Question for Coffee Drinkers

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Question for Coffee Drinkers

#1 Post by smilelikeyoumeanit »

Hi Coffee Drinkers out there! So, I'm getting ceramic braces on my top teeth on Monday (will be getting metal on the bottom in about 6 weeks). I am a pretty healthy eater overall, drink mostly water, etc. but I definitely have my morning coffee ritual. Since I found out that I was getting braces, and have read about the possibility of staining, I was going to wean myself off of caffeine, but just haven't. I love everything about coffee- the smell, the taste, I love walking over to Starbucks every morning with my co-workers... I don't want to give it up!

What am I in for? Am I going to have to deal with staining? Any tips to cutdown on staining?

(as you maybe able to tell, the nerves are kicking! I'm starting to obsess over every detail of this process) :wink:

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#2 Post by Maya »

Do you drink black coffee or with milk? I have ceramic uppers and they have not stained at all, I drink coffee with milk. Even though I have read that black coffee will stain, I have yet to prove it.

Even so, the brackets do not stain at all, only the clear ligatures. You won't have to drink coffee with a straw, promise!

Hope everything goes well.

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#3 Post by AnnR »

i have ceramics with clear ligs. i have at least 3 mugs of coffee (with milk) a day, had no problem with staining. not tried black coffee though!

only problem i have had is with turmeric so am avoiding it now as my ligs were ghastly yellow after a curry last week. spent days brushing several times with bicarb of soda toothpaste but they're still a weird yellowy colour! luckily having them changed on monday!

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#4 Post by smilelikeyoumeanit »

That's good to know! I do only drink coffee with milk. I also love curry and my fiance makes a mean one, but I have resigned myself to only eat it close to appointments where I'm going to get my ligs changed. I don't think I can quit curry for two years.

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#5 Post by Sandpiper »

I drink both black and white coffee, depending on my mood, and have had no issues with staining. Best of luck with your journey!
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#6 Post by VancouverJude »

Congrats on getting (half) your braces on Monday!

I too *love* my coffee. I am all in metal, but from all accounts I don't think you'll have a problem with your brackets staining.

Alas the problem is coffee stains the teeth and I feel any staining is more noticeable because of braces. I'm trying to keep myself at two cups a day mostly in the morning.

I went for a scaling just before getting my braces (which was approx 5 months after my last cleaning.) I'll next go for a full cleaning in Jan, then just scaling in Apr, then keep switching out.

I'm in zero way worried long term about staining because after the braces are off I'll do a (professional) home cleaning or maybe spring for an in office treatment. That will get rid of any braces induced stains.

hypocrite opportunist
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#7 Post by hypocrite opportunist »

I drink black coffee every morning before work, and then brush my teeth. If I have coffee during the day, I use a straw. Strange I know, but I've been drinking coffee through a straw for years and have never had staining issues.
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#8 Post by Maya »

I love curry too and had to give up any curry with tumeric (I cook it from scratch myself so I know what goes in). The tomato based ones are fine fpr me and Thai green curry, anything without tumeric. Still had to be careful to make sure I don't smear it over front teeth while eating though :P

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#9 Post by yoginbraces »

I have been in ceramic braces since May 2010 and was a regular coffee drinker before then. Once braces came on I continued drinking coffee (w/ cream/milk) but no matter what I tried (drinking thru a straw, rinsing immediately after drinking, lots of cream, etc) staining was inevitable. And for me I wasn't willing to have even slightly stained teeth during this process so I essentially gave up coffee and tea. It wasn't easy in the beginning but now I only crave coffee occasionally. I should point out that a week or few days before my adjustments (I go to the ortho every 2 months) I will 'splurge' and eat/drink whatever I like knowing I will get a new set of ligs/powerchains. All in all I don't mind giving up coffee bcuz I sleep better, I am less dehydrated and my teeth/braces are bright and sparkling. No matter what you decide to do have fun with your braces. It's an exciting process. :-)

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#10 Post by Chicagogal »

I have ceramics (for just over 3 months now) and i'm drinking coffee w/ cream as I write this. I tried the straw thing, but as I prefer to sip hot coffee it just got annoying and I gave up. Unlike others, my rubber ligs remain sparkling white (much better than the clear) but it does appear that my ceramics are starting to dull a bit. I cant say if that's from the coffee or from acidic foods or what, but I think most people keep their coffee habit.
Update: 4-2013 Back in Brackets :(
lower braces: 3/2/10
hyrax palate expander: 3/29/10
upper braces: est. 6/2010 (8/6/10 actual)
bone plate surgery: 1/2011 actual
bone plate removal: 7/2011 actual
Debracing: 10-25-11 ACTUAL!!! advanced hawley retainer
Rebracing: 4-3-13...front teeth rotated #2s lifted.

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#11 Post by Theresa48 »

I stopped drinking coffee and red wine for a month or so after braces, now I drink whatever whenever...I take great care of my teeth, and usually use a straw, but not always, and my teeth are as white as ever. Porcelain braces will not stain, or so I am told. The worry is that your teeth will be a different color in the places where the brackets are when they are removed...even if there is a difference I am sure it will all even out, but I guess you don't want checkerboard teeth when those brakets come off. How bad could it be really....

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#12 Post by appygirl82 »

I would not worry, unless your ceramics have ligs. I have the self litigating and no problem at all. I drink insane amounts of soda and I have had no problem. My ortho comments that my teeth look great!

Good luck!

Tasha Fierce
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#13 Post by Tasha Fierce »

I drink coffee everyday at work. I'm a night owl and coffee is the only thing that keeps me going through the day. I make mine with lots of cream but I too, drink it with a straw. It may feel weird at first but it does prevent a lot of staining. I also try swish my mouth with water every few sips.

If you're really afraid of staining I'd suggest "dry brushing" your teeth if you're not comfortable with brushing your teeth in public. You could do that or get some sugar-free chewing gum.
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