A week ago i had one of my horizontally impacted wisdom teeth ripped off my mouth and since then i've been on antibiotics and ibuprofen. The extraction was horrible. It lasted about 40 minutes and the doc had to cut the tooth in 2 before removing it. After the procedure half of my lower lip was not working. Doc was like: rinse your mouth with water! i was like : ok - and spilled water everywhere. "Um...Doc, i think i'm numb". It was funny when i was trying to whistle while looking in the mirror, but quickly became a reason for mild anxiety when i faced my workmates. At night i had fever and chills. Half of my head was burning with pain and looked disgustingly swollen. I still feel pain in my jaw. Tomorrow i'm having the last one taken out. The nurses there already know me and giggle when they look at my X-rays. Ooooh how i dearly love them! Can i say that i hate those instruments that look like screwdrivers? Fudge those.
Oh, and last time i visited my ortho he changed my wire with a thicker one. That was the first time in like 7 month. To be honest i'm not happy with how my teeth look like, my arch is narrow. i feel like it's so ugly. i'd like an expander. Should i ask for one? Oh but then i remember my "before" teeth. *shudder*