Hey guys,
Happy Christmas!!
I know it can feel disheartening to be in so much discomfort sometimes but I promise promise promise that in months to come you will literally forget that you have braces on...you will suddenly think to yourself...'man alive I've got these things strapped to my teeth and I literally havent thought about them for days!!'
The speech thing is hard to predict...some days your tongue seems to catch on everything and you feel like a big slurry mess, the next day you'll feel like you're the queen of braces
After the first couple of adjustments you might feel a bit slurry afterwards but literally only for an hour or so...but I can honestly say I cant remember the last adjustment that affected speech or anything.
I'm still aware of them when I eat, literally cannot wait to eat a massive burger when I get them off in a few months!!
Over the festive season I've seen a few friends that I hadn't seen so far this year...the amount of conversations I've had with people saying 'really,theres something different about you I just cant put my finger on...' I give them a huge smile and say, yes its my teeth, yes they're AWESOME!! So glad I went the lingual route or it'd be a lot longer before I'm doing such huge grins!!
Keep going everyone, the pain is worth it!!! xxx