It's now or never - braces at 37
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Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
2 months progess.
Just thought I'd post a quick update. I'm getting an adjustment in 2 weeks but I thought I'd fill you in now.
I've had loads of movement, very little pain and VERY dry lips!!
I'm totally fed up of eating. I used to love eating, now I get bored half way through my meal and give up. I have to eat everything with a knife and fork or ripped up into small pieces. On the up side I've lost 8 pounds through not eating sweets and snacks!!
Overall, my first two months have been .... interesting!
Pictures to follow, I hope you'll be surprised!
Just thought I'd post a quick update. I'm getting an adjustment in 2 weeks but I thought I'd fill you in now.
I've had loads of movement, very little pain and VERY dry lips!!
I'm totally fed up of eating. I used to love eating, now I get bored half way through my meal and give up. I have to eat everything with a knife and fork or ripped up into small pieces. On the up side I've lost 8 pounds through not eating sweets and snacks!!
Overall, my first two months have been .... interesting!
Pictures to follow, I hope you'll be surprised!
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
That's excellent movement of those lateral incisors, you must be thrilled!
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Wow, they have moved so much in such a short time! You must be delighted. Can't wait to follow your progress!
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Fantastic progress Bezza, you must be so pleased 
I was also very pleased with the progress I had myself at 2 months.

I was also very pleased with the progress I had myself at 2 months.


My braces story: ... =9&t=42457
Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
I went for my adjustment on 6 September and to my surprise my ortho said I was ready for my lower braces, 2 months ahead of schedule!
My upper right canine hasn't moved quite far enough out so it will touch the bracket of my lower right canine when I close my mouth. He said I may knock the bracket off if I'm not careful but he would rather get the process started that wait for one tooth to move out of the way. So I am being careful not to touch my upper and lower canines together. Very difficult when eating!
I had my upper power chains removed and my upper left lateral incisor has been "tied." I think it's because it needs rotating? It's like a twisted wire wrapped around the bracket.
The archwire is the same one but with new ligs.
On the lower arch all the teeth have brackets but on the right the 2nd premolar is not connected to the archwire. Instead I have a "space creating coil" that goes between my 1st premolar and my 1st molar. When there is enough room the bracket will be connected and the tooth brought through into the space.
Ate my first meal ok, second meal, agony! I keep knocking the canines together and biting myself and my upper right 2nd premolar is very tender.
Pictures to follow...
My upper right canine hasn't moved quite far enough out so it will touch the bracket of my lower right canine when I close my mouth. He said I may knock the bracket off if I'm not careful but he would rather get the process started that wait for one tooth to move out of the way. So I am being careful not to touch my upper and lower canines together. Very difficult when eating!
I had my upper power chains removed and my upper left lateral incisor has been "tied." I think it's because it needs rotating? It's like a twisted wire wrapped around the bracket.
The archwire is the same one but with new ligs.
On the lower arch all the teeth have brackets but on the right the 2nd premolar is not connected to the archwire. Instead I have a "space creating coil" that goes between my 1st premolar and my 1st molar. When there is enough room the bracket will be connected and the tooth brought through into the space.
Ate my first meal ok, second meal, agony! I keep knocking the canines together and biting myself and my upper right 2nd premolar is very tender.
Pictures to follow...
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
The "knot" in my lateral incisor.

I was told this would be painful but I haven't had any pain as yet.
Anyone shed any light on it's purpose. Is it for rotation?

I was told this would be painful but I haven't had any pain as yet.
Anyone shed any light on it's purpose. Is it for rotation?
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Front view:-

Some of these brackets are so close together I couldn't get a pin between them, never mind floss or proxy brush!

Some of these brackets are so close together I couldn't get a pin between them, never mind floss or proxy brush!
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Left side:-

Pics aren't very good, it's really tricky to try and take a good photo and in focus!

Pics aren't very good, it's really tricky to try and take a good photo and in focus!
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Right side including not very good picture of the space making coil:-

Please excuse the wax!!
The coil and wayward 1st premolar:-

Next adjustment 22 October

Please excuse the wax!!
The coil and wayward 1st premolar:-

Next adjustment 22 October
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
Hello Bezza,
That looks like brilliant progress so far-you must be thrilled.
Re the knot on your lateral incisor- it looks as if the bracket is tied in with white coated ligature wire rather than with an elastic ligature. I think this holds the bracket more tightly onto the wire than the elastic ligatures so should enable that tooth to be made more upright by the archwire straightening out at that point. I don't think the knot itself is of any significance other than to ensure that the wire is tightly tied. I have similar wire criss-crossing my incisors to hold closed gaps which had been created by interproximal reduction and then closed by powerchains to create space to pull back my protruding left lateral. My wire is also closed by a very neat little knot.
If your bottom teeth progress as well as your top ones they will be straightened out very quickly.
Good luck with your treatment.
That looks like brilliant progress so far-you must be thrilled.
Re the knot on your lateral incisor- it looks as if the bracket is tied in with white coated ligature wire rather than with an elastic ligature. I think this holds the bracket more tightly onto the wire than the elastic ligatures so should enable that tooth to be made more upright by the archwire straightening out at that point. I don't think the knot itself is of any significance other than to ensure that the wire is tightly tied. I have similar wire criss-crossing my incisors to hold closed gaps which had been created by interproximal reduction and then closed by powerchains to create space to pull back my protruding left lateral. My wire is also closed by a very neat little knot.
If your bottom teeth progress as well as your top ones they will be straightened out very quickly.
Good luck with your treatment.
Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)
Click here for my story ... =9&t=42194
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)
Click here for my story ... =9&t=42194
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
One week in with the lower braces...
The rubbing inside my bottom lip has worn off and I don't need the wax anymore.
No pain which is great. Chewing was very difficult for the first 5 days but it's getting easier and I'm back on "normal" food as far as that is possible with braces. Incidentally, I have lost 11lb since getting my braces!! Caused by less snacking in between meals and skipping dessert I think.
I have two wobbly teeth, which are my upper 2nd premolars, next to the extraction gaps. I'm trying to leave them be but I feel like a kid and keep wobbling them with my tongue!!
I haven't noticed any movement with the lower teeth yet but haven't been able to floss between the bottom 6 as they are so tight together and they never used to be like that so something must be happening.
I don't feel like I'm pouting quite as much as I was before with just the upper. Perhaps because my lower lip has been "padded out" they're a bit more symmetrical now.
Metal brackets destroy toothbrushes! My ceramic uppers are nowhere near as rough on the bristles. I'm going to have to buy a few more brushes as spares.
The rubbing inside my bottom lip has worn off and I don't need the wax anymore.
No pain which is great. Chewing was very difficult for the first 5 days but it's getting easier and I'm back on "normal" food as far as that is possible with braces. Incidentally, I have lost 11lb since getting my braces!! Caused by less snacking in between meals and skipping dessert I think.
I have two wobbly teeth, which are my upper 2nd premolars, next to the extraction gaps. I'm trying to leave them be but I feel like a kid and keep wobbling them with my tongue!!
I haven't noticed any movement with the lower teeth yet but haven't been able to floss between the bottom 6 as they are so tight together and they never used to be like that so something must be happening.
I don't feel like I'm pouting quite as much as I was before with just the upper. Perhaps because my lower lip has been "padded out" they're a bit more symmetrical now.
Metal brackets destroy toothbrushes! My ceramic uppers are nowhere near as rough on the bristles. I'm going to have to buy a few more brushes as spares.
Re: It's now or never - braces at 37
I'm now 3 weeks into my lower braces and I haven't seen one iota of movement yet. Very frustrating.
I've noticed the reason I can't floss the middle six is because the brackets are glued off to one side and therefore touch the adjoining tooth. I assume this is because the teeth are slanted and need to be uprighted. Anyway, no way I'm getting the floss in between them at the moment and it's starting to really annoy me.
Not seen much movement in the uppers recently. I get a momentary stabbing pain on my lateral incisor, the one with the wire tie but nothing horrendous. By the time I've winced it's gone again.
Wobbly teeth are no longer wobbly.
I think the spring is working on creating more space for my wayward molar and can't wait to get it wired so I can see it move.
4 weeks until my next adjustment.
I've noticed the reason I can't floss the middle six is because the brackets are glued off to one side and therefore touch the adjoining tooth. I assume this is because the teeth are slanted and need to be uprighted. Anyway, no way I'm getting the floss in between them at the moment and it's starting to really annoy me.
Not seen much movement in the uppers recently. I get a momentary stabbing pain on my lateral incisor, the one with the wire tie but nothing horrendous. By the time I've winced it's gone again.
Wobbly teeth are no longer wobbly.
I think the spring is working on creating more space for my wayward molar and can't wait to get it wired so I can see it move.
4 weeks until my next adjustment.