Talking with braces.

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Talking with braces.

#1 Post by determined419 »

Is it just me, or does it seem like once you get braces, you have to re train yourself on how to say some words/letters? No other hardware right now, just the braces. Like S for example. If I don't watch and talk too fast, my S's turn into a lispy sound. Never had that issue before. I know there are brackets on my teeth protruding out and all but I just found it odd that I would have that issue the first day I got them on and even now 3 days later. Does this go away or is it just something that comes with the territory?

Steph in Sac
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#2 Post by Steph in Sac »

I haven't noticed any problems speaking except for when I am reading at lenght to my kids--for some reason, I do notice I have to position my mouth differently for certain words (can't think of any right now). I have not noticed anything different in normal conversation.

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#3 Post by FrockyHorror »

I feel that I have developed a slight lisp when I talk but no-one else has noticed it. Even when I point it out to people they still can't hear it! Although I have noticed that as my bite has changed that the lisp has also eased!

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#4 Post by blindboarder2008 »

i developed quite the lisp when I inherited braces but once you get used to them and your mouth gets used to them it eases off, I found that for my first few adjustments the lisp would come back a bit but over time it didn't or I just didn't notice it. Search up the Rainbow poem, its a nifty poem that has all of the sounds of words in it, its helpful for new braces wearers and can also be helpful if you are having any sort of jaw surgery!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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#5 Post by trillium »

once you get used to talking with braces, then you'll get elastics.............. (for me an effort to open my mouth every time...)
04/09/09- Consult, 04/21/09- Spacers in, 04/23/09- Braces on, 06/01/09- Extractions
06/25/09- First Adjustment (new wire, but same size- all the way to bck molars- after extractions)
08/20/09- Second adjustment (same size wire but got Powerchains top and bottom!!!)
10/02/09- 3rd adj (same size wire, new powerchain, started elastics)
12/10/09- 4th adj. (same size wire, new powerchain, same elastics)
02/11/10- 5th adj.

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#6 Post by Le »

My little braces quirk is every now and again I whistle when I try and pronounce a word! I can't stop laughing when it happens. It's sort of become a running joke!!!

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#7 Post by determined419 »

Le wrote:My little braces quirk is every now and again I whistle when I try and pronounce a word! I can't stop laughing when it happens. It's sort of become a running joke!!!
That made me lol thinking about it!! Almost like someone who forgot to put their false teeth in whistle. :D

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#8 Post by lealicious »

Hahaha, my braces whistle too! Every time I say a word with the letter "F" in it, I make a whistle sound. It's funny.

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#9 Post by 40WithBraces »

I felt like I was talking really funny too, but my husband was the only one who said anything / teased me about it lol

But now that I am 2 weeks in, I think my speech sounds a lot better this week, not nearly as muffled as it was, so I am happy


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#10 Post by yhawks102 »

lealicious wrote:Hahaha, my braces whistle too! Every time I say a word with the letter "F" in it, I make a whistle sound. It's funny.
This is me all the way!!!! I'm just 5 days in, so I'm still getting a kick of out it, lol!

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#11 Post by determined419 »

I'm glad I'm not the only one then. :)

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#12 Post by nuttynat »

She sells sea shells by the sea shore :-)

I found it quite difficult to pronounce words for eg March, but then I got the hang of it until I got my first adjustment, then for about a week it was back to troubles again... it's all good for the moment at least!
8/Jan/10 Wired up, but no place to go
4/May/10 Full upper & lower brackets put on

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#13 Post by yo »

Oh yeah, my lisp was BAD! I have so much space between my top teeth that the air would not only whoosh through my teeth, but whoosh around the wire and brackets as well. When talking on the phone at work I think people felt I was drunk and slurring my words!

Its much better now, but I'm waiting to see what happens on Monday for my first adjustment.

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#14 Post by drpotter »

I'd always been able to hear "something" in the speech patterns of those with braces (I could generally tell someone had braces just by hearing them talk) but never really thought anything of it until I got mine and now I have it too. It's not really bad, just a slight change in shaping of some letters. No one else seems to notice though, even when I point it out, so who knows. Maybe you just have to had studied elocution and speech as a kid like I did!

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#15 Post by rhaqqad »

I love it when I only have braces on. My removable expander destroys anyones lisp here lol. And I have to advise and tutor college students.

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