through and no one has ever said anything. A buddy of mine said he noticed them one particular day, after the fact, when the topic came up.

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#11 Post by alexshrugged »

I sympathize with you -- I almost had panic attacks the week before I got my attachments, and I almost backed out of the treatment altogether. I have 12 attachments: 6 upper, 6 lower, on ALL my front teeth. I was so scared, and expected to be semi-traumatized by the experience. This was, luckily, not the case at all, and most people don't even notice them. I swear!

I show a lot of teeth when I talk and smile, and only people who get up very close can ever tell -- and sometimes even then, they don't notice. I had a friend the other day notice for the first time. He was like, "how long have you had those?" -- when I said I'd had them for several months he was shocked. Of course I'm sure there are people who notice and just don't say anything, but nobody ever stares at them, so they don't seem to bother anyone.

I have even been asked out by a couple (cute) guys since I've had them (I have a boyfriend, so I can't speak for actually dating...), so clearly it didn't make me weird or unattractive.

The one thing that I will add is that I did A LOT of whitening before I got the attachments on, and I am very careful about not staining them. I've noticed reading other posts here that people tend to get stains around the attachments which make them more noticeable. I cut down my coffee/soda consumption by a lot and I brush obsessively. I feel like as long as the attachments blend into my (white) teeth, it really makes them less visible!

I also have a stellar ortho who made sure they're shaped nicely (they're all rectangular, but they slope down to my teeth instead of just being a big block), and well polished so they have never once irritated me.

I can't speak to others' experiences but I encourage you to go into it with an open mind. I was really surprised at how little they affected my appearance or my lifestyle! And the added benefit is that my teeth moved so much after just the first tray with the attachments -- it felt like a victory! Good luck!

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Invisalign concerns

#12 Post by susanj »

I too was super excited until I got my first trays yesterday - then I saw there were five buttons for the top front teeth. The tray is no longer "invisible" because they look like bubbles. I get the actual buttons put on next week and seriously reconsidering this process. I am wondering if anyone has asked their dentist to have future button placements removed from the Invisilign trays because I do not want to continue this with all of the buttons along the front. I can handle the incisors having buttons, but this seems like overkill! I know the treatment will be more effective if they're on, but if I'm not going to put these in my mouth for 20 hours/day that's even less effective.

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#13 Post by Zoso »

I'm on 12/16 now. After 13, attachments come off. So I only had them for 12 trays. Also on 10 day trays since #6, and that makes it fly by.

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#14 Post by Phantom Muse »

I think if your treatment "prescription" is already completed and approved, I don't think that you can "redo" it without paying for it. I could be wrong about that, but...

I have attachments on my front teeth (7 total up and down), and at first I thought they were HUGE, but I really could care less about them now. No one has mentioned them (although I suspect they notice them at times), and the only way my teeth are going to make the moves they need is with these little buggers, so I have accepted them.

My ortho does plan to take the attachments off my lowers when I finish with the final tray. I will still have another 5 trays on top, but my lowers will be naked! In addition, if I do need refinements, I plan to ask my ortho if the work I'll need can be done with less visible attachments or none at all. The ortho has some degree of control over your treatment plan, so if it is possible to do it without attachements, I'd like to explore that. Now, hopefully I won't need refinements...

I suggest asking your ortho about the details of your ENTIRE treatment plan, and that may help you feel better - especially if you find out some of the attachments come off sooner rather than later. When I found out I'd have no IPR, I was thrilled, so it made handling the attachments far less of an emotional issue for me.

Hope this helps!

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#15 Post by leevshan »

When I was on tray #1, the lisp disappeared in about 1 week, but now I'm on the second day of tray #2, I'm lisping again. The position of the bite changes on tray #2, so I'm re-adjusting to the new tray. I wonder if this happens everytime you move on to the next tray?

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