In August 2010 I had upper jaw surgery to correct an underbite. If i'm honest, my expectations of the surgery were pretty high, not helped by my surgeon who wasn't the most tactful of people... he basically ripped my appearance to shreds in my first consultation, but told me not to worry because "I would be much more classically feminine and beautiful after the operation". I was young at the time (16) and spent the 3 following years before the op obsessively musing over what my new face would be like and how much it would change things for me, feeling certain that my underbite was the cause of my BIG lack in self-confidence. Above all, I thought that my top teeth would show when I smiled. All of my family have top teeth that show when they smile, and all of the before and after videos I watched seem to show a similar trend. However, two and a half yearsbut post op and two years out of braces - my top teeth do NOT show when I "smile" - I have a gummy, gappy, extremely thin smile, and it basically looks like I have no teeth unless I force it... but if I force it, my top lip curls under and disappears and I just look even more odd. After 12 years of braces, I feel pretty disheartened that nothing has changed, if anything I am LESS confident than I was before the operation because I no longer have the potentiality of my face changing. I've been seeing a counsellor about it because its been on my mind every single day since my first consultation with the surgeon... I've just been getting increasingly down because I graduate from university in a few months and am so lacking in self-confidence I dont see how I will get a job in my field or ever have a partner, a family. But it's not really helping because to improve my confidence I have to sort of accept that i'm not ugly and I can't... I KNOW my teeth and jaw aren't 'right', its not my imagination. I saw my orthodontist for my final check up a few months ago (who thankfully has always been a lot nicer than my surgeon) and she said that she could see what I meant about my teeth, but the result I wanted/was expecting was never going to happen without rib grafts and a lot more serious work done! This is my smile

what can I do about it?
edit: my nose is also an issue - always hated it, surgeon offered me a nose job at the same time as my nhs jaw op (but couldnt afford it). it moved a bit with my jaw and has left a wrinkle of loose skin at the top as soon as my face isnt relaxed, which is horrible and just reminds me of the whole thing all the time.
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