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Redfern: Boy, do I know about wonky bites. I don't remember if it's in this post where I told about having to get 'fangs' to have a flat enough bite to chew properly. I had to have three of my lower teeth built up (they look like fangs to me ) after they removed a special splint I spent three month wearing to get my jaw aligned before I got braces.
Yikes, what an ordeal this is.
Glad to have this forum of people who understand.
Three cheers for all the old folks in braces! It takes a lot of guts to do this at our age.
I'm starting to get adjusted to wearing them and the inconveniences, but I am also very appreciative of the fact that I have good dentists and the ability to take care of my teeth now. For too many years, I could barely afford toothpaste, let alone go to the dentist. Now I have three awesome dentists.
I am only 36, and next month I will have had my braces on for a year! I can't believe it. It goes by very quickly.
I had to eat soft foods for about six months after mine went on, but these days I'm pretty much okay.
Regarding braces versus dentures or implants, my late husband always said that you should stick with the original parts whenever possible--anything that lets you keep your natural teeth longer is a good investment!
Just had my latest appointment--more springs and power chain on my lower fronts to convince a stubborn, very crooked tooth to straighten up. My teeth are already aching!
On the up side--the ortho said my braces were the cleanest she'd ever seen! Chalk it up to a water pik, floss, sulca brush, regular brush, mouthwash, and sheer determination.
Exactly one month until my next appointment--looking forward to it. Each one down is another step closer to straight teeth.