November Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: November Buddies

#151 Post by schwin »

Rodney008 wrote:6 weeks post op now. Do any of you all still feel like you have something stuck in your mouth where your incisions are? I'm not sure if it is scar tissue or what, but will this feeling go away? I have this feeling at the top of my upper jaw (where the incisions are for the Lefort 1) and at the bottom of my low jaw (where the incision are for the genio).

Exactly what I was wondering. However, I'm only 15 days post op and my swelling is pretty much gone except for the scar tissue. It is still tender though. When did you get to start chewing? I want a burger haha

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Re: November Buddies

#152 Post by schwin »

Wow I've been craving a Chipotle Burrito, Five guys burger, pizza since 4 days post its 16 days post op and I went out and got a Chipotle Burrito, added a bit of water, blended it and it was amazing! hahaha just thought i'd share.

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Re: November Buddies

#153 Post by Rodney008 »

I started chewing 3 weeks post op after my splint was removed. I actually had a Chipotle veggie bowl that following weekend.

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Re: November Buddies

#154 Post by schwin »

Had my appointment last week 3 weeks post op. I have to continue to wear bands for another 3 weeks and cannot chew yet! booo

heres a pic 3 weeks post op


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Re: November Buddies

#155 Post by myp »

Hi everyone,
I just found this site and this is my first post :D . I had my surgery on Nov 22 (upper moved forward 3mm, lower moved back 3mm) and still have some swelling, especially near the incision areas. I actually was wondering the same thing Rodney008 brought up -- wondering when those incision sites will loosen up. They feel tight and puffy.

I will be seeing my ortho for the first time next week and I can't wait!!! I know the sooner I see him means the sooner he can make the final tweaks and the sooner the braces will come off! Like a few of you, I've already had my first Chipotle burrito bol blended up. One of the best post-op meals yet!

I'm not quite used to or happy with my new face/bite yet... but I'm trying to be patient as I know I'm still swollen. In particular, my nose has definitely widened and is pointing up (even though my upper jaw was only moved 3mm).

I'm wondering if anyone here had surgery for an underbite and feel like they have a little too much of an overbite post surgery? I'm guessing it will be corrected with orthodontics, but still just wondering...

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Re: November Buddies

#156 Post by Rodney008 »

That feeling around my incisions has gone away for the most part. I still feel a little bit of it with my upper jaw but it is getting better. I don't have the overbite issue but I have an open bite with my back teeth on one side. I think the ortho will be able to take care of the problem.

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Re: November Buddies

#157 Post by myp »

Glad to hear it has gone away for the most part! Mine will, too, hopefully in a few weeks!

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Re: November Buddies

#158 Post by pricklypear »


I'm 7 weeks post-op for an underbite. My nose widened and it's sort of pointing upwards too plus the bridge of my nose has become flatter. I'm hoping it's nothing something permanent (especially the pointyness). Are you able to open your jaws yet? I have the ok to eat soft food but my jaws only open up for about 2mm so I'm still on a blended diet. It's frustrating. I really want to devour the world right now.

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Re: November Buddies

#159 Post by myp »

either the swelling is coming down or i'm getting used to how my nose looks because it doesn't seem as wide/pointy as i think it was...
as for opening my jaw, I can open it up probably about an inch or so... even so, its been difficult to eat, so I can't imagine only being able to open it 2mm. sorry to hear! what has your surgeon said about that?
not sure what you're eating, but i hope you're getting enough calories and protein! i'm still drinking carnation instant breakfast for nutrients, every day.

the only problem i'm still having is that the upper lip area is still stiff and so my smile looks/feels awkward. also, i'm hoping swelling in the cheeks will go away. at this point, i'm not sure if swollen or just my new face/upper jaw moved forward...

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Re: November Buddies

#160 Post by Dani73 »

Hey guys just quickly popping in...

Last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. Having a hard time coming to terms with my new look. :cry: Anyone else having problems adjusting - I still have some swelling which I guess is making me think I don't 'look right' IYKWIM

I also don't think it helps that I'm still having problems with my sinsuses and hearing. I am booked in for another op on Wednesday to have Grommets and my sinuses cleared due to excessive fluid since the first op.

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Re: November Buddies

#161 Post by beowulf68 »

Hey Dani.....Shame to hear you're not happy with the cosmetic outcome of your surgery. I'm still very happy with the outcome of my surgery cosmetically. It's completely changed my look for the better. Some of my Family, Friends and Co-workers were shocked at how different I looked when they saw me a month or so after the surgery. But everyone was in consensus that it improved my appearence for the better. It's even better now that all my swelling is gone.

Been a while since I posted to this forum. Went back to work a while ago and got too busy with pretty much normal life and kind of forgot about this website.

I just wish I didn't have to be wired shut for so long. I'm at 10 weeks as of today and still wired shut. Freakin' nightmare if you ask me. Being wired shut this long isn't painful or anything.....I'M JUST STARVING!!! I'm a dumba$$ for scheduling this surgery during Thanksgiving and Christmas when all the best food was around and all I could do was watch my family eat. I was even so desperate to try and suck mash potatoes and gravy thru my teeth. No joy though!!

I've lost 32 pounds in those 10 weeks. I eat (well drink) 5 times a day sucking down Boost + shakes and fruit smoothies but I could never maintain my weight. I'm just glad I pigged out for a couple of months before surgery and put on 15 extra pounds or I would really be screwed! But supposedly the light is at the end of the tunnel because there's a really good chance they will be cutting the wires and removing the arch bars tomorrow afternoon. Unless my Surgeon nixes that plan and wants to go the whole 12 weeks. But the Residents are pretty confident that 10 weeks is good enough. The only thing I'm worried about now is the arch bar removal. Supposedly is hurts like Hell!!! Especially since my Docs don't do it in the OR or use Conscious Sedation. They said they could spray some numbing medication on my gums and go at it. If it still was hurting like crazy then they would shoot me up with lidocaine (hope it doesn't come to that considering I'm still a numb in my chin and lower lip and don't need to be numb anymore).

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Re: November Buddies

#162 Post by sauerkraut »

Great to hear from you again, Beowulf. I've been wondering how you're doing and whether you're STILL wired shut. It must be an absolute nightmare but it sounds like there's light at the end of the tunnel now. Here's hoping they cut you free today, and that it isn't TOO painful.

Hope all goes/went well for you, too, Dani, with your operation. Sorry to hear you're finding it hard coming to terms with your new look. I'm sure residual swelling will be playing a part, though.

I haven't noticed any real change in my appearance, funnily enough. Apart from having straight teeth, of course. I'm just constantly amazed how my teeth fit together now, with everything lined up. All these years and I never knew that's how it should be! My ortho has even started making tentative noises about de-banding, but I'm not setting my hopes too high just yet.
SARPE: Sept 2007
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Re: November Buddies

#163 Post by Dani73 »

Beowulf - I really do feel for you having been wired shut this long. I losen you up today

sauerkraut - I think alot has to do with the fact I still have swelling around my sinuses and down into my jaw - though it has gone down alot. I think it's hard as well as I find that my face is changing so much, it seems each time I 'look' i look a bit different again.

I've had the op today, my sinus cavaties were all clear, so I didn't have to have that done, but I had the grommets put in today. It was only a 15-20 min surgery, so it was a walk in the park compared to the jaw. Feeling discomfort in both ears (similar to ear ache) and everything seems so much louder. Also certain noises make me clamp my ears shut. But it's just a matter of getting used to it.

But good thing is, I still have some pressure in my ears, but not as bad as it was but the 'pressure' feeling in my sinuses (which I thought and also the Dr thought in the beginning was a build up of fluid in my sinus cavaties - but it wasn't) has now eased. So the pressure in my ears was giving me the feeling of pressure in my sinuses. Which makes sense in a way as it is all connected.

How is everyone else going? We need updates :tingrin:

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Re: November Buddies

#164 Post by beowulf68 »

The end of this treacherous road is finally near. Last Wednesday they cut the wires and allowed me to open my mouth for the first time in 10 weeks. What a great feeling.....I can barely open my mouth but a little is better than nothing at all. Over the course of the last couple of days I have eaten a crap-load of mashed potatoes and gravy, Chili Fries, vegetable omelettes and Sushi (I had to cut that up pretty good though). Everything tastes so good I could almost cry while I'm eating. The only bad thing is my TMJ and jaw muscles are so sore after eating. I have to pop motrin almost after every meal. I wonder how long this will last???? The 2nd of February is when I go in for them to actually remove the arch bars. They left them on just in case of relapse and have me wearing rubber bands on each side all them time except when eating. The Docs say I could take a couple of months before I can open my mouth all the way open. I have a feeling that's going to be a long and painful road......But at least it has an end and I can see it!!!!
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"...... Robert Duvall, Apocalypse Now (1979)

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Re: November Buddies

#165 Post by sauerkraut »

Congratulations, beowulf, you're getting there! I can imagine how stiff and painful it must be to use your mouth after so long but I'm sure the real food is a good reward :) (I think it'll be a long time before I want to eat soup again!)

I had to google arch bars and they look very like what I've so far called my surgical braces. Not many people on here seem to have them. I can see why you'd need them because you didn't have regular braces, but I've never known why I had them. Didn't think to ask at the time and it seems irrelevant now.

Glad things are improving for you too, Dani, and that the op went well.

Anyone else with an update?
SARPE: Sept 2007
Braced: May 2008
BSSO: Nov 2010
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