Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
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Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
Hey everyone! I have a tough decision to make and would love any opinions/advice. I have an overbite (with slight open bite) and retruded lower jaw. Neither of these are extreme, but enough so that I'm self conscious about it. When my face is relaxed, my lips do not touch. I have the option to either get two teeth on the top extracted, which would then allow my top teeth to be pushed backwards and over all look a lot better. My lips would be more closed, but the ortho couldn't promise they'd be completely closed. Also, he said he is not sure how much he'd be able to get my teeth to overlap in the very slight open bite would be fixed, just probably not to perfection. The other option, having my lower jaw surgically moved forwards would result in a perfect bite, with my teeth overlapping normally and lips closed at rest. My main concern going into this was my looks, which the teeth extraction would correct with out having to go through the risks of surgery. However, I don't know if I should get the surgery because if I'm going to get this fixed, why not make sure everything is perfect? I just don't know if its worth the risks and think I'd still be happy with the outcome of extractions but would maybe be more happy with surgical results. I've had braces before, so my teeth are pretty straight. I have pics but am not sure how to post them.
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
some pics-
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Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
I regret having extractions instead of jaw surgery, however my case may be different form yours, and I cannot see your pictures yet. The extractions may be enough. How old are you? I'm assuming your nasolabial angle is acute?
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:57 pm
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
I think you should get surgery. If you get two upper teeth extracted, your bite will be off, your upper lip will lose fullness, your nasallabial angle will become more obtuse, and your airway will remain small.
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
Thanks for the opinions. I am not sure what my nasolabial angle currently is. I am 21 yrs old. Leaning towards getting the surgery, just nervous about possible risks and nervous about how my face will look afterwards. The Dr. thinks I'll probably need to get both jaws done (at first I though it'd just be one). Does anyone know how the surgery would change my nose? ...I like the way it is now.
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
So after speaking with the orthodontist, teeth extractions are no longer an option. It would make my lip too flat, it's not fixing the underlying skeletal problem, etc. Surgery it is. NERVOUS!
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
Don't worry about the surgery. If you were self conscious about your current look, you will love the results with the surgery. Just had surgery last month for a similar overjet and receded chin. I look amazing. Do your research pick a surgeon you love and you'll be so happy you did It!
My upper jaw surgery blog
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
It sounds like I had a situation similar to yours. I chose to have two upper bicuspid extractions and have regretted it ever since. It has been 15 years since my braces have come off and a sunken narrow smile and flat lip is what I ended up with. To me it sounds like your decision to not get the extractions is wise. As I've been trying to find a solution for my own problem I came across a name online...Dr S. Kent Lauson in Colorado. He recently had a book published called Straight Talk about Crooked Teeth the New Orthodontics. You might want to check it out. Just don't rush into anything. Do your research, get other opinions so you don't make the mistake I did. Good luck!
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:07 am
Re: Surgery vs teeth extraction--overbite
I posted my deeply regretted bicuspid extraction story here: ... =9&t=44396
I am currently looking to undue the extraction, and find a local BC ortho who is qualified to expand and implant.
The negative impact on my appearance, health and comfort has been devastating.
Dr Hang in California is so far the only one I've found who specializes in non-extractive treatment and will undo retractive and extraction orthodontics. I am not able to afford traveling that far for treatment right now but honestly I may just have to do it!!
I am currently looking to undue the extraction, and find a local BC ortho who is qualified to expand and implant.
The negative impact on my appearance, health and comfort has been devastating.