Thought I would keep a diary with pics of my journey.
My name is Liz, 34 years old from Leeds in the UK.
Was supposed to have braces on when I was younger but was never got round to it. Went to all the appointments but backed out at the last minute.
Here I am 20 years down the line and hating my teeth and scrutinising every photo taken of me.
My Mum sadly passed away 5 months ago and left me some money, So now I can afford to go ahead get my teeth sorted.
I had fixed upper braces put on 3 days ago. I have big gaps in my teeth and also 2 twisted back teeth on left hand side that makes me have a horrible smile. Am aching a bit at the moment and still wondering if i have done the right thing or not!

After I have had braces removed I will then have a crown fitted on the small tooth (already has a crown over an abnormally small adult tooth) and have the gum 'shaved' off a bit so it looks longer. But will worry about that in 18 months time!

Heres me on Thursday before the braces being fitted

And heres me again just after braces have been put on Nov 9th 2012