I got my bottom braces on!
I have to say that it was more of an adjustment than the top ones. I felt more confined to soft foods for a longer period of time: I got them on Tuesday and I was starving by Friday... to the point that I ate five pieces of pizza for dinner that night. Until then, it was all soup and smoothies and overcooked pasta. On Tuesday evening, I tried to eat pita bread and hummus. HA! That was a joke. Another reason I'm having trouble eating isn't because of discomfort, it's because I am physically incapable of biting anything. I've mentioned it before, but if you look at the photos below, you can probably see what I mean: my upper teeth come out way in front of my lowers now, so to "bite" food, I just tear it with my teeth. (Or, you know, use a knife and fork like a lady.

Another thing you can see in the photos is my wonky lower canine (bottom left photo). It doesn't show in any of the other photos I've taken because I have to make a grimace-type face for it to be visible. Also, something else I haven't pointed out before is the fact that my lower midline is all kinds of wacky. I drew a line on that same photo so you can see it. In retrospect, you can get a better sense of how off it is if you look at the top right photo, so you can compare it to my upper midline, which is pretty spot-on center.
Gillyweed, I'm afraid I couldn't get pink ligs this time because about half of my brackets have wire ties instead of ligs. In fact, one of the lower ties came undone while I was flossing last night, so I'll have to go into the office today and get it fixed.
Smorse, I'm looking forward to hearing about how your canine comes along!
The photos below were all taken the same day. I had a LOT of trouble getting one good one, so I settled on three mediocre ones.