those braced in january 2010 - how's it going?
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those braced in january 2010 - how's it going?
as I was braced 8 Jan it's now been over two months.
My extraction gaps are slowly getting smaller (and I mean slowly)
I have noticed decent shifts in some teeth (particularly my canines) and noticed really minor (maybe hopeful) movement in my front teeth. I've also noticed that where floss used to be difficult to use, it has now become easier
Every now and again different teeth get sensitive/tender but at the moment I've got a mouth sore right on the inside where top lip meets bottom lip & because there is constant movement when I talk, it feels like it doesn't help heal the sore.
Neway, that's my progress... how about you?
My extraction gaps are slowly getting smaller (and I mean slowly)
I have noticed decent shifts in some teeth (particularly my canines) and noticed really minor (maybe hopeful) movement in my front teeth. I've also noticed that where floss used to be difficult to use, it has now become easier
Every now and again different teeth get sensitive/tender but at the moment I've got a mouth sore right on the inside where top lip meets bottom lip & because there is constant movement when I talk, it feels like it doesn't help heal the sore.
Neway, that's my progress... how about you?
8/Jan/10 Wired up, but no place to go
4/May/10 Full upper & lower brackets put on
4/May/10 Full upper & lower brackets put on
I was braced on January 26th.
I have to say the first month was a challenge, especially the first two weeks. Poked wires, torn up was awful. Somehow, magically, things got way better. I'm sure the family and friends and happy I don't talk about my braces to them all the time.
I noticed a good bit of movement, but then my teeth were/are horribly overcrowded. I can actually floss without ripping it to shreds. Wow, so this is how regular people floss!
The first adjustment went well. After hearing so many horror stories I was pleasantly surprised it didn't hurt as much as expected.
Hope all the rest of you are doing well, too!
I have to say the first month was a challenge, especially the first two weeks. Poked wires, torn up was awful. Somehow, magically, things got way better. I'm sure the family and friends and happy I don't talk about my braces to them all the time.
I noticed a good bit of movement, but then my teeth were/are horribly overcrowded. I can actually floss without ripping it to shreds. Wow, so this is how regular people floss!
The first adjustment went well. After hearing so many horror stories I was pleasantly surprised it didn't hurt as much as expected.
Hope all the rest of you are doing well, too!
- Posts: 80
- Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:44 pm
I was braced Jan 28th. Things are moving nicely. My top teeth are pretty darn close to being straight (they weren't all that bad to begin with). My bottom teeth, waiting on one of my teeth to straighten out still (crowded, 1 overlaps another tooth), after that happens things will be pretty straight!!
I can't wait to be hoping I can have an early release...
I can't wait to be hoping I can have an early release...

So I wasn't braced in January... first week of feb for me. Thought I would post anyways. I have seen a ton of movement. My teeth are going like crazy. My tooth that stuck out on top is now pulled in and almost level with my others. My bottom teeth are also a whole lot straighter. I go back in in 2 weeks for a adjustment and spacers.

Eight weeks today, and there's some crazy stuff going on with my teeth - so far all of it's good, I hope! My top teeth are being extruded to make them more visible and close my open bite. One side has come down really nicely, but the other hasn't been as quick, so I'm looking quite wonky and have big gaps opening up as the one side of my top teeth make their break from the other!
Obsessing in the bathroom mirror every day I'd failed to notice just how much difference there's been already
It took my orthodontist to point it out to me when I went for an adjustment last week; she noticed straightaway how much movement there'd been in the four weeks since I'd last seen her.
So all in all I'm feeling pretty positive. (Doesn't mean I'm not impatient for the next 16 months to be over with though!)
Obsessing in the bathroom mirror every day I'd failed to notice just how much difference there's been already

So all in all I'm feeling pretty positive. (Doesn't mean I'm not impatient for the next 16 months to be over with though!)
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:00 am
I was braced on January 29th and I haven't seen much movement at all, at least, not that can be seen with the naked eye LOL. I'm in the process of leveling and I had a new wire put in at my first adjustment. My next adjustment is April 28th and I hope there are some visible changes between now and then. Otherwise, everything is great. I have forgotten what it was like to not have braces really. I forget all about them until I have to brush, floss, use waterpik, rinse, eat, talk, etc. HA!
I was actually braced on Dec. 29th, so even though I technically wasn't braced in January, I say close enough! Anyway, I've had one wire change since then. I could feel pressure, but I can't really say that I've experienced much actual pain beyond the lacerated cheeks and bitten tongue.
I had one tooth on the bottom that was obviously crooked. It was kind of turned sideways and leaning forward. It straightened out almost immediately. I can't tell much difference on the top yet.
I had one tooth on the bottom that was obviously crooked. It was kind of turned sideways and leaning forward. It straightened out almost immediately. I can't tell much difference on the top yet.

- Posts: 80
- Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:44 pm
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:10 pm
- Location: USA
january braces
I got my braces January 12th - I am so glad I'm doing this! I've got brackets on the bottom and invisalign on top - there has been tons of movement. I'm about to get a TAD installed in order to pull everything backward and adjust my midline. The original estimate for treatment was 27 months. I am hoping it may be less time.