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hello! im 23 and have had ceramic braces top and bottom for 2 days. ive just got a couple of concerns though - the main one is... strongly are the brackets glued on? my top teeth kind of slant backwards to meet my bottom teeth, but now i have braces im finding im bashing one of my top teeth on the bracket of the bottom tooth. and ive just hit myself in another bracket with a misguided rock hard straw lol. how much can these things take? nothings come loose yet but im sooo worried!!
Ive read about people getting metal on the bottom (I have ceramic on top ,metal on bottom) because of the top brackets hitting .. (not sure about teeth hitting).I would tell your ortho and see what they say ....Ive hit mine with straws and even a drinking glass far nothing popped off ..just be careful ...
I had the same problem when my lowers went on (my upper teeth hit the lower brackets). I told my Ortho about it and he applied molar build ups (composite put on the back teeth to build height so that the teeth no longer clash on lower/upper brackets).
I think they are glued on pretty well! but the reason I contacted my Ortho about this issue wasn't because I was worried about a bracket popping off... I was more worried that I might chip one of my upper teeth. I have read before on this board that people don't usually get ceramics on the lowers if they have a deeb bite, because they can chip the upper teeth if knocked too hard. There's no harm in phoning and mentioning your clashing issue with them if you're worried, just to see what they suggest. Good luck.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces) Retainers: Upper & lower essix and lower bonded My Story / Before & After photos
yeah funny you should say this, last night i had a dream about chewing food (lol) and i woke up after biting down really hard, and ive chipped a bloody front tooth! im going to have to phone them tomorrow i think.
what are the molar buildups like? do you find them annoying or painful?
I had build ups and they were great in the sense that I didn't hit my front teeth. I am a grinder though and so the build-up took a lot of that pressure and the tooth that was built up hurt in the morning quite a bit. I found that if I wore a generic mouthguard my mouth felt better and the build-up didn't hurt as much. My build-uos were only on for three weeks -- that is all it took to move the teeth just enough so that it wouldn't hit the front.