Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

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Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#1 Post by Stef »

Am I the only one who has totally stopped snacking since they've gotten braces? I HATE getting stuff in my braces so much that I'd rather not eat. Lol

This could be good for the diet...
I'm not starving myself by any means, it's just funny how much less I enjoy eating now.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#2 Post by mmkay »

On advice I haven't snacked in years - from a dental perspective it's better to concentrate consumption of food/drinks (other than water), and there is no real need to snack IMO. You'll get used to it.

I have only 3 meals left before braces, and will endeavour to enjoy them. I am dreading the idea of flossing.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#3 Post by Faithsdaisy421 »

I just got mine on today... and thus far eating sucks!! So does flossing...

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#4 Post by bracesagain2 »

Hi - totally know what you mean. Mine was the worst in the last part of my treatment. Had to wear vertical elastics all around.
So I hardly snacked then - it was too much of a pain to take off the elastics and put them back on.

And during my braces, it took me forever just to floss and brush my teeth at night so I would do it early and not eat the rest of the night and not snack anymore after dinner.

But you do get it used to after a while, but I do agree it's inconvenient. I think I lost some weight from not snacking so much b/c of the braces.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#5 Post by Dirigible »

My molar buildups are making my life harder when it comes to eating but I'm getting better at choosing the right type of food to minimize problems. Water washing a few times after each meal tends to help in most cases. If it doesn't I just use a brush with no toothpaste on. I have all my things handy at work now, so I don't have to carry them every day. Good luck.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#6 Post by WiredOldLady »

I hate eating! Right now, only my rear molars touch, so its pretty much impossible to eat almost everything! I pretty much live on mashed potatoes. I had chili with rice last night and spent 15 minutes picking rice out of my wires and brackets. No elastics yet...but I'm sure that's coming. I just better lose some weight out of this!
Braces off on 8/26/14 after a year!

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#7 Post by BracesB4Thirty »

I've also stopped snacking as I cant imagine cleaning my teeth after snacking as well, that would mean I would spend my whole day cleaning teeth. I eat 3 square meals a day and clean after eating. It's a lot of work; brushing, flossing and mouth wash so I totally avoid snacking and it has been good for my weight as well :)

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#8 Post by djspeece »

When I first got my braces a year ago I really cut down on snacking, but now I find I time my snacking closer to bedtime so that I can get rid of the debris with my bedtime cleaning, which is fairly involved. The other evening I had 4 Reese's cups, part of a bag that did not get served at Halloween because I was not home. I got brave and eat popcorn now. Yep. And potato chips. Fritos. Living the dream, I tell ya.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#9 Post by Stef »

BracesB4Thirty wrote:I've also stopped snacking as I cant imagine cleaning my teeth after snacking as well, that would mean I would spend my whole day cleaning teeth. I eat 3 square meals a day and clean after eating. It's a lot of work; brushing, flossing and mouth wash so I totally avoid snacking and it has been good for my weight as well :)
Yup, that is me in a nutshell. Lol

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#10 Post by Matilda »

Stef wrote:Am I the only one who has totally stopped snacking since they've gotten braces?
Nope, I kinda did as well.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#11 Post by LawStudentBraceFace »

I feel the same way! One of my canines is up in a weird spot and food gets stuck between that tooth and the braked on the next. So hard to get it out of there and I'm too scared of decalcification that I don't even want to take a chance unless I can get to brushing my teeth pretty quickly.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#12 Post by kpw818 »

Oh no! I love to snack :cry:

I've had my spacers in (again) since last Monday. Bottom braces and expander on Tuesday. I am hoping the braces hurt less than the expander, and that I will be able to eat normal (ish) again. Right now I can't handle chewing anything :x

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#13 Post by FireFinder »

My bite only touches in one place right now, and that is the left canine/premolar area. It has moved substantially in the 4 weeks I have had the uppers on, and eating has been a challenge to say the least. Much more of a challenge than I recall from the last time.

I don't have a bracket bonded to either gold crown I have (upper left 6, upper right 7), and they didn't want to band those, but the gap between 5 and 7 on the upper left is a large span of wire only it is very unpleasant trying to chew on that side at all. I'm probably going to ask my ortho to band at least that one, but I'm afraid it will mean that the SureSmile scan will have to be redone.

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#14 Post by kristianpaige »

Ive noticed that even after my teeth stopped hurting I still haven't returned to my normal eating habits and not sure why? I just eat way less now, partly because of my obsession with preventing staining of my ligatures im sure

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Re: Well, eating sure isn't fun anymore...

#15 Post by kids041 »

I have noticed that I eat so much more slowly now. I think that food does not even taste the same. I have been actively trying to loose weight, and not being able to chew or eat normally has helped with that for sure!

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