February 2011 Buddies!!!

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#76 Post by Nathaniel »

Terrishka wrote:^ooops I totally did that all wrong lol.

Anyways here's an update from me: I'm on Day 6 and I'm feeling pretty good! The swelling is surprisingly pretty minimal now! I look less like a bobble head and my head is more of a normal size haha. I did get some bruising on my neck but it doesn't look very noticeable, though you never know what can happen. After the surgery I only had feeling in my top lip and most of my tongue. Now only some of my bottom lip and my chin are numb. I'm pretty happy with how my recovery is going... though I haven't been very diligent with some things. I've been sleeping flat (GASP!) for the past two nights because I was up until 4-5 am each night trying to fall asleep but to no avail. It's just too uncomfortable. My first post-op appointment is tomorrow and I'm going to ask for a prescription for sleeping pills.
Hey Terrishka, yea it's hard to fall asleep like that sometimes. Not sure if this is a problem for you but I have a tendency to roll to one side too during sleep haha but I found a neat trick to prevent me from doing that! I'm not sure if it works for everyone but I cross my legs as if I was going down a water-slide, and I keep that position when I fall asleep. When I wake up, I wake up on my back! Not sure why it keeps me from tossing, but it does :)
DRG wrote:To much great joy, I came home from the hospital yesterday. I had a miserable night there on Tuesday night, where they moved me to a different room at 11pm. I went from a "high needs" floor (mostly pediatric patients) to a general floor without a real explanation, and found myself housed next to a man with dementia, while another loud woman was in the hallway screaming. Keep in mind that I am wired shut, so communication is so difficult. That night was a terrible experience, pretty sure I had a panic attack even, but I would really rather not dwell on it lest I feel that I am reliving it.

My swelling is better today (Day 3 post-op). As Suzanna and others (my doctor even) said, I should keep an eye out for some rebound swelling starting tomorrow & Saturday. I have been managing well so far, thank goodness my wife has the week off from work to be with me (while the kids are at winter break "camp"). I see my doctor tomorrow morning, am not expecting much to happen other than a good cleansing and a pat on the back.

The best news I got all week was that my timeline for getting unwired is between 4-5 weeks, one week shorter than previously expected. I will get to join most of you all with some heavy rubber bands and a no-chew diet then, for a week or so, which is quite the upgrade. I have begun to feel more like myself, trying my best to stay on top of my meds & all (two kinds of pain killers + antibiotics). Plus, eating is such a chore that it takes forever. But, I just keeping moving forward, slowly as it may be.

Trying to stay awake for more than a few hours at a clip has been tough though :-Z

Hey DRG, welcome back home :) I know what you mean! My last night in the hospital was rough; my I.V. needle bent and I wasn't getting any medications, any pain killers, nothing; I was in lots of pain and the nurses kept administering new bags, even upped the dosage of morphine because they were so confused why I was feeling so bad, then in the morning when I was leaving they take out the IV and realized the needle bent, and when they moved the blanket off the bed low and behold on the sheet a nice wet-spot of all the medications.. nice! LOL.

Also, god bless whoever the lady was, but there was a seemingly elderly lady screaming "help me", like clock-work, I think she may have had dementia or Alzheimer's as well.

The staying up part is hard for the first few days back home, especially because thats when you get some real rest! :)
suzanna wrote:DRG, man that sucks that you have to be wired! How have you been coping with that? I totally know what you mean about having a bad night at the hospital. I'm a nurse and have to deal with patients with dementia and alzheimer's quite often and I always feel sooo bad for their roommates or whoever can even hear them screaming in the middle of the night while they are trying to sleep. At least your home now!

Have any of you had any nerve pain yet? I started having a stabbing, sharp pain in front of my right ear on and off for the last week. It's really annoying and is really severe at times. I hope it doesn't last much longer. I haven't noticed any changes in my numbness yet though. Swelling is slowly going down but definitely still there.
Hey Suzanna, I have started to get little throbs in my teeth here and there, but they only last for a few seconds if that, and rarely I may get like a feeling of a pin going into my top right lip, but nothing more yet. Mind you, I had just a SARPE and wisdom teeth for right now, I'll be having the double-jaw next year, however SARPE is essentially a LeForte (without the down-fracture) so we may be experiencing similar pains in regards to the top!

Hope everyone's doing well! :)
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#77 Post by DRG »

My last night in the hospital was rough; my I.V. needle bent and I wasn't getting any medications, any pain killers, nothing;
Nathaniel - thank you, you have successfully given me some perspective (ie. I didn't really have it that bad). Good gravy, no meds or fluids via the IV? You are damn lucky to be safely out of that hospital. Who knows what could have happened to you as that situation compounded.

So far I have been coping with being wired shut by doing my best to just not think about it. When I do, I can accept that it was by my own choice (getting IVRO as opposed to BSSO). The best improvement today has been my ability to breathe through my nose after a nice steaming shower. It's amazing how much better I feel with just that change. I still have a consistently bloody nose, depending on just how I am holding my head. Not a pretty thought, I realize. Saw my OS this morning, got cleaned up and suctioned (he was not gentle with my nose). He said I am doing fine, to quote the nurse she "has seen worse". My swelling has not hit the rebound stage yet, though I am turning a few shades of yellow as my bruises are appearing. I have been able to down two protein shakes today, which marks a dramatic improvement. I don't think I was getting anywhere near 500 calories per day until today. Keep in mind I am a big guy at 6'3, 236 lbs (down about 12 lbs since surgery). I am going to be a shell of myself until this wire & splint comes out....I am trying not to count down the days just yet, it wouldn't be fair to myself.

Good luck healing everyone,
Braces: 1986-1988
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#78 Post by Terrishka »

Nathaniel, glad to hear it's all over now!

Suzanna: I don't know about nerve pain, but my left jaw does feel painful from time to time, whereas my right feels normal. I asked my surgeon about this and he said it was normal considering my jaw was very asymmetric pre-op (7 mm too much to the right). I don't think this is nerve pain though but it is the only pain I'm feeling these days...

Anyways I just got back from my first post-op appointment and I'm pretty happy with how it went! There's a few new great developments:

1. My surgeon said I'm a week ahead of schedule in the recovery period!!! :shock:
2. I was de-banded and given elastics to wear at all times except when eating or brushing my teeth.
3. I can eat soft foods.
4. I can sleep flat now.

It's hard to believe I am only on Day 7 after my surgery... and it was 5 days ago that I was crying, feeling like a freak, and almost regretting my surgery. I haven't really been doing anything special really (just applying Traumeel and a heating pad every now and then). I've read some blogs where people were taking 5 different vitamins or going for lymphatic massages. I guess recovery is luck of the draw.

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#79 Post by DRG »

A (not-so-quick) update from me, I am now a full week post-op. I felt great yesterday, and even had a very strong appetite for the first time. I enjoyed the most delicious blended soup, it was a can of sirloin beef and potato. To that point I had really been hammering on the protein shakes only, to the point where I am nearly sick of them. The wild part is that I would usually drink two or three of those per day for the past few years. Maybe things don't quite taste the same to me now?

My swelling is down quite a bit, and the bruising doesn't seem to be worsening. I've started treating the swelling with heat, at least once per day and will remain sleeping upright for a while. I do continue to have a strong numbness from the roof of my mouth, cheeks, and up to my eyeballs, from the LeFort. I had expected this to begin to wane, but it hasn't changed at all. Can anyone shed some light on how that should progress? I have full sensation in my lower jaw / chin area, because I opted out of getting a BSSO.

I am also trying to reduce my pain meds to see just how little I can get by with. That hasn't worked so well. I am on either Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen (at night) or children's Ibuprofen (during the day) -- because it comes in liquid form. The pain in my lower jaw comes roaring back if I don't stay on top of things. The Hydrocodone (an opiate) is great for relaxing, but leaves me feeling very uncomfortable, and I would like to not take it if possible. Sleeping through the night has not been successful when using either medication to this point.

Speaking of sleeping, last night may have been my worst night of "sleep" yet. I seem to have developed a bit of sleep apnea. It had better just be a temporary issue, as I could not live like this. My nose has been stuffy on and off since I got home. I have tried to avoid using nasal spray (phenylphrine) after relying on it heavily immediately after the surgery. Nasal spray has a giant downside, in that if one stays on it too long you will get rebound congestion. So I cut that out, except for the dose given to me by my OS when he cleaned me up late last week. I overexerted myself yesterday evening (lightly playing with my kids in the snow) and took some nasal spray to recover. Overnight my nose got so stuffy I could hardly stand it, which lead to repeated moments where I was waking up convinced that I couldn't breathe. (Keep in mind I can't open my mouth -- wired -- and must mouth breathe through this splint if my nose is stuffy.) It was miserable and can only barely qualify as true sleep. I've been off schedule all day to day, go figure. If I could stay clear while I sleep, life would be so much better.

Let's hear how the rest of us Feb Buddies are recovering,
Braces: 1986-1988
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Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#80 Post by DRG »

I hate to be that guy replying to myself, but here goes...

I found the solution to my breathing problems by using a Neti Pot twice in recent days. I am not sure how wise this was, but it absolutely cleaned out my troubled sinuses. I feel it was unwise as those sinus cavities were compromised during my Lefort and I wonder how I am affecting the healing process. So far it was clearly worth it, as I can breathe easily. I have even taken to rinsing my mouth with that solution, because it's pH neutral and doesn't taste as terrible as traditional salt water.

All else is progressing, I feel like I turned a corner in recent days.

Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
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Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#81 Post by I love my teeth »


congrats on finding the wonders of the Neti!! I can't think of any reason that it would be harmful to your recovery?? I would think the solution could help aid in the healing process? I am glad you have found some relief for your breathing!!

Good luck on a continued smooth recovery!
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#82 Post by Nathaniel »

DRG wrote:I hate to be that guy replying to myself, but here goes...

I found the solution to my breathing problems by using a Neti Pot twice in recent days. I am not sure how wise this was, but it absolutely cleaned out my troubled sinuses. I feel it was unwise as those sinus cavities were compromised during my Lefort and I wonder how I am affecting the healing process. So far it was clearly worth it, as I can breathe easily. I have even taken to rinsing my mouth with that solution, because it's pH neutral and doesn't taste as terrible as traditional salt water.

All else is progressing, I feel like I turned a corner in recent days.

Hi DRG, I don't think it can cause problems if you didn't bleed out excessively. For example, I was told I shouldn't have any hot showers for several days to prevent prematurely breaking apart blood clots; if you didn't start bleeding through the nose I believe you're a-okay! In fact, you probably did your self a service as the blood clots are a blessing and a curse, they help prevent bleeding when they become a clot but at the same time they are prime breeding grounds for bacteria I was told!
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#83 Post by bracedfaced »

I think many others on this forum have used Neti pots during their recovery as well! I'm still pre-surgery so I can't speak on the matter yet but I was planning on using one! :-)

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#84 Post by suzanna »

DRG I'm glad to hear you're breathing much easier! I had my parents buy a humidifier and have had that running in the basement since I came home. Thankfully my sinuses cleared up pretty fast, I think within a couple of days. Sometimes in the morning I still feel a bit congested so after I shower I just use q-tips to clean out my nose lol I'm still terrified of blowing my nose because of how tender it is around that area.

I had my 2nd post op appointment today with my oral surgeon. I'm 19 days post op today. I had x-rays done and he said everything looks great. He said my incisions are all healing beautifully and gave me the go ahead to proceed to a soft chew diet! He also took off my original elastics and gave me new ones. One on each side, on the left it starts at my second to last tooth so that is going to be a BIG challenge to change since my left side is the one that's still really swollen. Totally looking forward to that tonight. I have to keep them in for 18 hours a day and change them 3 times a day (for meals and brushing teeth).

I went to Panera Bread after my appointment with my sister. I just ordered tomato soup and attempted to chew some of the soft bread that comes with it, but guess what... it seems I've forgotten how the heck to chew properly!! I just kept chomping down on the bread and it just stayed there in between my teeth lol. I eventually just had to stick my finger in there and pull it out. I guess I still need lots of practice.....

My OS also told me I need to do more facial exercises and that that should help with the swelling. I haven't noticed much of a change in my swelling and no changes in numbness either. My chin continues to be really tingling most of the time. He said I should start to get some of the feeling because in about a month.

Hope everyone else is doing good! Have any of you progressed to a chew diet yet? What was the first/easiest thing you were able to chew? I brought home some mac and cheese from Panera Bread for dinner tonight so I hope that works out.
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#85 Post by I love my teeth »


I hear you about learning to chew again! I am 6.5 weeks post op, and only in the last few days have I felt more competent at chewing!! I think my jaw muscles are finally getting stronger and they are actually being effective with the food again!! I am finding my biggest problem is manipulating and moving food around in my mouth.....if there is food that requires a bit more chewing (like I ate sushi last night, the real way, without cutting it into small pieces), I had a hard time moving the pieces of roll around in my mouth.....practice, makes perfect I guess!

Congrats on the soft chew diet! I have started to cheat that just a little---if it doesn't hurt I'm trying to eat it! We did greek food tonight, and I could do the chicken, but not any beef--too much chewing!! But tonight I was able to eat the pita bread :jump: :jump: yum!!!

Glad you are feeling well! I have a follow up with the surgeon next Wednesday, hoping to be DC back to the ortho!!
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#86 Post by suzanna »

I love my teeth wrote:Suzanna--

I hear you about learning to chew again! I am 6.5 weeks post op, and only in the last few days have I felt more competent at chewing!! I think my jaw muscles are finally getting stronger and they are actually being effective with the food again!! I am finding my biggest problem is manipulating and moving food around in my mouth.....if there is food that requires a bit more chewing (like I ate sushi last night, the real way, without cutting it into small pieces), I had a hard time moving the pieces of roll around in my mouth.....practice, makes perfect I guess!
I feel the exact same way!! I tried to eat soft bread with my soup at Panera bread today and I just ended up pocketing in my cheek because I couldn't manage to maneuver it to my throat using my tongue. I had to stick my finger in my mouth and scoop it out hahaha

I totally forgot to ask about something while I was at my visit with him. I have a missing molar on the bottom left so I've been chewing only on my right for years now. I wanted to ask him if it would effect my healing or jaw strength if I continue to only chew on the right while my jaws heal. I hope it won't be a problem. He did a bone graft in that area to prepare for an implant later this year. I'll have to call the office tomorrow.

And mmmmmmm! Sushi and pita bread sound so good right now! Congrats on being able to eat such yummy food!!
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#87 Post by DRG »

Just back from my weekly checkup with my OS. I complained that I had some discomfort in the lower right side, near the incision. For my trouble, I got a two new stitches installed to close up a hole that had started to become infected. That was quite a treat to see my surgeon in action (while awake this time). Other than the discomfort of watching the process, and thanks to a generous amount of novocaine, it really didn't hurt at all.

I also made the mistake of mentioning that my lower jaw had been clicking a little, and it felt as if sometimes I had to work the teeth back into my splint. That comment got me a quick tightening of all my wires, which has made me less than comfortable right now while my jaw gets used to this all over again. He joked with me that most patients regret mentioning that one.

There was no discussion today about my grand timeline, I am still expecting to be wired shut for another three weeks. My initial estimate was 5 weeks, was later reduced to "between 4-5 weeks". I did learn that my OS supports the idea of me getting back into my physical routine, "within reason". I asked specifically if I could get back to weight training and riding my bicycle trainer, to which he replied "as long as you don't over do it, and don't do anything to strain your jaw". I'm nearing 20 lbs of weight loss (in just eleven days!), and I do have trouble eating.....err, drinking, enough calories each day.....so I'm not sure just how much I'm willing to push myself.

Braces: 1986-1988
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Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#88 Post by I love my teeth »


That does not sound like a fun visit! But glad to see your OS so on top of every thing!! Are you still happy with your decision to go IVRO instead of BSSO?? I was never given the choice so I don't know what I would have chosen! Keep up with those shakes, and hopefully you won't loose too much more weight!!

I go for my "almost" 8 week post op visit next week--fingers crossed I will be DC back to the ortho and we can start fine tuning my bite!

PS-where are you at in NY, I am originally from LI, went to school in Ithaca--I know the I-90 corridor all too well!!

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#89 Post by DRG »

Are you still happy with your decision to go IVRO instead of BSSO?? I was never given the choice so I don't know what I would have chosen! Keep up with those shakes, and hopefully you won't loose too much more weight!!
That's not a fair question today, and I'll continue to be biased until I get unwired. I know this much, I would love to be able to talk more clearly and would kill to scrub the inside of my teeth today. I've been convinced that I had a bit of potato stuck to the top of my splint -- I'm pretty sure that it's really just part of my gum line. I don't think I'm adjusted yet to my new alignment post surgically and I can't tell what belongs where just yet.

Anyway, I guess it came down to two things for me: (1) Sensory nerve issues & (2) additional hardware (ie. bone plates + screws). Item 2 is tough to disprove, as I have reduced the risk associated with having that extra hardware. What was the likelihood of that to begin with? And what was the worst-case outcome? More surgery? Then I'll take that trade each and any day. On item (1), and after experiencing some of the nerve issues with my Lefort, I suppose I wouldn't want the risk of long term issues there. I'm over 30, so the risk was slightly higher than for all you "young'ns". Suffice it to say, it's too early to tell. Did I mention that I would much rather be on a soft-chew diet right now? I thought I could be tough about it (and am still trying to prove myself right on that point).
PS-where are you at in NY, I am originally from LI, went to school in Ithaca--I know the I-90 corridor all too well!
I'm in the capital, so I'm sure you passed by this way plenty in your college days. It's really lovely here this time of year, we've reached a point where there's finally less than a foot of snow remaining on the ground! At this rate, I'll have to get the lawn mower started up by June (ha!).

Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
Braces again (at age 35): 15 APRIL 2010
Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
Unwired! 25 MAR 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#90 Post by I love my teeth »

sweet of you to call me a "younin" but I suspect we are near the same age, or I'm older :cry: :cry:

I have the big 4-0 in about 1 month.... :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

We can talk more about BSSO vs. IVRO when we are both 6months post op--and we can compare!!
Wore Braces for 2 years, 5 months, 3 days



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