Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I am sorry to hear about your surgery cancellation! It must be so disappointing! Please understand that the medical staff is trying to perform this surgery with your best interest at heart. It is probably nothing and just need to be checked out. Hang in there!
I am sorry to hear about your surgery cancellation! It must be so disappointing! Please understand that the medical staff is trying to perform this surgery with your best interest at heart. It is probably nothing and just need to be checked out. Hang in there!
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:26 pm
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Speechie, I'm so sorry to hear about your cancellation. That must be very frustrating. I hope they can reschedule you soon!
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 9:06 am
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Also sorry to hear about your cancellation! That must be a bummer to say the least.
I'm day 18 post op and already starting to regain feeling in my hard palate and am also craving pizza like a crazy person. *sigh*
I'm day 18 post op and already starting to regain feeling in my hard palate and am also craving pizza like a crazy person. *sigh*
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:21 pm
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Sorry to hear about the cancellation as well. That would have driven me nuts - I was so anxious to get everything over with. But, to relate, when they were trying to give me my IV before the surgery the nurses couldn't find a vein (they kept "disappearing", or my blood pressure kept dropping right when they put the needle in or whatever) and it took them about 15 minutes of poking and prodding to get one. It was irritating, they thought I was gonna pass out, but these things happen sometimes I guess. I hope your next experience is better!
As for the recovery, I'm finishing up Day 11 now. My swelling has reduced drastically (probably about 90% gone I'd say, though I don't think that's typical) but numbness, however, has not. My upper lip, tip of the nose, and inner cheek are a bit tingly but mostly numb on the left side and completely numb still on the right side. When I massage my screws/what's left of my swelling, I get "jolts" of sensation on both sides so I'm hopeful everything will return to normal. I'm told it could take a few months.
Pain is minimal at this point, but my facial muscles (especially around my lips) get tired and sore extremely quickly. I try to smile and move as much as possible to prevent atrophy and aid in my muscles getting used to their new positions, but this tends to give me headaches and leave me worn out by the end of the day.
As for the recovery, I'm finishing up Day 11 now. My swelling has reduced drastically (probably about 90% gone I'd say, though I don't think that's typical) but numbness, however, has not. My upper lip, tip of the nose, and inner cheek are a bit tingly but mostly numb on the left side and completely numb still on the right side. When I massage my screws/what's left of my swelling, I get "jolts" of sensation on both sides so I'm hopeful everything will return to normal. I'm told it could take a few months.
Pain is minimal at this point, but my facial muscles (especially around my lips) get tired and sore extremely quickly. I try to smile and move as much as possible to prevent atrophy and aid in my muscles getting used to their new positions, but this tends to give me headaches and leave me worn out by the end of the day.
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Thanks for all your kind words. I know they have my best interest at heart, it is just disappointing to have to reschedule again. We had originally planned on an early July surgery, but my mom fell ill, then passed away so I was back in my home state working through that and we had to reschedule. Now I am sitting here, saying, "I should be on day 1 of recovery" etc. I'm going to continue toi follow the July group - hopefully I'll be rescheduled for August!
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Hi guys I had my surgery monday. I had SARPE. i was fine after surgery but swelling has peaked and last night i was up all night vomiting blood. Im completely wiped out. Anyone else in similiar situation?
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 9:06 am
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I've heard of other people having issues vomiting blood. I didn't, although I was incredibly nauseous. My surgeon sucked all the blood out of my stomach before sending me on my way. (that sounds very vampire-ish lol)
I was completely exhausted the first few days though. I hope things improve for you!!!
I've heard of other people having issues vomiting blood. I didn't, although I was incredibly nauseous. My surgeon sucked all the blood out of my stomach before sending me on my way. (that sounds very vampire-ish lol)
I was completely exhausted the first few days though. I hope things improve for you!!!
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:15 am
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I really meant to post this here in the buddy thread and not on the main board, so I'm reposting here....
I had my double jaw surgery on July 17, so it has been exactly two weels since i was lying on that operation room table. Aside from hating those first 10 days being wired tightly shut, recovery is going really well. I'm already eating soft solid food (so much for the promised drastic weight loss!) and the swelling is almost gone.
However, the numbness/tingling is driving me CRAZY!!!! The entire right side of my face, the lower left side, and my nose are super numb with almost constant underlying tingling. My palate and gums on the right sde are just numb. I feel like I have bugs crawling across my face constantly and it often burns. Sometimes it is almost too much to bear. I know that the tingling means that the nerves are repairing themselves and that this means that feeling will likely return but I feel like i have reached a plateau in my recovery already and it's getting me down a bit.
I try to focus on how much better life is now than when I was wired shut, but nothing I do seems to relieve the intense tingling and itching. Heat, ice, etc. Every day I wake up and it is no better. I know I'm being impatient and it could take months, but was hoping that someone knows of some techniques to relieve the discomfort or speed up the nerve recovery.
Now i know why the surgeons kept taking about the numbness! I was blowing it off thinking it would be mild like theincison from my c-sections, but i guess when it is on your FACE it is a little more annoying than on your lower abdomen.
And speechie, that totally sucks. I'm so sorry for you.
I had my double jaw surgery on July 17, so it has been exactly two weels since i was lying on that operation room table. Aside from hating those first 10 days being wired tightly shut, recovery is going really well. I'm already eating soft solid food (so much for the promised drastic weight loss!) and the swelling is almost gone.
However, the numbness/tingling is driving me CRAZY!!!! The entire right side of my face, the lower left side, and my nose are super numb with almost constant underlying tingling. My palate and gums on the right sde are just numb. I feel like I have bugs crawling across my face constantly and it often burns. Sometimes it is almost too much to bear. I know that the tingling means that the nerves are repairing themselves and that this means that feeling will likely return but I feel like i have reached a plateau in my recovery already and it's getting me down a bit.
I try to focus on how much better life is now than when I was wired shut, but nothing I do seems to relieve the intense tingling and itching. Heat, ice, etc. Every day I wake up and it is no better. I know I'm being impatient and it could take months, but was hoping that someone knows of some techniques to relieve the discomfort or speed up the nerve recovery.
Now i know why the surgeons kept taking about the numbness! I was blowing it off thinking it would be mild like theincison from my c-sections, but i guess when it is on your FACE it is a little more annoying than on your lower abdomen.
And speechie, that totally sucks. I'm so sorry for you.
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:26 pm
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Hey everyone,
I'm now 8 days post 2-piece Lefort I and BSSO, so here's a quick update. The first week has indeed been the roughest. I spent 3 days instead of 2 in the hospital because I developed a very rare allergic reaction to the Keflex they gave me as an antibiotic pre- and during surgery. I'm still swollen, but it's better than it was. I saw the surgeon yesterday for a 1-week follow-up and he removed the external stitches where they'd made incisions for the screws in my lower jaw.
I'm on a liquid diet for at least another week or so, and have this stupid splint over my palate for the next 5 weeks. I just ordered beef pho for delivery and stuck it all in the blender. Not bad, and certainly very filling!
Just wanted to encourage those of you who just had surgery, or are just about to get it, that you will get through that rough first week.
I'm now 8 days post 2-piece Lefort I and BSSO, so here's a quick update. The first week has indeed been the roughest. I spent 3 days instead of 2 in the hospital because I developed a very rare allergic reaction to the Keflex they gave me as an antibiotic pre- and during surgery. I'm still swollen, but it's better than it was. I saw the surgeon yesterday for a 1-week follow-up and he removed the external stitches where they'd made incisions for the screws in my lower jaw.
I'm on a liquid diet for at least another week or so, and have this stupid splint over my palate for the next 5 weeks. I just ordered beef pho for delivery and stuck it all in the blender. Not bad, and certainly very filling!
Just wanted to encourage those of you who just had surgery, or are just about to get it, that you will get through that rough first week.

- Posts: 22
- Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 9:06 am
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I am a little over three weeks out. Hopefuly next week I will get the go-ahead on chewing. Working in a food service industry and not being able to chew is killing me. I think I have hung in there pretty well though
I eat a milkshake every day as a meal (lol). So far I have really enjoyed mashed avocado, soaked, soft Oreos, canned asparagus...I have blended fried chicken with mashed potatoes with gravy, and enjoyed a few different soups. I have kept my calorie count up by being so unhealthy
but have still managed to lose a couple pounds. I do take a ton of vitamins though to keep some nutrients in me.
My recovery has gone remarkably well; I have been at work a little over a week. I agree, the first week is def the worst. I found eating incredibly frustrating and exhausting. It's not exhausting anymore so much as my real food cravings are.
Have yall had anything surprisingly good?

I eat a milkshake every day as a meal (lol). So far I have really enjoyed mashed avocado, soaked, soft Oreos, canned asparagus...I have blended fried chicken with mashed potatoes with gravy, and enjoyed a few different soups. I have kept my calorie count up by being so unhealthy

My recovery has gone remarkably well; I have been at work a little over a week. I agree, the first week is def the worst. I found eating incredibly frustrating and exhausting. It's not exhausting anymore so much as my real food cravings are.
Have yall had anything surprisingly good?
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I had my surgery June 27 and I am approaching 7 weeks. Still very numb and hoping recovery speeds up.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:21 pm
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
It's been almost four weeks now (27 days).
Saw my orthodontist, he was amazed. Said he had never seen somebody recover so quickly from jaw surgery. My swelling is not at all perceptible (but is still probably at ~1% - I can notice it slightly beside my nose if I've been busy all day). Nearly all my swelling was gone within the first 14 days. Apparently this is atypical, my healing has gone surprisingly quickly. Who knows if it's genetic or what, but I iced my face constantly over these 14 days, for hours at a time. (They recommend 20 on / 20 off but I think I averaged 90 on / 30 off.) I went on 5km walks daily starting on Day 3. On Day 7 started talking 400mg ibuprofen twice a day. Stopped with the ibuprofen after Day 21, but if I notice anything "puffy" in the slightest I pop one.
I'm still not feeling 100%, though. Don't get me wrong, I feel great, but after talking a lot and smiling a lot my muscles get fatigued pretty quickly. One part of my lip is still completely numb, I hope it regains sensitivity but at this point I'm not sure. Then again, it is only 4 weeks out.
I've been drinking alcohol and going out relatively routinely since Day 21. I'm still not in the mood for anything "high octane", but hanging out and having a few beers has been really relaxing and a lot of fun.
I get my surgical hooks out tomorrow (again, to my orthodontist's surprise). I've been cleared by my surgeon to continue with everything, so I guess my surgery journey is more or less over! I still have some recovery to get through (not allowed to chew for another week or so), but with the removal of my surgical wires/hooks I'm going to be on the path to finalizing my bite/smile. Might post an update a few months out.
Good luck to everyone else, and to anybody considering jaw surgery - do it! Stay positive and remember that there's a beautiful house and property on the other side of that barbed-wire fence
Saw my orthodontist, he was amazed. Said he had never seen somebody recover so quickly from jaw surgery. My swelling is not at all perceptible (but is still probably at ~1% - I can notice it slightly beside my nose if I've been busy all day). Nearly all my swelling was gone within the first 14 days. Apparently this is atypical, my healing has gone surprisingly quickly. Who knows if it's genetic or what, but I iced my face constantly over these 14 days, for hours at a time. (They recommend 20 on / 20 off but I think I averaged 90 on / 30 off.) I went on 5km walks daily starting on Day 3. On Day 7 started talking 400mg ibuprofen twice a day. Stopped with the ibuprofen after Day 21, but if I notice anything "puffy" in the slightest I pop one.
I'm still not feeling 100%, though. Don't get me wrong, I feel great, but after talking a lot and smiling a lot my muscles get fatigued pretty quickly. One part of my lip is still completely numb, I hope it regains sensitivity but at this point I'm not sure. Then again, it is only 4 weeks out.
I've been drinking alcohol and going out relatively routinely since Day 21. I'm still not in the mood for anything "high octane", but hanging out and having a few beers has been really relaxing and a lot of fun.
I get my surgical hooks out tomorrow (again, to my orthodontist's surprise). I've been cleared by my surgeon to continue with everything, so I guess my surgery journey is more or less over! I still have some recovery to get through (not allowed to chew for another week or so), but with the removal of my surgical wires/hooks I'm going to be on the path to finalizing my bite/smile. Might post an update a few months out.
Good luck to everyone else, and to anybody considering jaw surgery - do it! Stay positive and remember that there's a beautiful house and property on the other side of that barbed-wire fence

Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
Hello everyone,
I had lower jaw surgery on 7/17, that was 30 days ago, via IVRO. Today was my 2nd post op visit with the surgeon. I was rubber band shut tight for the last 30 days. Today I got the rubber bands cut off and splint removed! My X-ray from today showed that I am healing nicely and my bite is excellent. The good doctor let me out without any rubber bands on! : ) I never lost any feelings anywhere from my surgery, which made my initial opening of jaws "easier", I think. I felt that I had control over my jaw muscles. I can open with ease up to 1 cm wide. Surgeon says NOT to push it and to go with the flow. He doesn't reccomend any jaw exercise for now. I go back to see him in 6 weeks.
I will be on soft food diet for the next 6 weeks, no chewing. He gave examples of mashed potato, very soft pasta, fish, pudding, jello, etc. After 30 days of all liquid diet, soft food sounds GREAT! : ) Surgeon said that I can run and ride my stationary bike, as long as I don't clench my teeth. He was very adament that the orthodontist does NOT start moving my teeth until 10 weeks post op, which is 6 weeks away. You know, as him, I don't want to chance anything. I can wait for my next orthodontist appointment. I am in no hurry!
I have been in no pain since the first few days post surgery. Most of my upper face swelling was long gone at 2 week mark. However, the swelling right beneath the jawline is still quite evident. The surgeon said there isn't anything that I can do, but to wait it out. He said it could take as long as 6 months. I hope not. I am drinking plenty of fluid and getting my exercise in. The swelling beneath the chin isn't "terrible", just looks like double chin...not very attractive, but not freakish enough to prevent me from going out to the general public. : )
I am very happy with the result of my lower jaw surgery. I am finally rid of all the neck, shoulder and upper back pains because of my underbite. I could have had genio, but chose not to. I simply didn't want to chance any nerve damage, which was why I chose IVRO over BSSO. I am 44 yrs old, youth is no longer on my side! : ) I will always be grateful that I got away with zero numbness from this surgery!
The last 30 days didn't go by so fast, but it didn't drag on either. I drank protein shakes with Instant Breakfast added and Ensure, too. I rested whenever I felt tired. I gave myself every opportunity to heal right and quickly. At my age, I need to take extra good care of myself. I am glad to have this last bit behind me. Good luck everyone else in your healing journey!
I had lower jaw surgery on 7/17, that was 30 days ago, via IVRO. Today was my 2nd post op visit with the surgeon. I was rubber band shut tight for the last 30 days. Today I got the rubber bands cut off and splint removed! My X-ray from today showed that I am healing nicely and my bite is excellent. The good doctor let me out without any rubber bands on! : ) I never lost any feelings anywhere from my surgery, which made my initial opening of jaws "easier", I think. I felt that I had control over my jaw muscles. I can open with ease up to 1 cm wide. Surgeon says NOT to push it and to go with the flow. He doesn't reccomend any jaw exercise for now. I go back to see him in 6 weeks.
I will be on soft food diet for the next 6 weeks, no chewing. He gave examples of mashed potato, very soft pasta, fish, pudding, jello, etc. After 30 days of all liquid diet, soft food sounds GREAT! : ) Surgeon said that I can run and ride my stationary bike, as long as I don't clench my teeth. He was very adament that the orthodontist does NOT start moving my teeth until 10 weeks post op, which is 6 weeks away. You know, as him, I don't want to chance anything. I can wait for my next orthodontist appointment. I am in no hurry!
I have been in no pain since the first few days post surgery. Most of my upper face swelling was long gone at 2 week mark. However, the swelling right beneath the jawline is still quite evident. The surgeon said there isn't anything that I can do, but to wait it out. He said it could take as long as 6 months. I hope not. I am drinking plenty of fluid and getting my exercise in. The swelling beneath the chin isn't "terrible", just looks like double chin...not very attractive, but not freakish enough to prevent me from going out to the general public. : )
I am very happy with the result of my lower jaw surgery. I am finally rid of all the neck, shoulder and upper back pains because of my underbite. I could have had genio, but chose not to. I simply didn't want to chance any nerve damage, which was why I chose IVRO over BSSO. I am 44 yrs old, youth is no longer on my side! : ) I will always be grateful that I got away with zero numbness from this surgery!
The last 30 days didn't go by so fast, but it didn't drag on either. I drank protein shakes with Instant Breakfast added and Ensure, too. I rested whenever I felt tired. I gave myself every opportunity to heal right and quickly. At my age, I need to take extra good care of myself. I am glad to have this last bit behind me. Good luck everyone else in your healing journey!
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 9:06 am
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
I still don't have feeling back in my gums 7 weeks post op. all swelling is gone. I am also having issues with my right nostril and sinuses since surgery.
Anyone else having issues like this??
Anyone else having issues like this??
Re: Do we have a July 2012 buddy group yet?
[quote="Jan2012"]Hi all,
I had IVRO on 7/17 and will be banded shur for 4-6 weeks. I am recovery well. I didn't lose any feelings anywhere, so within hrs I was able to drink apple juice from a small glass at the hospital. I had some shots for pain twice, but never used any narcotics. I wasn't in enough pain to use narcotic painkiller to take a chance with nausea and leading to vomitting. Within 24 hrs, I was only on liquid Motrin as needed. I took that 2 times since I have been home. I kept ice on my jaws for 3 days, which helped with inflammation. From Day 4 on, I use warm compresses. I am on all liquid diet. I am still a bit swollen, but not to bad. My worst swelling was on day 3. It has been going down since then.
I am drinking Ensure, shakes and juices. And plenty of water. I have been up and about cooking for family, so I am not in all that bad shape. Of course, I rest whenever I feel like I need to. I sleep 6-8 hrs at night and may get a short 1.5 hr nap during the day.
I am very glad that IVRO worked out the way that I read it would be. I thought there would be some small numbness, even if short-lived. However, I never lost any feelings. I know this has prevented drooling and allowed my abillity to drink/eat with "ease".
Speechie, good luck with your surgery 7/30![/quote]
Hi,I hope you are still checking this site, I had IVRO on 5/24, and how was your result with bone healing after six weeks wire cut open? I am worried about bone healing or mis-align ect... So far, my recovery is not bad, and I only have swollen cheek.
I had IVRO on 7/17 and will be banded shur for 4-6 weeks. I am recovery well. I didn't lose any feelings anywhere, so within hrs I was able to drink apple juice from a small glass at the hospital. I had some shots for pain twice, but never used any narcotics. I wasn't in enough pain to use narcotic painkiller to take a chance with nausea and leading to vomitting. Within 24 hrs, I was only on liquid Motrin as needed. I took that 2 times since I have been home. I kept ice on my jaws for 3 days, which helped with inflammation. From Day 4 on, I use warm compresses. I am on all liquid diet. I am still a bit swollen, but not to bad. My worst swelling was on day 3. It has been going down since then.
I am drinking Ensure, shakes and juices. And plenty of water. I have been up and about cooking for family, so I am not in all that bad shape. Of course, I rest whenever I feel like I need to. I sleep 6-8 hrs at night and may get a short 1.5 hr nap during the day.
I am very glad that IVRO worked out the way that I read it would be. I thought there would be some small numbness, even if short-lived. However, I never lost any feelings. I know this has prevented drooling and allowed my abillity to drink/eat with "ease".
Speechie, good luck with your surgery 7/30![/quote]
Hi,I hope you are still checking this site, I had IVRO on 5/24, and how was your result with bone healing after six weeks wire cut open? I am worried about bone healing or mis-align ect... So far, my recovery is not bad, and I only have swollen cheek.