Nqoute="LittleSern"]Wow, that's interesting that your teeth felt like they were moving around after the braces were off - I'm glad you said that because I wouldn't have known to expect it.
What else did the external ortho say about your teeth? Did you end up telling your ortho that an external ortho had the same comments? If you did, I bet he was offended, haha.
I had an appointment today and got my wire bumped up on top and bottom and had power chains put on both as well. My teeth had a bunch of gaps in them from expanding. It looks like I have the same issue as you with the "peg laterals". The rubber bands are pulling the canines back to fix the overbite, and the front four teeth are being chained together so the space between the canine and the laterals is getting bigger. I know my arch is going to keep expanding, too, so I'm worried about there being a space there. Did you ever end up getting that bonding done? I'm hoping that once the bite is fixed they'll be able to push everything back together and it'll look ok. I like my little laterals, they're cute!
In your final before and afters I also notice quite a difference in your overbite. Would you mind sharing a before and after of your profile while your mouth is closed? I'm curious if your lower lip and chin came forward and how much of a difference there is.[/quote]
Yeah, retainer wear is super important right afterwards. The 36 hours that it took to get my retainer allowed the teeth to move alot and they moved alot too.
The other ortho said I had a mild class 3 tendancy now (very mild underbite when jaws are apart) and also that the front right tooth is not quite upright bit he said that's being picky. Of course no dentist or ortho ever fails to mention my small laterals...I just take it as a poor attempt at making extra business for themselves. No I didn't say anything to my ortho as it was kind of tense enough nearing the end as it was. He wasn't going to budge.
Well I hope you aren't going to be in too much pain...power chains hurt enough on their own and a new wire to boot...dang...lol
It's odd actually, It just dawned on me that alot of people with the damon system seem to have that problem of small laterals (all the people I saw at the office had that same spacing) so I'm thinking that the damon archwire shape creates the need lateral work or else there are alot of people with small laterals . And no I didn't get the bonding done. I'm not a huge fan of the idea, I'd have to get new retainers as well.
Sorry I don't think I have a good side profile photo from before.