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#1 Post by SiNsation »

My ortho thinks I will need 2 of my teeth extracted but she will know for sure when I go in next month for my 2nd adjustment.

The thing is, I am SO afraid to get my teeth pulled. I had a horrible horrible experience when I was younger. Would you mind telling me your extraction stories? Is it painful? Can they put you to sleep? Can you feel any pain during the procedure?...

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#2 Post by Kaylee »

Oh, trust me, I'm right there with you! Due to severe crowding, I had to have four of my pre-molars taken out. I actually just had it done 3 days ago, so am currently recovering from the extractions.

I researched a few oral surgeons in my area (I know these are considered "simple extractions", but I really did not want to be awake for it, so I didn't go to my regular dentist) and opted for intravenous anesthesia sedation.

The day of, they had me take some antibiotic and an anti-anxiety med an hour before surgery -- honestly I don't remember much after that. I remember my name being called, and within a few minutes the oral surgeon was in the room, putting an IV in me. At that point the anti-anxiety med must've kicked in, because I was very relaxed with my eyes closed. The IV didn't hurt at all; felt like a tiny pinch to the skin. The oral surgeon then told me he was ready to inject Versed and Fentanyl -- AND that was the last thing I remember before I woke up with gauze in my mouth. I did not feel pain at all during the procedure; the only "pain" I felt was that tiny pinch when he had to start the IV in my left arm.

The whole procedure took less than 30 minutes. I wasn't in much pain after but I didn't want to risk it and took a few doses of ibuprofen (I've learned that it's better to control the pain before it hits). I was given a prescription for Vicodin but haven't needed to take it.

Anyway, that's my story! Try not to worry about it.. If you do need your teeth extracted, likely it would be your pre-molars -- and those teeth don't have big "roots" like the back molars, so these extractions are quite simple/uncomplicated from what I was told.

Good luck! :)

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#3 Post by Jenn B »

I had all 4 pre molars extracted about 2 weeks before getting my braces on. I was so scared but when I got there, the dentist froze my entire mouth and the procedure took about 30 minutes! I was surprised. I found afterwards the hardest part. After the freezing wore off, my mouth ached. It also took some getting used to..not having those teeth! My bottom extractions sites are almost completely closed over...the top seems to take a bit longer unfortunately :(

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#4 Post by loradora »

If you don't get general anesthesia you can ask for "laughing gas". I had this when I had one tooth out and I never knew he pulled it. The last one, which was a lower front tooth that I had pulled before getting my braces, was another story. No pain, but plenty of anxiety. Good luck to you.


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#5 Post by shekhinak »

Nice to know I'm not the only one worried about this! When I went in for the initial consultation, they said I would just have my lower teeth pushed out a bit to make room. On the day I went in to have the top braces put in, as I was sitting there with the lobster bib on the orthodontist told me that they might have to extract some teeth.

The way things are going, it appears that the extractions are inevitable :cry:

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#6 Post by DINO87 »

I feel your pain, I was also told I need to have four extractions. I've had my braces for about six weeks now and my ortho wanted me to have them on for several weeks, before getting them done. Now, its up to me to make sure they are out before my 2nd adjustment, in six more weeks. I am so not looking forward to this.

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#7 Post by rlpea »

I need to have 8 removed and I'm a little stressed about the healing process, I hope it's quick!

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#8 Post by kennyandrew85 »

the actual extractions are painless, all it feels like is the dentist is pushing you in the cheek with a bit of pressure, but no pain.

The first 2 extractions on the left didn't hurt at all, but the 2 on the right side of the mouth a week later were painful during the night and I had a lot of bleeding as it wouldn't clot properly. Luck of the draw i guess! Once you get a clot formed, don't do anything to dislodge it and you'll be absolutely fine and probably pain free.

Then again, I haven't had any pain in 6 months of braces so it's all relative to your pain threshold
Brace Date: 14th April 2011
Estimated Debrace Date: 14th April 2013
Real Debrace Date 18th June 2013

4 extractions, upper ceramic brackets and lower metal to fix overjet and overcrowding.

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#9 Post by spritzzz »

My ortho told me I would need 4 teeth pulled, but after me being uneasy about the idea for 6 months (I saw all the sites that warned about being flat-faced and small-mouthed afterwards, even though he said that wouldn't happen in my case I was still worried), he decided just to shave down the sides of my bicuspids to make a few millimeters of space to use instead. I still wonder whether it would've looked better with extractions.

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#10 Post by Chris88 »

Extractions are fineee!
last week I had four taken out, two at a time. dentist just put some stuff to numb my face and then did her thing. On my first set of extractions I also had spacers (rubber bands and some metal thing) placed in. Honestly the more irritating things were the spacers -constantly worried they would fall uot when eating. In terms of pain there wasn't much to be honest!

of for braces next thursday!

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#11 Post by shekhinak »

The comments here are very reassuring. There is some discussion going on between my general dentist and my orthodontist on whether I should get 1 or 4 teeth extracted. It doesn't sound like they're much entertaining the idea of 0 teeth being extracted.

When I had my wisdom teeth pulled at age 26, the oral surgeon had to be very "aggressive" - meaning that there isn't much room on the gums for my back teeth now. Hence, without the bone support, I'm at risk of losing those back teeth.

OK... so if it isn't as painful as getting the wisdom teeth out... I will take your word for it :)

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#12 Post by belistic10 »

i had four extractions about 1.5 weeks ago. I had one valium tablet in the dentist office prior to it, and they also gave me gas/air while getting it done. I was so nervous :( the worst part was the local anaesthetics, but certainly the drugs i had helped alot with that!! once that was working i couldnt feel anything at all, except the tugging and the noise a bit.. but overall i think i was causing myself the most stress (not the actual pain if that makes sense). I have had 2 children so it should have been a walk in the park :lol: so i guess try and stay as calm as possible, and accept all drugs!

and have some soup etc on hand at home for the first day or so after :) scrambled egg was good too when i got sick of soup! I had a bit of a slow recovery due to the lack of rest i get at home with 2 young girls, and i also somehow got dry socket in 3 out of 4 sites (but i was just unlucky there) i feel tonnes better now, & looking forward to the next stage of getting braces on.
I am sure you will go fine :) think of the end result, this will all be worth it!


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#13 Post by CountessDeSangre »

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Be VERY sure to ask what are they're methods for extractions. I was hoping I could get knocked out and just wake up when it was all over but my dentist waited until the very moment of the extraction to inform me that he doesn not have that kind of equipment so all he did was numb my mouth and gums heavily. I didn't feel a thing BUT I HEARD IT ALL AND THAT WAS TERRIFYING.

The sounds of my root cracking as he pulled the tooth, his grunts as he applied force oh dear god. It was the most anxiety-inducing thing I have ever experience I just gripped the armrests and stayed completely still out of terror.

When it was all over he told me I did very well. It was a good thing I had all that gauze in my mouth cuz I wanted to yell, "You're damned right. And I didn't move for fear that things would slip and you'd pull the wrong tooth!"

Please if you don't like dental procedures find out beforehand what kind of equipment they have available for you.

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#14 Post by crooked rory »

I just had 2 teeth extracted yesterday to allow my teeth room to move, and it was no big deal. They sat me down, and examined my mouth and had me sign the IV sedation/ general anesthesia waiver, and the one regarding risks of extractions. The surgeon also told me he was going to have to cut out part of the archwire to get out the bottom right canine. He said the upper right bicuspid would be a routine extraction. He warned me that because there was so little bone mass between the canine extracted and the lateral incisor which stays that I would need to be VERY careful with it for several weeks, as it would have little support following the extraction. After giving consent to all of this, I was taken to an operating suite, asked to sit down and get comfortable. They attached the blood pressure cuff and monitoring equipment and put on a huge vinyl bib. The two pretty nurses who did this took my attention off of what was going on, and the last think I remembered was the prick in the back of my right wrist and the injection of Versed and Fentanyl. He sucked up blood into the syringe to mix with the drugs and then injected it. I remember thinking it was odd to get an IV in the wrist as even with my wisdom teeth it was done in my elbow. They started making smalltalk with me, but I think I was out of it pretty fast. My next real memory was waking up in my bed at home, though apparently I paid for the initial exam before I left and also dropped off the Vicodin prescription at Shop-Rite pharmacy on the way home. My wonderful nurse (Nurse Mom :D ) drove me there and back. I have essentially no post-operative swelling, and barely even needed the vicodin.

If you need teeth extracted, opt for the IV sedation or General anesthesia. I have had 4 oral surgeries with extractions, and not a single one of them were a bad experience. The wisdom teeth and yesterdays extractions were done with IV anesthesia, and two pediatric ones were done using a mask with gaseous general anesthesia, I think using halothane. Though I hope I am done with extractions for this lifetime, I can honestly say I would have no fear if I did need another one.

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#15 Post by Mauvaise »

I am a HUGE dental chicken and had (4) teeth extracted 2 weeks before getting my braces (necessary because of severe crowding a small mouth). I opted for the "twilight sleep" option, which is IV sedation, but not a full-on general.

I was nervous, but the worst part was being hooked up to the IV and the soreness after (manageable, however, with just Advil). Oh, and trying to eat with four gaping holes in my mouth - I had no 'safe' side to chew on.
In full braces for 2 years, 3 weeks, 1 day.


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