Bracket Repositioning
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Bracket Repositioning
When I went in for adjustment today, my doctor told me that she would remove the brackets on my bottom teeth and reposition them at my next appointment. I read someone said that her doctor keeps repositiong her brackets on this forum but I wonder how frequently this happens. Did your doctor reposition your brackets ever? If he did, how long had you been wearing braces?
Re: Bracket Repositioning
I had my brackets repositioned for the first time at my last adjustment. I was at 17 months then.
Re: Bracket Repositioning
I also had my brackets repositioned for the first time close to 17 months in. They repositioned two on the bottom at one visit and then another at the next visit. They're working on leveling out the bottom teeth.

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- Joined: Thu May 17, 2012 4:53 am
- Location: Pacific NorthWet
Re: Bracket Repositioning
I was about six months in and had two turned just a little bit: my upper left first incisor and my lower right canine. It was to align the roots into a parallel position with the others. It hurt like the dickens, but once the roots were parallel, the final work could begin.
If you have rotated teeth, I imagine it could take several repositions to turn them right.
If you have rotated teeth, I imagine it could take several repositions to turn them right.
385 Days in Damon Braces
385 Days in Damon Braces
Re: Bracket Repositioning
About 6 months for me on my lower canines. The teeth had erupted after being undertied and the new positioning brought the bracket back into alignment with the new "taller" teeth so I had correct forces.
None of my uppers needed to be adjusted.
None of my uppers needed to be adjusted.
Re: Bracket Repositioning
Thank you guys. It seems that repositioning brackets is not something unusual and it happens more on the bottom teeth than the upper. In my case, my doctor told me that my lower teeth are not straight and that is why she wants to do it. I had already started elastics, and I wondered if she should have repostioned my brackets before elastics.
Re: Bracket Repositioning
One of my teeth needs to be rotated by about 90 degrees, so I've already had a bracket repositioned (3 months in).
It was good to know that having a bracket pulled off wasn't in the least bit painful! (I also had one bracket come off by itself in the same adjustment session when the ortho put too much pressure on it)
It was good to know that having a bracket pulled off wasn't in the least bit painful! (I also had one bracket come off by itself in the same adjustment session when the ortho put too much pressure on it)
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:51 am
Re: Bracket Repositioning
I had four brackets repositioned about half way through my treatment plan. It didn't bother me at all...and I am a big baby.
Re: Bracket Repositioning
My ortho has said for about a year that at some point down the road he'd re-position a bracket on the bottom. At my appointment the other day, he told the tech to put in the notes to ensure it's done next appt in Apr. I'm glad they're finally going to do it, because the tooth that's turned funny has really bugged me for the longest time! At least I know once they do it, all should be well unlike a certain gap that is still there after four-ish months of powerchains.

Re: Bracket Repositioning
I had 2 brackets repositioned towards the end of my treatment to bring my top front teeth to the same level. Perhaps my teeth are extra sensitive, but bracket removal was painful for me during the repositioning as well as during de-bracing.
- Posts: 441
- Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:44 pm
- Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Re: Bracket Repositioning
I had 4 clear brackets changed out yesterday and had them replaced with 4 metal brackets: ortho also thought repositioning them was necessary to assist with the closing of the gaps in the front on the lower teeth. And shockingly, 2 of the 4 gaps in the front have already closed in just 24 hours!! Getting the clear brackets off didn't hurt in the slightest and I heard that getting clear brackets off does hurt so I was nervous, but nope.