September 2011 Buddies!!!!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#76 Post by Marian »

I am pretty much off the pain killers now (apart from some that I took at 2am this morning).

You've heard the song "I've got the moves like Jagger", well my version is "I've got the bottom lip like Jagger!!!".There is also a small amount of swelling along my jaw bone.

Yesterday I managed to change my elastics once in the morning and at night. It's quite fiddly but when I saw the size of the elastics that went in yesterday morning compared to the new ones that I put in at night there was quite a difference so it's obviously worth changing them if you have been told to.

I met my stitches for the first time yesterday too. I'd pinged off the first elastic from my top brace and was rummaging round in the bottom trying to find it and saw the stitches (they are the same colour as the elastics - thank god I'd didn't get them mixed up ewwwwwwwwww!!!).

Can you guys open your teeth very wide yet? I can get my index finger in between my teeth but no more - I'm not actually sure what is stopping me opening my mouth any wider...

Today's yummy food tip (unfortunately just for those in the UK) - Morrisons white chocolate mousse - it doesn't get any better than these little tubs of fluffiness!!

How is everyone's bruising doing - I have virtually none on my face, but you want to see the colour of my throat - it's mostly bright yellow with a purple blob at the bottom - I didn't know bruising could go this colour!!!!

Bye for now. Marian xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#77 Post by Marian »

I'm pretty much off the pain killers now (apart from some that I took at 2am this morning).

You've heard the song "I've got the moves like Jagger", well my version is "I've got the bottom lip like Jagger!!!".There is also a small amount of swelling along my jaw bone.

Yesterday I managed to change my elastics once in the morning and at night. It's quite fiddly but when I saw the size of the elastics that went in yesterday morning compared to the new ones that I put in at night there was quite a difference so it's obviously worth changing them if you have been told to.

I met my stitches for the first time yesterday too. I'd pinged off the first elastic from my top brace and was rummaging round in the bottom trying to find it and saw the stitches (they are the same colour as the elastics - thank god I'd didn't get them mixed up ewwwwwwwwww!!!).

Can you guys open your teeth very wide yet? I can get my index finger in between my teeth but no more - I'm not actually sure what is stopping me opening my mouth any wider...

Today's yummy food tip (unfortunately just for those in the UK) - Morrisons white chocolate mousse - it doesn't get any better than these little tubs of fluffiness!!

How is everyone's bruising doing - I have virtually none on my face, but you want to see the colour of my throat - it's mostly bright yellow with a purple blob at the bottom - I didn't know bruising could go this colour!!!!

Bye for now. Marian xxI am pretty much

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#78 Post by underbiter »

Hi marian sounds like i am right on track then a day behind you, just starting with the yellow bruising now not much bruising on my face either its more in the chin/neck region, ive got a purple mark round my neck that looks suspiciously like someone has had a rope round it! the pain has been much better today, only had a a little bit this morning when i woke up but none thoroughout the day for once. i tried your tuna mayo idea at lunch, had to blend it so it was like pate but it was bloody lovely! My lovely mum is cooking a chicken curry for dinner, ive noticed that when i need to eat my dad seems to come out in sympathy hunger lol! :lol: hes lucky enough to have poppadoms with it tho id kill for a poppadom! Ive got a hospital appointment at 2pm to look forward to tomorrow, having my elastics put in so im sure that will be super fun especially as i cant open my mouth more than 2 fingers and my ortho isnt the most gentlest of people so im sure im gonna be in for a bit of pain tomorrow!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#79 Post by boatsink »

Hey everyone! It sounds, aside from the swelling and bruising, you all are doing great!

My lower lip and chin are still numb; however, I do feel like both are slightly more sensitive to touch than previously. Before I couldn't tell if I was being touched if I were to close my eyes, now I could. I don't ever get tingling sensation that some of you are describing; I've only get random twitches that last for no more than 3-5 seconds.

My main concern is getting my range of motion to my mouth to where it was pre-surgery. I've been stretching and doing jaw exercises and can only get my mouth wide enough to fit two fingers in comfortably. Prior to surgery, I could get 4 fingers in. I really, really hope I can get my mouth to open as wide as before.

I had right side clicking and popping prior to surgery, thought it was corrected, but looks like I still have it.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#80 Post by Marian »

Well Jo and Danny, you are both doing better than me with how far you can open your mouths - I am still at one finger!

Off to the ortho on Thursday to have my wafer removed which I am pleased about.

Jo, don't worry about the elastics going on - it won't be painful, you'll just feel a slight resistance when opening your mouth. (I'm pleased the tuna mayo went down well :D )

I had a bit of a panic last night - I couldn't get one of my elastics on - I think it's because I am worried about catching a stitch between the elastic and the hook. I don't really think that would happen but because I can't see what I'm doing it's a bit of worry.

Went round the supermarket today with hubs and walked the dog - feel a bit wobbly now but it is nice to get out and about. Went on a hunt for mushy food in the supermarket - not very successful but came away with a large tub of cottage cheese. Had some for lunch and it was nice to have a different flavour.

The dog walk was nice - mind you, I was the only one in the village with a scarf wrapped snuggly round their neck!!!!

Bye for now, Marian xx

PS Jo, maybe you could suck a poppadom!!!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#81 Post by underbiter »

Hi Marian, you were right the elastics wasnt as bad as i dreamt it would be, 2 elastics on but ive no idea how im going to get it on and off! My surgeon is very pleased with my progress and is seeing me in a weeks time for xrays, my ortho came into the room for a look and made me laugh saying well ive never made you look that bad (meaning the bruising) :lol: daft sod! My surgeon told me that all went well, ive got 4 plates of metal holding me apparently and they took a wisdom tooth out one side of my mouth which explains why that side swells more! Ive gone down to one finger in between my mouth now damn! How often do you take your elastics out marian, cos im wondering what the hell im going to do for food apart from my main meal, im guessing ill have to use a straw. Tried to use a tiny spoon for soup earlier with the elastics on and it wouldnt fit! Re the poppadom idea, i had a try but ending up sucking on one tiny piece and blowing the rest out me mouth tut!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#82 Post by Marian »

Hi Jo, I'm pleased the elastics went on ok.

I take mine off to brush my teeth in the morning, and replace them, and the same at night time.

I sit by a bright bedside light with a magnifying mirror to put the elastics in - sometimes this goes well, sometimes it takes a while. I don't know where your elastics are hooked on to. The bottom of my elastics are at the back of my mouth and then they come forward on to the top brace. I hook the elastic on the bottom brace first, put my finger through the elastic (so it doesn't ping in my mouth) and then feed it on to the top hook.

My ortho said this is a really important time to use elastics, while everything is healing from the op - which I guess makes sense.

Are you using a baby spoon for eating - they are useless for liquids, but ideal for anything with substance to it.

Tonight's meal - mash potato with mashed swede and carrots and gravy - yum!!

Marian xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#83 Post by underbiter »

I think i have difficult blooming elastics they are both at the front and at the side so holding my jaws quite close together and i cant even get a baby spoon past them which i tried to do at dinnertime with some mashed potato which was a major fail and i had to have soup through a straw, my surgeon suggested leaving the elastics on for today and trying them off tomorrow.

so i think what i will have to do is take em off before breakfast eat breakfast brush teeth and put em on again, then have soup for lunch that i can suck thru a straw, then i think have dinner after ive removed the elastics brushed teeth and put em back on for bed, think im gonna be exhausted after that lot!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#84 Post by Kristyar0 »

Hi guys,
You both sound just like me! All of my bruising has cleared one exct for one stubborn purple spot at the tip of my sternum. I can also only fit my index finger in between my teeth. I saw my surgeon for my 1 week follow up on Monday and my ortho on Tuesday. I had to get some xrays taken for the surgeon and snuck a quick peak. The metal plates are so tiny! I kind of expected them to be the same width as my jaw, but they are tiny, L shaped and held in place by 3 screws each. Very cool! My surgeon told me I can now take my elastics out to brush my teeth and eat which is a relief because i think they must be the same as yours Jo. They are at either side on the front and I cannot even fit a teaspoon in between them. My surgeon told me i look normal again. I was very offended. How fat does he think my face usually is!? Haha. Well it is looking really good with just a little swelling around the jawline now. My ortho was so happy when I saw him. According to him "these results are amazing, you look finished". I wish he wasn't so quick to throw around words like that, as I get my hopes up that I'm right near the end, but I'm sure whn I go back in 3 weeks I'll hear about all the work there still is to do!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#85 Post by boatsink »

Looks like you all are getting by and getting better - except I'm seeing the elastics are a pain for all of you, which it truly is! I guess my elastic configuration isn't as complex though.

I had a follow-up visit w/ my surgeon today - almost 4 weeks already. Time sure does fly by quickly. Good news - I only have to wear my bands at night now. I'm free during the day, yes! My bite appears stable and hasn't shifted. He did advise me that if my bite does shift slightly start wearing the elastics during the day again... and if changes are significant to notify him ASAP.
I have a follow-up visit with him in two weeks, which he believes he can advance me to soft chew diet. I was so excited when he said that!
He measured my range of motion of my mouth and I opened as wide as 27 mm. Let's see what it is next time...

I think I'll have mashed potatoes for dinner w/ gravy yum.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#86 Post by underbiter »

first night with the elastics wasnt very fun constantly clicking and stretching of my lower jaw obviously my jaws are fighting the elastics! my surgeon said this was to be expected tho. Remembered my surgeon said if possible just take the elastics off once a day, so i think im going to have to take his advice and have liquidised breakfast and lunch and then take them off for a proper dinner at night time then brush my teeth and pop em back on. the swelling seems to be taking a long time to go down, its really up in the morning despite me sleeping almost vertical, and then in the evening its gone down a lot. Kirsty you made me laugh with your description of your surgeon saying you look normal again i got the same and was like 'urgh? i look like a balloon!' Wish there was something i could do to get the swelling down, im going for short walks in my garden each day but other than that im not sure what else to do.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#87 Post by Marian »

Have you tried smiling at yourself in the mirror - I tried it and frightened the life out of myself - my smile is really gruesome - I am praying that that will change!!!



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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#88 Post by underbiter »

oh yes marian i tried that and nearly cracked the mirror! Cant believe its a week today since my surgery its gone really fast! Hopefully the next week will be even faster, next weekend my parents are going to be the proud owners of a puppy so ill have something to keep me company when my cats being a mardy bugger! What made me laugh this morning was i was sat in the living room looking at my laptop, when i looked round to see a random black and white cat staring at me from the dining room, i went 'argggh get!' and ran after it it went out my cats catflap! Think my cat must be having secret cat parties when im not looking!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#89 Post by Marian »

Tell me all about the puppy!!! I am very jealous. What better way to convalesce that to have a tiny puppy, with his fat puppy tummy, all snuggled up with you on the sofa.

You lucky thing!

Marian xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#90 Post by underbiter »

well its a rare breed puppy my mum and dad went to a dog show and my dad was obsessed by this dog (russian black terrier) so theyve researched the breed and found that theres only like 4 breeders in the country it grows into a fairly big dog labrador height and length, we used to have a briard which is like an old english sheepdog but black, but sadly it died a few years ago so they finally feel ready to have another dog which im pleased about as i love dogs. The puppy will be 8 weeks almost exactly when it comes to us so we'll need to be prepared with the newspaper on the floor no doubt! Managed to get me elastics off and back on ok no problem with my dad doing a bit of back seating driving which was annoying lol!

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