Requesting a bracket change?

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Requesting a bracket change?

#1 Post by coriocarey »

Hi everyone. I'm currently about eight months into treatment. I have ceramic braces on uppers, metal on bottom. I was under the impression that ceramic on bottom initially wasn't advisable due to durability and potential damage if upper teeth were to make contact. However, my husband got his placed a few weeks after me, asked about ceramic on bottom and was given them, no problem.

On to my question. My job often requires me to speak on camera. I'm considering asking to have my bottom front six brackets changed to ceramic due to this. A recent interview made me feel that they were visible. Even if it's more my perception, it effects confidence.

Has anyone else requested this? Of course, I realize this may be additional cost incurred but is this request out of line? I made this responsibility of my employment known at my initial consult, so it's not entirely our of left field.

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Re: Requesting a bracket change?

#2 Post by jaime »

You can ask, and the worst they'll do is say no. I haven't heard of anyone on these boards requesting a change, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
Upper and lower braces: May 21, 2014
Lefort I + BSSO + sliding genioplasty: June 11, 2015
Braces off: November 28th, 2016!!!
Braces on again, upper and lower: September 3, 2024

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Re: Requesting a bracket change?

#3 Post by NeilH »

Hi, it should be perfectly possible but depending on any overbite / overjet they may cause your upper teeth to come into contact with the lower brackets. It is my understanding that the ceramic brackets are a lot harder than metal and the risk of damaging your top teeth is higher so maybe this is why they were initially not an option for you? I'm sure your ortho can discuss the options with you.

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