Slight underbite. was told surgery or teeth removal? (pics)

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Slight underbite. was told surgery or teeth removal? (pics)

#1 Post by jimbo6 »

Hello everyone. i am a male and 18 years old. about 2 years ago i noticed my teeth werent the same as before. my top front teeth were right on top of my bottoms instead of going over them. well a couple years pass and here i am, with a slight underbite.

I went to my dentist and he said i probably needed surgery to fix it. otherwise i had great teeth. he referred me to a orthodontist who checked out my teeth and he also said i had very good teeth other than the slight underbite. He said i have 3 options:

1. Do nothing and just leave it
2. Get braces for a year and have surgery
3. Get braces for a year and remove a tooth or 2.

now i would like to correct this underbite as i am somewhat self conscious about it and esp when i smile. I dont mind the braces part, but im kind of worried about the surgery, and breaking my jaw (eek) and all of that. The ortho presented the idea to removing a tooth or 2 and i was curious to know more about it. He should me a few pictures of some girl that got it done and it looked really good. it does shift my teeth and doesnt make them textbook proper but atleast the underbite would be gone.

I would like to hear what you guys have to say. is surgery or teeth removal really my only options? braces cant fix this at all?
here are the pics of my face/teeth. excuse the yellowness, my camera is not very good and really makes my teeth look bad. My teeth are quite white in real life.


Thanks alot!

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#2 Post by tdawg7669 »

Well from that picture it looks like your under bite is the result of an underdeveloped maxilla(obtuse nasolabial angle)

Surgery and extraction are the only options that are stable. Surgery would be if you are unhappy with your profile or think your mandible juts out too much.

That being said, judging on that photo if I were you Id just go the extraction route. Its really only noticeable to people who are either orthodontist oral surgeons, or have a similar condition.

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#3 Post by jimbo6 »

whats the extraction route? is that pulling teeth?


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#4 Post by Etta »

I'm having similar treatment to what you've described, ive had two teeth removed from the top and am currently wearing braces for to get my teeth into the correct position for surgery. I began treatment 5 months ago,surgery will be in a years time then 6 months more of braces.

Your underbite looks very mild and your teeth look great, nice and straight with a lovely smile! If i had teeth like yours i dont think i'd feel the need to go through this. If it is making you unhappy then perhaps you could try the non-surgery route and see the end could always get surgery later if you are unhappy still.

Good luck !

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#5 Post by ReneG »

What's your range of motion? Do you have other issues like TMJ or biting/chewing problems?

Your underbite is minor and not really noticeable at first glance. You have lovely teeth!! If I were you, I wouldn't do anything.

Surgery is too extreme for this.

If you have one or more of the teeth extracted, you'll rely on the ortho to ensure your teeth are as straight and functional.

Remember that humans are all different from one another - don't conform!!
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#6 Post by DrJasonKTam »

I'd tend to agree with the sentiment that the malocclusion can be corrected without surgery. While extractions of premolars may help fix the underbite, there is a possibility that removing your wisdom teeth combined with excellent compliance using class 3 elastics will get your teeth to fit together properly. This may require the lower teeth to be moved back in "sections" rather than all at once.

All of this being said, if you would like to change your profile, you may have to explore the surgical route. Speak to your orthodontist to discuss some of the possibilities.

Good luck!
Dr. Jason Tam
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#7 Post by bb »

Your teeth are beautiful and your lower jaw is nice and masculine.
If I were you, I'd go for extractions and braces on the lower teeth.

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#8 Post by drrick »

I wouldnt be surprised if your case finishes up very nicely by angulating the upper teeth (they look upright to me) and retracting the lower teeth. You may not need extraction on the bottom but as dr tam mentioned above very good compliance with elastic wear. Some IPR could work wonders as well. Lower incisor ext can be done to camoflague a case like yours as well -- basically alot of IPR on one tooth :wink:

I am just going from the pics above but that could be a reasonable plan.
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#9 Post by jimbo6 »

Thanks alot to you all. these comments have helped me understanding that its not to big of a deal as is. i would still like to explore the possibility of correcting it, but i am more content now.

You guys are right, i dont think surgery is really needed, it was just an option the ortho gave. im not thrilled with that option.

I would also like to add, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed last year, if it makes any difference.

Another thing, is there any possible way that braces could correct a slight underbite like this?

thank you all very much.

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#10 Post by jimbo6 »

Also, no i do not have any pain in my mouth/jaw. to add to my will braces comment. ive read around about elastics and braces. not sure if this is real or not, but let me know!


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#11 Post by drrick »

You can get the upper teeth to bite over the lower teeth. that shouldnt be a problem.

It is the facial profile change that may not change significantly.

If the teeth are lined up are most people going to notice the profile?
More people will notice the underbite of the teeth than the profile.
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#12 Post by blueberry*bunni »

I had a slight underbite too. It was fixed with only elastics, even though they recommended surgery and headgear. I would get a second opinion

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#13 Post by jimbo6 »

thanks blueberrybunni, how was yours compared to mine? around the same? and how does it look now?

was it cheaper to use the elastics?


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#14 Post by uvraise »

Go for a second opinion and even a third. I was also told I would need surgery to correct my underbite. Mine was not horrible but much worse than yours is now, my upper lateral incisors were rotated almost 90 degrees, I wore a palatal expander for a few months and have had 7 different rubber band configurations. The last configuration was mentioned above, class 3 triangles. My underbite was corrected with the braces alone and then my ortho wanted to give it the extra umph with the class three configuration. Needless to say my teeth were pretty jacked up! The first two ortho's I went to told me I needed surgery, two to be exact. One to fix the "tilt" of my upper jaw and a second to split my mandibular rami and move my lower jaw backwards, no friggin way! So when my kids went to get their braces on I decided to get a third and final consult. So, 17 months later, all my teeth are straight and even, my bite is great, I have a "normal" overbite and will be getting these suckers off around thanksgiving! So do yourself a favor, ask another ortho!

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#15 Post by uvraise »

Sorry, 16 months, better still!

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