I go in today and everything seems to be going fine, the assistant puts on thicker wires on my teeth (my upper is finally rectangular - yay for movement) and I even get a bracket for my crazy crooked tooth on the bottom athough its only tied to the wire with string at the moment. The ortho comes in and says if I want my overjet fixed much more and less chance of relapse I should get two premolars out on the top. hes been hinting this for some time.
However when I was signing up to braces I specifically asked if i needed teeth out because I was having IV sedation to get my wizzies out and would have been able to do the lot in one go. My wisdom tooth appointment stressed me out so much I spent 6 weeks of my life in the run up a complete shell. I needed antianxiety medication for the whole week before, I didn't laugh or smile, I barely ate or slept. I was miserable. The stress impacted my body so bad that I actually started to get symptoms of diabetes and had to get tested for that. My blood sugar was all over the place then slowly got better again. The doctor could only put it down to stress. I still need anti-anxiety medication to go to a hygenist appointment - thats how bad I am.
So why they hell is my ortho suggesting extractions now. I'm so cross. I had a 12mm overjet surely he knew that extractions would be needed? Did he think that if he said I needed them I wouldn't get braces and he wouldn't get my money? I paid upfront so now he has my money he can suggest what he likes and if I run away he still gets paid. I'm so angry! Its also going to cost a fortune to book IV sedation. My wisdom teeth cost over $1500! I found the money because I had to but i doubt I could again...but I also don't thin i could do extractions unsedated. When I raised this with him he said 'well you could always have the surgery instead' and then dissapeared off. He is a very good ortho so I went with him even though I had inital missgivings about his personality - I figured I was paying him to sort out my teeth not be my friend.
So after I had a panic attack the assistant says I dont NEED teeth out it all depends if I'm happy with a compromise. My overjet is now 4mm, it may come in a couple more mm but may also relapse in future. Either way though my teeth won't go back to 12mm at the start and they wont suffer extra damage because of my bite. Its all cosmetic at this point. So i guess I'm asking you guys what you would do in my shoes. it may be hard for you to sympathise with the extreme fear I have but is it worth the stress? The assistant also said I would risk making my face thinner (I don't really want that since my face is thin now and if I even lose a couple of lbs I look gaunt) and I would maybe gt more wrinkles and sagging as I get older. is that worth it for a few more mms? The assistant also showed me her teeth which look perfect but were also a compromise. I wish I could only have her as my ortho and not the actual one.
So this is what my teeth looked like at the start, a couple of months ago and now. What would you do? Should I say anything to the ortho to stop him making my stress worse? Thanks for all your help!

Don't know why my brackets look pink-ish or why my teeth look so funny - they arn't that colour really! But at least i got my neon elastics finally!
PS This won't be the final result - I have another year or so at least of braces and my upper palate will widen a bit/teeth tipped to they are not tippd in anymore ect but my overjet may not improve much more