How do you feel about your metal braces?

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#16 Post by jxds »

Hey, I am 14 months into full metal. I don't regret my decision, at the beginning it was difficult to get used to my new look. I still think that ceramics do look better than metal, especially in adults (I'm 29), but after getting your braces probably your look will be the last of your concerns - canker sores, pain, trouble eating, hygiene and the rest will definitely keep you busy. I chose metal (damons) because my ortho only uses them. I asked for ceramics, and went for another consultation, but they wanted me to get 4 teeth pulled. I really prefer the metal look than loosing healthy teeth!
braced 07/02/08, braces off january 2010
sentence: 18 months, upper and lower damons + elastics
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#17 Post by petitcanard »

This post has been really helpful! I'm also wrestling with the ceramic vs metal dilemma. I think I'm going to just bite the bullet and do full metal (at 37, eep) - as another poster mentioned, you'll see the braces anyway so what the heck. I'm actually now hoping a bit that they're not self-ligating, so I can go crazy with color! Good luck, let us know what you choose! :tingrin:


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#18 Post by yj207 »

I did all metal because they were smaller and less bulky. Also I heard they are pretty durable. People who got ceramics I know in person told me not to get ceramics so I am glad I got all metal. Still I feel very self conscious sometimes because my mouth is all metal! I know ceramics are bigger and my teeth are small so I doubt they would have all fit in my mouth anyway.

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Regretted metal for a second...

#19 Post by CassieB »

I'm 39 and got all metal because the ceramics added time to my treatment and getting through the braces as fast as possible is important to me. More important than having the braces less visible.

I talk to people ALL DAY LONG...and I teach. It's funny because we just had our first classes and I can tell the students are trying to figure out "does she that...yep! My prof has braces!" LOL!

Also, I'm AMAZED how many adults I notice braces on now. It's been 6 weeks, and I'm pretty much used to them now and very much less self conscious of them....but the first weeks were harder and did wonder if I did the right thing.......then my teeth started moving and all regret disappeared.

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#20 Post by fdd1212 »

I'm 28, male, and got metal. I wanted them off as fast as possible and metal is stronger and faster, according to my ortho. Braces are braces...I figured ceramic was just as noticeable as metal. You're not fooling anyone. ;)

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metal braces

#21 Post by sadpanda »

I LOVE metal braces!!! I think I look better with metal braces on than without them.

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#22 Post by yoginbraces »

Although I have ceramics I thought I would reply to this post to tell everyone if I could do it again I would choose all metal. I'm 45 years old so it felt "weird" to have all metal but in hindsight I don't think it matters. People get used to seeing you in braces so quickly (2 weeks tops) but the extra work it takes to care for ceramics will last the entire treatment period. Rather than just worrying about brushing and flossing, I now have to worry about food and beverages staining my ligs which is a daily I drink coffee, tea, any dark beverage? will this food stain? these are questions I ask myself daily.

Btw, I have only had braces for one month so believe me when I say you get used to braces so quickly...ceramics or save yourself money and the hassle and go for metal. Wish I had. That said, I really do love how my teeth are shaping so overall I have no regrets whatsoever.


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#23 Post by jackjack »

My friend had ceramics, I still have my metals on. Either way it was obvious both of us had braces on. Save some money, go with metals!

Squara square face
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#24 Post by Squara square face »

I love my metal braces! The first day I couldn't stop looking at them- I was facsinated by them! 4 months on I barely notice them- they are just sort of part of me now!

Also like JackJack said- my friend too has ceramic braces and you can still see we both have braces.

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