brand new brace wearer (age 31)
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brand new brace wearer (age 31)
Wow. I've gone and done it now. The first top brace is on (Damon, clear). And it hurts. I feel like I have a torture device on. Its only day two. Right now it feels like I have Everest to climb. And I haven't even got on the plane yet. Its intimidating.
One of my top teeth really protrudes and I've never liked it. Despite hating it, especially after seeing photos of me, I always thought, well that's my lot isn't it. My bottom teeth are also a bit crowded but I am not really worried about those. I tried removal braces as a young teen but it didn't work out. The treatment started a bit late in life. And I never really wore it properly, then i moved away from my dentist at the time and got more interested in boys than straight teeth. Since then my top protruding tooth has just just been part of me.
But lately I had a change of heart. My sister in law (older by a good few years) got Invasalign and I thought, well if she can do something about her teeth at her age, I could too. But of course the orthodontist I went to see said Invisalign was not suitable for my teeth problems. Cut to 6 weeks later and I have a mouthful of metal. How to f*** did that happen!!??
So now I'm at home pretty down and needing a pick up. This site is great and its amazing its the only real adult and braces site around.
How does everyone else cope in the early days? Especially British people?? I see a lot of american adults getting it done but its more rare over here I think. Especially going on my experience at the orthodontist I go to....always full of kids and their waiting mothers.
Anyways, advice gratefully received.
Over and out.
One of my top teeth really protrudes and I've never liked it. Despite hating it, especially after seeing photos of me, I always thought, well that's my lot isn't it. My bottom teeth are also a bit crowded but I am not really worried about those. I tried removal braces as a young teen but it didn't work out. The treatment started a bit late in life. And I never really wore it properly, then i moved away from my dentist at the time and got more interested in boys than straight teeth. Since then my top protruding tooth has just just been part of me.
But lately I had a change of heart. My sister in law (older by a good few years) got Invasalign and I thought, well if she can do something about her teeth at her age, I could too. But of course the orthodontist I went to see said Invisalign was not suitable for my teeth problems. Cut to 6 weeks later and I have a mouthful of metal. How to f*** did that happen!!??
So now I'm at home pretty down and needing a pick up. This site is great and its amazing its the only real adult and braces site around.
How does everyone else cope in the early days? Especially British people?? I see a lot of american adults getting it done but its more rare over here I think. Especially going on my experience at the orthodontist I go to....always full of kids and their waiting mothers.
Anyways, advice gratefully received.
Over and out.
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
hey bbbards,
i totally understand how you feel. I am 37 and did the same thing, without really thinking about it too much, because i knew if i did, i wasnt going to do it.
i work for a company and need to speak in front of top management frequently so i am self conscious (mostly) at work.
Although i live in the US and its a little more common, i am from South America where it is not common at all and in a month I am going to visit my family and know that everyone over there will be like 'wtf'?! but its never the right time. In my 20's i was dating, then I got married and also was focused on my career and getting a promotion, then I had a son 2 years ago, and now that i have time for myself (a bit more) I decided to do it.
This site has giving me lots of encouragement and also my hubby and my mom - whom i trust more than anyone. They give me lots of support.
Another thing with me is that I am THE MOST IMPATIENT person I know. So 18 months is too long to committ, so I am thinking (and setting my mind) that I will do this in 12 months. I have done 5 weeks, 47 more to go. This is what helps me. This site and visualizing my pretty smile.
Hope this helps- and congrats on your new metal mouth
i totally understand how you feel. I am 37 and did the same thing, without really thinking about it too much, because i knew if i did, i wasnt going to do it.
i work for a company and need to speak in front of top management frequently so i am self conscious (mostly) at work.
Although i live in the US and its a little more common, i am from South America where it is not common at all and in a month I am going to visit my family and know that everyone over there will be like 'wtf'?! but its never the right time. In my 20's i was dating, then I got married and also was focused on my career and getting a promotion, then I had a son 2 years ago, and now that i have time for myself (a bit more) I decided to do it.
This site has giving me lots of encouragement and also my hubby and my mom - whom i trust more than anyone. They give me lots of support.
Another thing with me is that I am THE MOST IMPATIENT person I know. So 18 months is too long to committ, so I am thinking (and setting my mind) that I will do this in 12 months. I have done 5 weeks, 47 more to go. This is what helps me. This site and visualizing my pretty smile.
Hope this helps- and congrats on your new metal mouth

Wore Top & Bottom traditional metal brackets, wore elastics both sides 24/7
Brace day: Oct 4 2011 / Sentence: 18 months - DONE in 16 months
My story + progress pix
Brace day: Oct 4 2011 / Sentence: 18 months - DONE in 16 months
My story + progress pix
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
Hi Lau
Thanks for your reply and your support. It's good to hear your thoughts. I am also v impatient. My boyfriend thinks this process will help teach me some patience. It's going to be a hard lesson! sunday will be my first day at work with the metal. So not looking forward to having to explain myself to inquisitive/confused colleagues.
Thanks for your reply and your support. It's good to hear your thoughts. I am also v impatient. My boyfriend thinks this process will help teach me some patience. It's going to be a hard lesson! sunday will be my first day at work with the metal. So not looking forward to having to explain myself to inquisitive/confused colleagues.
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
so tell me how did it go? i still have some people at work that look at me funny. but i try to remember that i did 100% for myself, not to please others, so i SMILE big to not show I am self conscious- even thou i am a little bit. 

Wore Top & Bottom traditional metal brackets, wore elastics both sides 24/7
Brace day: Oct 4 2011 / Sentence: 18 months - DONE in 16 months
My story + progress pix
Brace day: Oct 4 2011 / Sentence: 18 months - DONE in 16 months
My story + progress pix
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
You sound just like me! I'm 31 as well. I kind of jumped into the braces (clear on top) without a lot of thought. I had just gotten married and hated my smile in some of my wedding photos, plus my husband's health insurance covered some of the expense so I decided to go for it.
I had had braces in junior high but for various reasons, my teeth were still not straight and my bite was off. I've now been re-braced for about six months. I had a lot of "what was I thinking?!" moments since then. For two weeks of spacers and then the first six weeks of braces (so about two months total), I couldn't eat anything harder than soggy cereal. I was in a LOT of pain and very self conscious about how the braces look on me. It's nothing like I remember from my first braces experience. It's SO much harder to do this as an adult. Your teeth just don't adjust as easily.
Anyway, now, I can see results. I can see what my smile will look like. I have another 18 months in braces to get my bite aligned, but I can now say it's all worth it. Hang in there!
Also, I'm used to my appearance now. I've finally learned how to smile in pictures without looking 13. I actually get compliments on my braces pretty frequently. Everyone's been really kind about it... Curious in a very polite way and encouraging. I hope you have the same reaction over in the UK. Good luck!
I had had braces in junior high but for various reasons, my teeth were still not straight and my bite was off. I've now been re-braced for about six months. I had a lot of "what was I thinking?!" moments since then. For two weeks of spacers and then the first six weeks of braces (so about two months total), I couldn't eat anything harder than soggy cereal. I was in a LOT of pain and very self conscious about how the braces look on me. It's nothing like I remember from my first braces experience. It's SO much harder to do this as an adult. Your teeth just don't adjust as easily.
Anyway, now, I can see results. I can see what my smile will look like. I have another 18 months in braces to get my bite aligned, but I can now say it's all worth it. Hang in there!
Also, I'm used to my appearance now. I've finally learned how to smile in pictures without looking 13. I actually get compliments on my braces pretty frequently. Everyone's been really kind about it... Curious in a very polite way and encouraging. I hope you have the same reaction over in the UK. Good luck!
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
You just have to have faith that it will all be worth it in the end!! I think we've all had the moments of "What the hell have I done??", but trust me, once you start to see positive changes and movement, you won't regret it at all. The only other option would be to leave your smile the way it is and then live the rest of your life hating your teeth. Since you went ahead and got braces, I'm assuming that you really disliked your smile, so hating your teeth forever probably isn't an appealing option. I put off braces for a few years as well, and then one day I finally decided that I was done with hiding my smile and always worrying about what angle pictures were being taken from and how close people were to my mouth. I still get self conscious at times about the braces, but I'd much rather be self conscious for a short period of time about something that's improving my looks, rather than being self conscious for the rest of my life about my crooked teeth. The first few weeks aren't easy, but just take it little by little. Take pictures so that you can look back at times when you're feeling discouraged and see how far you've come. That helps me A LOT! I also know the frustration of feeling like you're the only adult doing this. I hardly ever see other adult patients at my ortho's office, but I know they're out there! And I've seen a lot of posts on this site from people in the UK, so you're definitely not alone! Hang in there, keep posting for support, and take lots of pics!
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
You sound similar to me. I have had mine on for a week tomorrow. I have one tooth on the top that slightly protrudes and lots of crowding on the bottom. It's been an interesting first week! But I think I can already see a difference on my bottoms! Eating has been a chore, I think I've lost a couple of pounds so that's always a plus!
I hadn't told anyone that I was getting them. I've had just 2 people ask and then feel like others may be wondering what is different about me! It is amazing how unnoticable the top clear Damons are!
I hadn't told anyone that I was getting them. I've had just 2 people ask and then feel like others may be wondering what is different about me! It is amazing how unnoticable the top clear Damons are!
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
You made a good decision! I’m British and got braced and don’t regret it at all. I see more adults in London wearing braces now. I didn’t really notice it before I decided to have braces. I thought I was the only one too.
Enjoy your first few weeks in braces
. A few days in and I was thinking what have I done. It gets better and when you see some movement it’s great 
Enjoy your first few weeks in braces

Damon & ICE brackets for 11 months in 2010/2011 @ 34 : Before and after pictures here
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
Im newly braced as well and I have never been more confident in myself. I used to never smile without hiding my teeth and now I feel so much more self confident with the braces. I think theres nothing to be ashamed of and you have taken a big step that will pay off in the long run
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:54 am
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
Does anyone know on average how long it takes for them to start hurting really bad? I just got them on about three hours ago and it seems ok so far...I'm just waiting for the bomb to drop!
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
LOL yeah...I got braced at 1130am and was done and ready to go have lunch by 1pm. I felt fine - had pizza! Later on that night I still felt fine until I went to eat, then my teeth felt sore. So I would say 8 hours. The next day was worse and by day 4 or so I was good to go and had adjusted to everything. Then, once I started getting used to everything, the little bites, sores, and meat grinder effect starts to happen. All-in-all I'd say it was 7 days of annoyances before I felt comfortable.BadMoonRising wrote:Does anyone know on average how long it takes for them to start hurting really bad? I just got them on about three hours ago and it seems ok so far...I'm just waiting for the bomb to drop!

- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:54 am
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
[quote="kreyFL"][quote="BadMoonRising"]Does anyone know on average how long it takes for them to start hurting really bad? I just got them on about three hours ago and it seems ok so far...I'm just waiting for the bomb to drop![/quote]
LOL yeah...I got braced at 1130am and was done and ready to go have lunch by 1pm. I felt fine - had pizza! Later on that night I still felt fine until I went to eat, then my teeth felt sore. So I would say 8 hours. The next day was worse and by day 4 or so I was good to go and had adjusted to everything. Then, once I started getting used to everything, the little bites, sores, and meat grinder effect starts to happen. All-in-all I'd say it was 7 days of annoyances before I felt comfortable.[/quote]
Thanks! ....but what's the meat grinder effect!?
LOL yeah...I got braced at 1130am and was done and ready to go have lunch by 1pm. I felt fine - had pizza! Later on that night I still felt fine until I went to eat, then my teeth felt sore. So I would say 8 hours. The next day was worse and by day 4 or so I was good to go and had adjusted to everything. Then, once I started getting used to everything, the little bites, sores, and meat grinder effect starts to happen. All-in-all I'd say it was 7 days of annoyances before I felt comfortable.[/quote]
Thanks! ....but what's the meat grinder effect!?
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
When the brackets start ripping up the inside of your mouth like you have been through a meat grinder. LOL The inside of your mouth toughens up, but initially it is pretty least for me it was.

- Posts: 636
- Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:44 am
- Location: Tampa, FL, USA
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
For me, the pain started right after I got braced and continued for at least 3 weeks with the tops (and at least a month with bottoms). Spacers were a nightmare of course, too. However, it will eventually get better. Good luck!
Had full mouth metal braces for 21 months. Debonded April 2013. Now wearing clear plastic retainers every other night.
I have no formal dental or orthodontic education. Hence, all opinions expressed by me on this forum are those of an "informed consumer" and by no means intended as an expert advice.
I have no formal dental or orthodontic education. Hence, all opinions expressed by me on this forum are those of an "informed consumer" and by no means intended as an expert advice.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:21 pm
Re: brand new brace wearer (age 31)
better late than never